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On today’s episode of Braddy Daddy gets pouty

  1. #41
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bradley u know i have to go to the optic nuerologist tomorrow so they can flash blinding lights in my eyes and do all this joseph mengela esque shit to my eyeballs and then do these drops that make me not be able to say right before they hand me a bottle of water and tell me the train station is only two blcoks to the left then one block down and then up two flights of stairs despite the fact i REALLY can't see after the dilation

    do u know dat

    My friend had to do that for her diabetes

    Do you have diabetes Bradley?

    do you BradletB?

  2. #42
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Bradley's got diabetes the fat cunt lolololol

  3. #43
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by NARCassist My friend had to do that for her diabetes

    Do you have diabetes Bradley?

    do you BradletB?


    No lol I don't have DA SUGAZ as it's called in the American south
  4. #44
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by NARCassist Bradley's got diabetes the fat cunt lolololol


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