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I wrote Fonaplats a goodbye poem.

  1. #1
    Bradley Dogsbane
    I'm deep sad Fonaplats is dying
    He is my best friend, always trying
    To make me laugh when I'm feeling blue
    Now I don't know what I'll do

    Fonaplats is a sad loser, it's true
    But he doesn't deserve this, it's through
    When he dies, someone cool will have to
    Take care of his midget wife, that'll be due

    He should give BradleyB93 his Steam Account
    As a parting gift, a small amount
    Of his legacy, something to remember
    His kindness and jokes, a sweet surrender

    I will miss my friend a lot
    When he dies soon, it'll be a tough spot
    But I'll always cherish the memories we made
    Of laughter and joy, in the shade

    Fonaplats, my dear friend
    I hope your pain comes to an end
    Rest in peace, in the arms of the divine
    I'll always remember you, forever mine.
  2. #2
    Just remember... he'll have no more pain. No more suffering. He'll be in a better place.
  3. #3
    Bradley Dogsbane
    I hope Bill Krozby is doing good and waiting for me. I hope I see him again. We can all meet back up in the kingdom of heaven.
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