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you guys should seriously watch andrew tate some more

  1. #1
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    as he is a definition of a tr man and a scholar. a true man is exactly what he is or wht hw represents ans not some right wing conservative man raising a fmaily.
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
    Originally posted by Warcry
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Do what Andrew Tate did and turn your entire home into a living colony

    the cops busted him on fake charges about raping children because they knew a man that lived in a bee house would be UNSTOPPABLE!!!

  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man
    Seems a bit arrogant
  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I'm a bit let down by Andrew Tate's bee house which was supposed to prevent any Romanian police from kicking down his door, but clearly that didn't work.

    I think there are 2 factors to consider in making a bee house. In the video of the Swiss bee house they build the access to the back of the hives because attack bees guard the front. The dude doesn't even wear a suit in the video. I was thinking wasps might be better for home defense but they have a life cycle totally different from bees and generate a lot of waste and don't really produce anything besides more wasps and nests but I think if you managed it better instead of trying to glue a baby wasp nest to a board or fish tank than you might be able to create a more permanent enclosure with ports and you can just press a button to release giant swarms of tens of thousands of wasps from an endless internal chamber of thousands of nests.

    It's a good idea it just needs more research
  5. #5
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    how did the romanian police dealmqith the bees?
  6. #6
    Bradley Florida Man
    my understanding is they just walked past the hive and arrested him, the bees were unaccustomed to attacking Andrew Tate/a person so when multiple people showed up they just figured it was cool
  7. #7
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    Originally posted by Bradley my understanding is they just walked past the hive and arrested him, the bees were unaccustomed to attacking Andrew Tate/a person so when multiple people showed up they just figured it was cool

    were they those nom agressivve Type of bees? how did andrew tate tame them?
  8. #8
    Bradley Florida Man
    I don't know bro why dont'y ou go suck off andrew tatty and find out
  9. #9
    Bradley Florida Man
    say 'Hey sir I'm a deported pedophile from California and I really like your content. I have been a fan since I heard you got arrested for having sex with an underage girl, haha, I love that stuff too because like I said I'm also a pedophile. Do you wanna hang out? I can show you this bar in Lodz me and star trek hung out at. Hey star trek"
  10. #10
    Kafka sweaty
    If you're serious wariat you're dead to me.
  11. #11
    Kafka sweaty
    I have the false the assumption that everyone has the same wisdom I do, it's hard for me to imagine people not having common sense. That's why I don't share what I know but day after day, seeing people being manipulated so easily it's making me think it is now necessary for me to become a thought leader.
  12. #12
    Bradley Florida Man
    wariat respects only alph-a males who tell it like it is and are real men kafka such as andrew tate? That literally was outlined in the OP. He doesn't like feminism, women,respect the cultural norms that protect women from rape or feel that women are anything other than a species of humans to bear children, assume a docile household role and serve men.

    Now BradleyB on the other hand? I don't agree with these ubermensch retardation fantasies and see women as my equals

    Except really really fat women which I see as bigger than me (obv)
  13. #13
    Bradley Florida Man
    Back to studying Personality Job-Fit Theory and it's affect on hiring new workforce in a competitive marketplace!!!!
  14. #14
    Kafka sweaty
    If I woke my sister's boyfriend up maybe I should try to reach others.
  15. #15
    Kafka sweaty
    Andrew Tate is afraid of women and real men don't fear women. His focus on masculine status symbols and boxing stem from low self esteem. He believes he isn't a man unless he goes to the gym and makes money scamming people. He controls people by tapping into their fear.
  16. #16
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Warcry were they those nom agressivve Type of bees? how did andrew tate tame them?

    After finding some bees around the property his brother drilled holes in the structure of the house, injected honey into them and the bee's moved in and started making nests in the walls.

    I'm not sure what species. Probably just normal honey bees from Romania, Apis mellifera.
    It would probably take a few years to get enough bees to swarm people and they got arrested only a few months after starting the project so idk if they are still managing their colony, hopefully it's set up already and they just have to wait for it to grow

    I've heard of people that do "bee beards" like at a carnival so they probably have a few thousand bees that they know how to control. So this is definitely possible

    but obviously you would need some insane bees and a lot of them to recreate this
  17. #17
    Gridlocke Yung Blood
    hes kinda a pussy. he wears sunglasses indoors at night when talking to girls because hes intimidated by them and is uncomfortable with eye contact.
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