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Brainstorming session

  1. #21
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Are you gonna answer my question? Trolls are only seen as pathetic by people who plaster their name and face all over pseudonymous Internet forums and then cry when they get made fun of. You wouldn’t last ten seconds on any real social media so instead you post here, where you can exist in an echo chamber where you and candyrein can jerk each other off for eternity. And if anyone calls you on it you scream “troll” like a jedi screams “antisemite”

    More like you couldn't last, they turned you into a twisted creep. I will always have a pure mind no matter what people online say to me.
  2. #22
    Originally posted by Kafka It is the will of the universe that I exist to fight misogyny.


    The way to fight misogyny is to prove it's not a legit thing to those who currently "feel" do quite the opposite and ENABLE misogyny

    Calling someone a misogynist pig is NEVER going to result in them saying "oh damn! you're right!!!! I suddenly love women and see them as my equals...oh happy day!!! thank you kafka!!"
  3. #23
    Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka More like you couldn't last, they turned you into a twisted creep. I will always have a pure mind no matter what people online say to me.
    Most people are sick in the head. Turning a blind eye to that is it’s own form of sickness. Delusional women disorder.
  4. #24
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Most people are sick in the head. Turning a blind eye to that is it’s own form of sickness. Delusional women disorder.

    At least you admit you're sick in the head. It is 60% of the population. Having strength of character means not becoming like them to avoid being a target.
  5. #25
    Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka At least you admit you're sick in the head. It is 60% of the population. Having strength of character means not becoming like them to avoid being a target.

    Yeah Kafka, you’re the first person that comes to my mind when I think strength of character.
  6. #26
    Kafka sweaty
    Abusers tell you to drop your ego so you're more accepting of abuse. Don't let go of your ego. The words you hear/see do affect everyone psychologically, there is no such thing as thick skin.
  7. #27
    shitty titty Cripple Nipple
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Is every single woman on this website so stupid and shallow that they think it’s impossible for someone new to show up and dislike them? I mean it makes sense, but it’s still surprising to me.

    Nobody likes us here to begin with you retard
  8. #28
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Kafka In what ways can Musk be taken down that doesn't involve his opponent having to acquire fame?

    This kind of question hinders ideas so I will make a statement that spurs them: "Musk can't be taken down."

    1. He is and always be weak to the cryptographic technology based currency community. As he cozies up more towards governments and nationalistic entities despite their adoption of this superior technology he will always be seen as a person that abandoned it and there will always be a nut out there that feels betrayed and would gladly put a bullet between his dumb eyes for taking away our NFT profile pictures

    2. Goading him into thinking Mars is the most important mission for humanity and that he personally must go along with it. This is a one way death trip and the internet is really bad there so as soon as he leaves earth you might as well consider him dead

    3. Building a rogue AI catfish that makes Elon fall in love with a series of random ASCII characters "We shall name our child #روعـًًًًًًًًًًٍـًًًًًًًًًٍٍـًًًًًًًًٍٍٍـًًًًًًًٍٍٍٍـًًًًًًٍٍٍٍٍـًًًًًٍٍٍٍٍٍـًًًًٍٍٍٍٍٍٍـًًًٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍـًًٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍـًٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍ " and then pull the rug and steal the royal crown jediels and zero him out and make him kill himself and donate all his wealth to the monero foundation

    4. Using the public plane tracker + a series of BUK missile systems placed in strategic locations around the world to take out his private jet

    5. the old cup of sarin in the face trick

    6. Building a rogue AI Evil Elon that's actually a secret malware botnet that uses the power of the computers to control an AI programmed to destroy elon by hacking him, generating deepfakes, breaking into SpaceX and Tesla and hacking brokers to short sell his stocks etc etc etc and this malware AI bot is voluntarily downloaded by people from around the world that hate Elon marking the first time in history a piece of collective technology and the will of humanity and hate is used to destroy a person
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #29
    Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    The ego only exists to balance the id, the ego is what makes human intelligence. Unfortunately, I haven’t met too many intelligent humans. Most of us are barely a step up from monkeys, simply consuming what superior beings have created.

    Where would you be if lanny never existed to make this website? You’d exist on a private Instagram page with restricted comments just like all the other vapid middle aged women online
  10. #30
    Musk is just a front for the CIA. He's controlled opposition. He isn't going anywhere, as long as the CIA exists.
  11. #31
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Is every single woman on this website so stupid and shallow that they think it’s impossible for someone new to show up and dislike them? I mean it makes sense, but it’s still surprising to me.

    They aren't wrong though
  12. #32
    Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by shitty titty Nobody likes us here to begin with you retard

    Yes, but you seem to be the only one willing to accept that someone new might actually dislike you instead of the same old “Bradley on top of fona’s shoulders wearing a trench coat” theory.

    I’ll post timestamped photos of my penis if it’ll help convince anyone I’m not an alt.
  13. #33
    Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood They aren't wrong though

    et tu, scron?
  14. #34
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Fluttershy The ego only exists to balance the id, the ego is what makes human intelligence. Unfortunately, I haven’t met too many intelligent humans. Most of us are barely a step up from monkeys, simply consuming what superior beings have created.

    Where would you be if lanny never existed to make this website? You’d exist on a private Instagram page with restricted comments just like all the other vapid middle aged women online

    Being so biased against women does suggest you are closer to a monkey...
  15. #35
    shitty titty Cripple Nipple
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Yes, but you seem to be the only one willing to accept that someone new might actually dislike you instead of the same old “Bradley on top of fona’s shoulders wearing a trench coat” theory.

    I’ll post timestamped photos of my penis if it’ll help convince anyone I’m not an alt.

    Nobody wants to see that. Be more creative.
  16. #36
    Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka Being so biased against women does suggest you are closer to a monkey…

    Again you’ve yet to answer a single question I’ve asked you, only deflecting and creating straw men to dismantle. Peak women behavior. Incapable of intellectual discussion yet bound and determined to be correct.
  17. #37
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Again you’ve yet to answer a single question I’ve asked you, only deflecting and creating straw men to dismantle. Peak women behavior. Incapable of intellectual discussion yet bound and determined to be correct.

    When an assumption forms your question it is a rhetorical one.
  18. #38
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Yes, but you seem to be the only one willing to accept that someone new might actually dislike you instead of the same old “Bradley on top of fona’s shoulders wearing a trench coat” theory.

    I’ll post timestamped photos of my penis if it’ll help convince anyone I’m not an alt.

    The mental image this conjures...
  19. #39
    Kingoftoes Houston
    Originally posted by Kafka In what ways can Musk be taken down that doesn't involve his opponent having to acquire fame?

    This kind of question hinders ideas so I will make a statement that spurs them: "Musk can't be taken down."

    You'd have to be like bill gates rich for Musk to even THINK about going down on yoo
  20. #40
    Musk is listed as a net worth of $239 billion (with Gates at $138 billion), but both have virtually unlimited funding from the international globalist cabal of governments already captured by the New Word Order. Money isn't an issue for them. No, what they're really after is your mind. And your body.
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