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Why is this cut blue?

  1. #41
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Kafka There's a lot of sick fucks here who want to see this child get hurt. This list isn't extensive:

    Donald (just doesn't care)
    Frala (just doesn't care)
    Lanny (maybe just doesn't care but who knows as he's a misogynist and hasn't banned her)

    The real adults here need to make an effort to doxx them.

    Pfft, you’re the one stoking the attention seeking fire here. Which makes sense because this post itself was attention seeking behavior.

    Maybe I should just put a blanket ban on biological women under 35 because you’ve got a 100% rate of being boring vapid attention whores so far
  2. #42
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Lanny Pfft, you’re the one stoking the attention seeking fire here. Which makes sense because this post itself was attention seeking behavior.

    Maybe I should just put a blanket ban on biological women under 35 because you’ve got a 100% rate of being boring vapid attention whores so far

    Frala posting about doing laundry is boring.
  3. #43
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Kafka Frala posting about doing laundry is boring.

    We'll defer to your expert opinion on being boring.
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