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if you were one of the people who got vax'd

  1. #1
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    do you ever think about the idea that still with all the bs that surrounded it and nobody really knowing shit that its still entirely possible that they were either intentionally or unintentionally made to kill or severely maim or give cancer maybe like 5-10 years down the road? i mean its only been a few years. or are you just content to believe or hope or whatever that they just did it for the money but everything else with it was sound and it probably was harmless?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Kafka sweaty
    I only got the first dose of moderna and felt it in my heart right after. My body turned cold and I sat down somewhere thinking I was going to die, didn't dare go to the diner in case I collapsed. I was crippled for months. It isn't as bad now but I still have chronic fatigue. I can't say if it's affected my heart because I drink a lot of Monster.
  3. #3
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    i laffed so hard
  4. #4
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    PURE BLOOD 100%
  5. #5
    Bradley Florida Man
    i didn't get it and I feel fine, I've had covid twice and i feel fine
  6. #6
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Nobody has ever been injured or harmed by a vaccine, ever.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Vaccines are totally safe, they can be made without mercury compounds and there is no link between autism and childhood vaccines

    also RFK sounds like he has turbo autism eating his brain causing him to talk like a retard
  7. #7
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Nobody has ever been injured or harmed by a vaccine, ever.

    So you're saying it's not the needles that kill people, it's the people who wield the needles.
  8. #8
    Elbow African Astronaut
    My continual rebuttal to conspiracy theories of the "intentional" variety is pretty straightforward: it'd be a terrible plan to intentionally kill off your most loyal and obedient subjects, and only spare the rebellious antigovernment types. Much better to make the vaccine effective against some other virus, and then release it to kill off the ones who're inclined to dissent, as they're the ones who will impede you in your pursuit of absolute power.
  9. #9
    Elbow African Astronaut
    As for widespread unintentional bad outcomes: Yeah. Of course they're of some concern. I don't think they're particularly likely to occur, but you never know. Incompetence is definitely far more likely than outright malice though, for the reasons laid out above.
  10. #10
    CandyRein Black Hole
    The director of nursing basically called me a murderer for not getting vaccinated but I still used a religious waver to get out of it….

    And I’ve never had Covid and was on the front line from the moment it started till now
  11. #11
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I decided I'd rather risk death than never be able to travel abroad.
  12. #12
    CandyRein Black Hole
    They had me in that conference room calling me a misinformed murderer..I was crying …hard…I’ve never felt the way they made me feel in that room ….ohh how they shunned me ! ….but I still didn’t do it..haha

    Bursted your bubble

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #13
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I flipped a coin twice which told me not to get it. The first time I went to get it they wouldn't give it to me, and I made another appointment so I'm not angry at anyone, I made my choice.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #14
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Staying indoors preserves my skin and being a cripple in my late 20s means I still want to live, I'm not burnt out.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #15
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So you're saying it's not the needles that kill people, it's the people who wield the needles.

    The people whom wield the needles that what?
  16. #16
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I'm trying to think of what I'd be doing if I didn't have fatigue and remembered I'd go on 8 mile walks. I'd probably be in Belfast a lot, at Cuckoo or the Queen's Film Theatre, at ballet class. I can't remember the last time I went to a cinema.
  17. #17
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I want to see this.
  18. #18
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
  19. #19
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I'm trying to think of what I'd be doing if I didn't have fatigue and remembered I'd go on 8 mile walks. I'd probably be in Belfast a lot, at Cuckoo or the Queen's Film Theatre, at ballet class. I can't remember the last time I went to a cinema.

    sounds like youre not missing out on too much
  20. #20
    Originally posted by Elbow As for widespread unintentional bad outcomes: Yeah. Of course they're of some concern. I don't think they're particularly likely to occur, but you never know. Incompetence is definitely far more likely than outright malice though, for the reasons laid out above.

    The depopulation plan is clearly laid out in the United Nation's AGENDA21. You should check it out, then rethink.
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