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The Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger NiNiNiNiNiGerGerGerNIGGERNINIGGER Song.
2024-08-21 at 4:37 PM UTCaka : 我在那一角落患过伤风
2024-08-21 at 4:48 PM UTCcrazy how asian women are so attractive but the males aren'tThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2024-08-21 at 4:51 PM UTC
2024-08-21 at 4:54 PM UTC
2024-08-21 at 4:55 PM UTCThis would be a good song if the lyrics were on german.
2024-08-21 at 4:58 PM UTC
2024-08-21 at 5:36 PM UTC
Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina your not supposed to fimd men attractive.
You don't have to be attracted to them to recognize they are attractive (or in this case unattractive) people, only a faggot thinks saying a man is attractive is faggotish...
A REAL man can recognize when someone is attractive without wanting to give them a blumpkin. -
2024-08-21 at 5:38 PM UTCBesides being unattractive Asian men are generally scared to death of women too and would sooner read childish manga with their other ugly asian buddies or better yet, lock themselves away isolated.
Imagine being an attractive male westerner roaming the night clubs of South Korea...mmmmmmmmmmm, all that sidewize slitty up for grabs. -
2024-08-21 at 6:02 PM UTCcchong wing
2024-08-21 at 8:51 PM UTC
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You don't have to be attracted to them to recognize they are attractive (or in this case unattractive) people, only a faggot thinks saying a man is attractive is faggotish…
A REAL man can recognize when someone is attractive without wanting to give them a blumpkin.
how can something be attractive if you dont feel attracted to it.
failing english again ? -
2024-08-21 at 8:52 PM UTC
2024-08-21 at 8:54 PM UTC
2024-08-21 at 8:54 PM UTC
2024-08-21 at 8:57 PM UTC
2024-08-22 at 7:45 PM UTC
2024-08-22 at 9:56 PM UTC