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I hurt myself today.

  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man
    I got this milk from my friend who doesn't speak good english. Mind you I don't speak good spanish. So he described it as leche and cafe de leche, me being retarded todl him thanks, there were four industrial size bags.

    So this morning I went to make a smoothie and emptied 1 bag into 4 yogurt quart containers and ptu them int he fridge. So then I poured about 2-3 cups into the blender, added all my frozen bullshit and made my smoothie.

    WOW was this sweet. Like almost too sweet but pretty good actually.

    About an hour later my body starts feeling not well, like I"m nervous, and my hands are shaking and I feel on edge like not good. I had just eaten a frozen burger that I microwave dso I assumed that was related to that, so I purged that but kept the smoothie inside me because it's good for me unlike the burger that made me sick.

    So I still feel ill, like really ill, and i drink some water, take a TUMs and try to stifle my negative feelings.

    About 5 hours later I go to make a bowl of cereal, as I pour the milk in there I Realize you know this shit smells fucking sweet. so I tak ea sip of it, it's fucking coffee creamer ... I look at the bag and it says delight and I googled it and it's coffee creamer in bulk for liek a gas station :/

    I consumed a lot, I'm estimating 3 cups of coffee creamer in that smoothie. About 710mL or 60 13mL servings of coffee creamer. I Think my body went into shock.

    Becaise remember I don't drink soda, sugary juices, use added sugar in anything, consume chocolate or candy and I only drink sugar free energy drinks.

    Bro my body fucking hurts.

    the end.

    I have 3 more bags I don't know what to do with, probably just drain them in the sink and throw them away.

    I consumed more coffee creamer this morning than I have in the last 15 years put together.
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    tldr I accidentally had 2000 calories in just coffee creamer and my body hurts because of it.
  3. #3
    Originally posted by Bradley tldr I accidentally had 2000 calories in just coffee creamer and my body hurts because of it.

    Go for a brisk 20 mile walk...problem solved.
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man
    20 mile walk lol
  5. #5
    Bradley Florida Man
    two days later i feel fine
  6. #6
    You'll regret not taking those 20 mile walks in 20yrs when you're 400lb and can barely get up off the sofa.
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