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so i just saw the

  1. #41
    This continued mentioning of "legality" as a defense for being a creepy weirdo shows exactly where your minds are.
  2. #42
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    why cant. answer any of the questions i asked u?
  3. #43
    Originally posted by Warcry why cant. answer any of the questions i asked u?

    Which ones didn't I answer? put them in a concise form and I'll consider them.

    Also why didn't you answer mine?

    re: why you feel the need to make a thread about saying "hello" to a neighbor?
  4. #44
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  5. #45
    That's a link not a question...try again.
  6. #46
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Which ones didn't I answer? put them in a concise form and I'll consider them.

    Also why didn't you answer mine?

    re: why you feel the need to make a thread about saying "hello" to a neighbor?

  7. #47
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    why would i do this for u. put questions in quotes when you can simply reread my psots wihtin the thread?
  8. #48
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    obne was directly above referncing to kafka and donald turmp or star trek. u havent even answered this.
  9. #49
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    another one u simply diverted to changing the subejkct baack at me when i tried to pinpoint a girl the same age named tiffnay taylor reacted much different than these girls or at leas tone of whom got the other one parnaoid why is it someone liek tiffany taylor and ehr entire family is it because australia vs poland/urkaine or whats the reason can hang out with a 38 yr old mana t 12 nad give him lap dances while i cant evens ay hi?
  10. #50
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    third is how did that guy inr susia fomr the mouse studio get all those ghetto girls i assume from a place simialr to lodz with a lot of drug use to do mouse studio porno with him eyt i cant find even as ingle 16 yr old hooker or a 16 yr old to fuck or go out or anything here? and im like 20 yrs younegr than he was.
  11. #51
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    lastly is my strategy wrong. i approach girls and try to get a contact like telegram. should i just straight ask them for prostitution or ivnite them over or to that spot? and if so what way can i do this smoothly?
  12. #52
    Originally posted by Warcry why would i do this for u.

    You're not dummy...I'm doing it for just asked me WHY WONT YOU ANSWER MY QUESTIONS

    Fucking lol...

    Again if you want your questions answering then put them in 1 message and in concise form and I'll answer them...if not then why ask the first place?
  13. #53
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    lol knew it.
  14. #54
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    fucking lol
  15. #55
    Originally posted by Warcry lol knew it.

    You knew what?

  16. #56
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    you wouldnt answer my questions.
  17. #57
    I've answered them all that needed answering.

    Again if you have any more feel free to ask them and in a comprehensable're asking me for answers...that's not you doing something for me kid
  18. #58
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    fucking lol.
  19. #59
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    you answered none of em.
  20. #60
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    youre the one who started insulting me just because i asked you why do you think a girl in asutralia acted so diff than the urkainain polish ones here that age?
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