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Text files

  1. #1
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    text flies

    -. (#)(#) .-
    .-\.' ;; './-.
    ; ;; ;
    ; .''. ;
    ''' '''
  3. #3
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]

    ,' _l j-l j
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    [_,^\ \_ \ L!
    mozz l_ \ `"

  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    ASCII Art Gallery

    Welcome to my ASCII art page! I'm an aspiring student of plaintext artwork, following in the footsteps of countless others. I mostly use the JavE text editor with a vanilla 7-bit ASCII character set.

    All works here are original unless otherwise noted. Best viewed using Menlo font, black text on a white background. You may share and remix this artwork for non-commercial purposes, but please keep the artist signature intact.

    Alternatively, here's my scroll file for the pure text experience: ./ascii-art.txt



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  5. #5
    compassionate jenny
  6. #6
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    text flies high definintion footage of ASCII flies

    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . . .
    . . .
    . .
  7. #7
    WellHung Black Hole
    Thank you Speedy
  8. #8
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    you're welcome
  9. #9
    Not really a text file site. PDFs can contain harmful security threats such as viruses, malware, and fully undetectable trojans.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    Bradley Florida Man
    I wish I could read
  11. #11
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Not really a text file site. PDFs can contain harmful security threats such as viruses, malware, and fully undetectable trojans.

    Just shut the fuckup you fossil.
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Just shut the fuckup you fossil.

    Fake text files alert.
  13. #13
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Fake text files alert.

    Also, Speedy's comment didn't scare you. Not one bit.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by WellHung Also, Speedy's comment didn't scare you. Not one bit.

    I honestly laugh at his posts. It's like an angry 10-year-old writes them.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #15
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    site didn't load for me
  16. #16
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Fake text files alert.

    ⬆️Thinks text is only present in notepad
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker ⬆️Thinks text is only present in notepad

    If it's not WYSIWYG, then it's not genuine text. Sorry.
  18. #18
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    1 . Safety First, Last, and Always 1
    Accidents Will Not Happen 5
    2. Keeping A Notebook 7
    A Technique Experiment 9
    Notebook Notes 9
    A Synthesis Experiment 9
    Notebook Notes 13
    3. Interpreting A Handbook 21
    CRC Handbook 22
    Entry: 1-Bromobutane 22
    Entry: Benzoic Acid 25
    Nostalgia 25
    Lange's 27
    Entry: 1-Bromobutane 28
    Entry: Benzoic Acid 30
    Merck Index 32
    Entry: 1-Bromobutane 32
    Entry: Benzoic Acid 33
    The Aldrich Catalog 35
    Entry: 1-Bromobutane 36
    Entry: Benzoic Acid 37
    Not Clear — Clear? 37
    4. Jointware 39
    Stoppers with Only One Number 40
    Another Episode of Love of Laboratory 41
    Hall of Blunders and Things Not Quite Right 44
    Round-Bottom Flasks 44
    Columns and Condensers 44
    The Adapter With Lots of Names 45
    Forgetting The Glass 47
    Inserting Adapter Upside Down
    Inserting Adapter Upside Down Sans Glass
    Greasing the Joints
    To Grease or Not To Grease
    Preparation of the Joints
    Into the Grease Pit
    Storing Stuff and Sticking Stoppers
    Corking a Vessel
    The Cork Press
    5. Other Interesting Equipment 55
    6. Clean and Dry 59
    Drying Your Glassware When You Don't Need To 60
    Drying Your Glassware When You Need To 61
    7. Drying Agents 63
    Typical Drying Agents 64
    Using a Drying Agent 65
    Following Directions and Losing Product Anyway 66
    8. On Products 67
    Solid Products 68
    Liquid Products 68
    The Sample Vial 69
    Hold It! Don't Touch that Vial 69
    9. The Melting Point Experiment 71
    Sample Preparation 73
    Loading the Melting Point Tube 73
    Closing Off Melting Point Tubes 75
    Melting Point Hints 75
    The Mel-Temp Apparatus 76
    Operation of the Mel-Temp Apparatus 77
    The Fisher- Johns Apparatus 78
    Operation of the Fisher - Johns Apparatus 79
    The Thomas— Hoover Apparatus 80
    CONTENTS xix
    Operation of the Thomas - Hoover Apparatus 82
    Using the Thiele Tube 85
    Cleaning the Tube 87
    Getting the Sample Ready 87
    Dunking the Melting Point Tube 87
    Heating the Sample 88
    10. Recrystallization 91
    Finding a Good Solvent 93
    General Guidelines for a Recrystallization 94
    Gravity Filtration 95
    The Buchner Funnel and enhancement Flask 98
    Just a Note 100
    Activated Charcoal 100
    The Water Aspirator: A Vacuum Source 101
    The Water Trap 102
    Working with a Mixed-Solvent System —
    The Good Part 103
    The Ethanol- Water System 103
    A Mixed-Solvent System — The Bad Part 105
    Salting-Out 106
    World Famous Fan-Folded Fluted enhancement Paper 107
    1 1 . Extraction and Washing 1 1 1
    Never-Ever Land 113
    Starting an Extraction 113
    Dutch Uncle Advice 115
    The Separatory Funnel 116
    The Stopper 116
    The Glass Stopcock 116
    The Teflon Stopcock 118
    The Stem 119
    Washing and Extracting Various Things 120
    How To Extract and Wash What 120
    The Road to Recovery — Back-Extraction 122
    A Sample Extraction 123
    Performing an Extraction or Washing 125
    Extraction Hints 127
    12. And Now— Boiling Stones 129
    13. Sources of Heat 131
    The Steam Bath 132
    The Bunsen Burner 133
    Burner Hints 135
    The Heating Mantle 136
    Proportional Heaters and Stepless Controllers 137
    14. Clamps and Clamping 143
    Clamping a Distillation Setup 146
    15. Distillation 151
    Distillation Notes 153
    Class 1: Simple Distillation 153
    Sources of Heat 153
    The 3-Way Adapter 153
    The Distilling Flask 154
    The Thermometer Adapter 156
    The Ubiquitous Clamp 156
    The Thermometer 156
    The Condenser 156
    The Vacuum Adapter 156
    The Receiving Flask 157
    The Ice Bath 157
    The Distillation Example 157
    The Distillation Mistake 158
    Class 2: Vacuum Distillation 159
    Pressure Measurement 159
    Manometer Hints 160
    Leaks 162
    Pressure and Temperature Corrections 163
    Vacuum Distillation Notes 167
    Class 3: Fractional Distillation 169
    How this Works 170
    Fractional Distillation Notes 172
    Azeotropes 173
    Class 4: Steam Distillation 174
    External Steam Distillation 175
    Internal Steam Distillation 176
    Steam Distillation Notes 176
    16. Reflux 179
    A Dry Reflux 181
    Addition and Reflux 183
    Funnel Fun 184
    How to Set Up 184
    17. Sublimation 189
    18. Chromatography: Some Generalities 193
    Adsorbents 194
    Separation or Development 194
    The Eluatropic Series 195
    19. Thin-Layer Chromatography: TLC 197
    Preparation of TLC Plates 198
    The Plate Spotter 200
    Spotting the Plates 200
    Developing a Plate 201
    Visualization 203
    Interpretation 204
    Multiple Spotting 207
    Preparative TLC 208
    20. Wet-Column Chromatography 209
    Preparing the Column 210
    Compounds on the Column 212
    Visualization and Collection 213
    21. Dry Column Chromatography 2 1 7
    22. Refractometry 221
    The Abbe Refractometer 223
    Using the Abbe Refractometer 224
    Refractometry Hints 226
    23. Instrumentation in the Lab 227
    24. Gas Chromatography 229
    The Mobile Phase: Gas 230
    GC Sample Preparation 230
    GC Sample Introduction 231
    Sample in the Column 233
    Sample at the Detector 234
    Electronic Interlude 236
    Sample on the Chart Recorder 237
    Parameters, Parameters 238
    Gas Flow Rate 238
    Temperature 239
    25. HP Liquid Chromatography 241
    The Mobile Phase: Liquid 242
    A Bubble Trap 244
    The Pump 245
    The Pulse Dampener 245
    HPLC Sample Preparation 247
    HPLC Sample Introduction 248
    Sample in the Column 249
    Sample at the Detector 250
    Sample on the Chart Recorder 251
    Parameters, Parameters 251
    Eluent Flow Rate 252
    Temperature 252
    Eluent Composition 252
    26. Infrared Spectroscopy 253
    Infrared Sample Preparation 258
    Liquid Samples 259
    Solid Samples 260
    The Nujol Mull 260
    Solid KBr Methods 262
    Preparing the Solid Solution 262
    Pressing a KBr Disk — The Mini-Press 262
    Pressing a KBr Disk — The Hydraulic Press 262
    Running the Spectrum 265
    The Per kin - Elmer 710BIR 267
    Using the Perkin-Elmer 710B 269
    The 100% Control: An Important Aside 269
    Calibration of the Spectrum 272
    IR Spectra: The Finishing Touches 272
    Interpreting IR's 275
    27. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 277
    Liquid Sample Preparation 278
    Solid Samples 280
    Protonless Solvents 280
    Deuterated Solvents 280
    Some NMR Interpretation 281
    The Zero Point 281
    The Chemical Shift 281
    Some Anisotropy 284
    Spin -Spin Splitting 285
    Integration 287
    28. Theory of Distillation 289
    Class 1: Simple Distillation 290
    Clausius & Clapyron 292
    Class 3: Fractional Distillation 294
    A Hint from Dalton 294
    Dalton and Raoult 295
    A Little Algebra 296
    Clausius and Clapyron Meet Dalton and Raoult 296
    Dalton Again 298
    What Does It All Mean? 299
    Reality Intrudes I: Changing Composition 303
    Reality Intrudes II: Nonequilibrium Conditions 304
    Reality Intrudes III: Azeotropes 304
    Minimum-Boiling Azeotropes 305
    Maximum-Boiling Azeotropes 306
    Azeotropes on Purpose -Azeotropic Distillation 306
    Other Deviations 307
    Class 4: Steam Distillation 307
    29. Theory of Extraction 311

    Safety First, Last and Always


    "very carefully as the reaction is highly exothermic."

    But you didn't read that line, or the next, or the next. So you are a
    danger to yourself and everyone else. Read and take notes on any
    experiment before you come to lab (see Chapter 2, "Keeping a

    14. What you don't know can hurt you. If you are not sure about any
    operation, or you have any question about handling anything, please
    ask your instructor before you go on. Get rid of the notion that asking
    questions will make you look foolish. Following this safety rule may be
    the most difficult of all. Grow up. Be responsible for yourself and your
    own education.

    15. Blue Cross or Blue Shield? Find out how you would get medical
    help, if you needed it. Sometimes during a summer session, the school
    infirmary is closed and you would have to be transported to the nearest

    These are a few of the safety guidelines for an organic chemistry
    laboratory. You may have others particular to your own situation.


    That's an attitude you might hold while working in the laboratory. You are
    NOT going to do anything, or get anything done to you, that will require
    medical attention. If you do get cut, and the cut is not serious, wash the area
    with water. If there's serious bleeding, apply direct pressure with a clean,
    preferably sterile, dressing. For a minor burn, let cold water run over the
    burned area. For chemical burns to the eyes or skin, flush the area with lots of
    water. In every case, get to a physician if at all possible.

    If you have an accident, tell your instructor immediately. Get help! This is no
    time to worry about your grade in lab. If you put grades ahead of your personal
    safety, be sure to see a psychiatrist after the internist finishes.
  19. #19
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If it's not WYSIWYG, then it's not genuine text. Sorry.

    What you see is what you get has nothing to do with text you dolt. Throwing around 30 year old IT acronyms improperly illustrates your idiocy.
  20. #20
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker What you see is what you get has nothing to do with text you dolt. Throwing around 30 year old IT acronyms improperly illustrates your idiocy.

    That didn't scare me.
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