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Assembling the entire Daoist Canon into a single PDF

  1. #1
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I thought it would be funny to copy paste entire sections of Daoist Canon in Chinese as spam but it turns out those lazy chinks never bothered to put the shit on the REAL internet, only their fake communist internet that sucks. As a result you can only find sparse ENGLISH translations of about 1% of the entire DAOIST canon which is 1440 TEXTS/BOOKS est 50 million characters long

    Using the power of AI and technology and amphetamines I will fit all of this onto a single PDF and then finally I can simply highlight 20,000 characters at a time and spam the entire DAOIST canon on the forum. I call this project "THE DAO SPAM CANNON"


    These are the best sources I can find and they are TERRIBLE literally a comcast angelfire site from 1998
    1 道可以说﹐但不是通常所说的道。名可以起﹐但不是通常所
    2 可以说他是无﹐因为他在天地创始之前。也可以说他是有﹐
    3 所以﹐从无的角度﹐可以揣摩他的奥妙。从有的角度﹐可以
    4 有与无只是说法不同﹐两者其实是一回事。既是有又是无﹐
    5 玄之又玄啊,宇宙间万般奥妙的源头!
    原文 1道可道﹐非常道。名可名﹐非常名4 。
    4通 常 译 为 ‚ 可 以 说 出 来 的 道 ﹐就 不 是 永 恆 不 变 的 道 ‛ ﹐ 强 调 道 是 不 可 言
    之 时 ﹐ 已 经 用 得 很 泛 ﹕ 有 ‚ 道 路 ‛ 之 意 ﹐ 如 《 易 经 》 ‚ 履 道 坦 坦 ﹐ 幽 人 贞
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    Who are you Baron von PDF (Heir to the PDF Fortune) ???
  3. #3
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I learned today that high density Chinese characters are about 4x more expensive for the AI to process, and I hit my limits with everything in about an hour not even translating anything. I can see why only 1% has been translated into English in hundreds of years. The amount of manpower needed to process such data even with AI is very high in terms of cost no matter which way you cut it. That's probably why nobody bothers because any attempt is an eternal time/money sink

    "There is a lot of information and the project is huge"

    "Curse to ban birth luck eleventh"

    唾運鬼法 (丈夫從婦人口中受取,婦人從男夫口中受取)
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man
    so what great mysteries have you solved or uncovered in the hours you've spend ratfacing at this project?
  5. #5
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

  6. #6
    Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    why do that when the entire hardcopy is just a few tens of renmim dorrar.
  7. #7
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina why do that when the entire hardcopy is just a few tens of renmim dorrar.

    Can't copypaste from a hardcopy. I'm lucky that I live 20 years into the internet age so the vast majority of the DAO CANON is already on the internet, in Chinese. The problem people seem to have is that everyone wants to translate it all into English first, before anything else. That will not be done for over 100 years and you can just turn on a translator to read the shit so it seems pointless to me.

    And it seems like most people try to do that, realize how much work it is before their eyes glaze over and they try to forget this exists with only the most autistic nolife basement dwelling nerd asians that live on a mountain and have 20,000 scrolls in their basement to do this kind of work. But SOMEONE actually spent the time to type all this shit into a Chinese keyboard and put it on the internet. It's just a matter of finding and assembling them all.

    Which will still probably take 50 years even with AI supercomputers. If the Chinese government started investing into AI cluster networks in the 90s analog fax machine era they might have been 50% completed by now but even they seem to have given up sometime in the early 2000s (and I don't blame them)
  8. #8
    Imagine if you put this much effort into finding a job.
  9. #9
    Bradley Florida Man
    OP loves sucking fat daongs
  10. #10
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Imagine if you put this much effort into finding a job.

    If you think this is effort then you might begin to understand why I actually turn down job offers at this point in my life for shit work. Get back to scrubbing toilets instead of shitposting on NIS all day, they don't pay you to fuck the dog!
  11. #11
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood If you think this is effort then you might begin to understand why I actually turn down job offers at this point in my life for shit work. Get back to scrubbing toilets instead of shitposting on NIS all day, they don't pay you to fuck the dog!

    Even one second of your time on the reams of bullshit you post is too much effort
  12. #12
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Even one second of your time on the reams of bullshit you post is too much effort

  13. #13
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood triggered

    Cocked and loaded.
  14. #14
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    There are entire books dedicated to just listing collections of various Taoist canon books

    The style is clear and elegant, but rather more concise than that of the preceding work. It leaves out the four disputed Books (XXVIII to XXXI); but all the others are followed by an elaborate discussion of their scope and plan.
    Fifth, The Nan-hwa Classic of Kwang-zze Explained,' published in 1621, by a Hsüan Ying or 3ung(宜穎 宜顧; the name is printed throughout the book, now in one of these ways, now in the other), called also Mâu-kung. The commentary is carefully executed and ingenious; but my copy of the book is so incorrectly printed that it can only be used with caution. Mr. Balfour appears to have made his version mainly from the same edition of the work; and some of his grossest errors pointed out by Mr. Giles arose from his accepting without question the misprints of his authority.
    Sixth, 'Independent Views of Kwang-zze (莊子獨 見);'-by Hû Wăn-ying, published in 1751. Occasionally, the writer pauses over a passage, which, he thinks, has defied all preceding students, and suggests the right explanation of it, or leaves it as inexplicable.
    It only remains for me to refer to the Repertories of 'Elegant Extracts,' called by the Chinese Kû Wăn, which abound in their literature, and where the masterpieces of composition are elucidated with more or less of critical detail and paraphrase. I have consulted nearly a dozen of these collections, and would mention my indebtedness
    " Taishang Yuanshi Tianzun said the wonderful sutra of extending one’s life "
    太上道君曰三界眾生漂流苦海无有解脫 汝豈忍受宜須精勤奉行我法普該救度
    太上道君就奉告命不敢藏情若有眾生危 | 厄疾病當誦此經稱大慈大悲大惠算人大 慈大悲救苦真人即得離書長得解脫水離 嬰經長生豆壽老命更延一切厄難皆得消
    太上道君宣 大慈二鼻人
    能救三界者 放光照世間 刀山高魏魏 罪塊解宿宽
    地獄态停住 至心念真人 非災難可言
    鑊湯 飛炎炎 疾病多苦厄 真人慈悲辛
    離書免憂 晝夜心不離
    疾病消眾厄 解脫全爾身
    邪魔不敢侵 勇猛發回向
    洞真太極北帝紫微神咒妙經 太上說六甲直符保胎護命妙經
    致害天下萬民艱辛勤苦眾生受罪國人非 法刑橋相罚賊從下生惡亂世界鬼兵入國 行其大災之夜刀及殺人人轉惡心造进刑 法相謀兄計多生道途艱辛五種大賊夜行 殺人劫掠选房進黨是賊汝等五種大鬼作
    亂世界萬民不安小人負重州聯勤苦岡土 不正貴人无道干尼萬那智态能害人令人 家產萬事不果死亡敗害長病在室官鬼庭 家体鬼競起人宅耗应百事不吉若有一人 歸向道要系吾勅令萬災可解百疫自教官
  15. #15
    Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Can't copypaste from a hardcopy.

    lol. how far behind are you.

    there are ocr thing that can take snapshots of a full page of chinese texts and output it to any format you want.

    theres even handheld scanner that do nothing but digitalize chinese texts.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
    Dude should know that with his fax obsession
  17. #17
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina lol. how far behind are you.

    there are ocr thing that can take snapshots of a full page of chinese texts and output it to any format you want.

    theres even handheld scanner that do nothing but digitalize chinese texts.
    The picture above is a screenshot from a PDF. I didn't think the majority of DAOIST text would be in PDF format I kinda expected it to be on 100000 various webpages scattered but it turns out there are many sources like entire book series that have very neat lists and ways to find what you're looking for. The sources all seem to lead ultimately to digital scans of scrolls. A lot of the leg work has been done already owing to the great wisdom of Taoism's exponential growth in understanding which I hope to contribute to.
    Progress is coming along much better than expected thanks to the help of the ancestors and technology spirits

    1 Thus the Confucian learning and its worthies were to the system of the Tâo only as the waters of the Ho to the great sea. I have translated here as if the reading were尾間, which is given by Lin Hsî-kung. The correct reading, however, so far as depends on editions and dictionaries, is 尾間; which is explained in the Khang-hsî dictionary as 'a great Rock in Fû- sang on the East,' against which the water of the sea collects, and is all evaporated !

    You know shits getting real when you start having issues with vertical ching chong text. I gotta code my own custom word editor that can interpret letters in both directions at the same time. Notepad++ has crashed several times from Chinese overload
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