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  1. #1
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    This is meant to replace my obituary as none of you are qualified to write it. It goes from top strengths to lesser strengths. 16-24 are non-existentent but I decided to include them anyway.

  2. #2
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    You need more of number 20. We all do.
  3. #3
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † You need more of number 20. We all do.

    I'd rather not replace facts with beliefs. I know I am nature so I don't have to change who I am. I want to be who I would have been if I'd never been indoctrinated. It seems tragic to spend your whole life living in ignorance. I want to take responsibility for myself, not kneel to an imaginary entity.
  4. #4
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I'd rather not replace facts with beliefs. I know I am nature so I don't have to change who I am. I want to be who I would have been if I'd never been indoctrinated. It seems tragic to spend your whole life living in ignorance. I want to take responsibility for myself, not kneel to an imaginary entity.

    Those sound like really spiritual thoughts to me. Your curiosity might pay off.
  5. #5
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Religion requires kneeling not spirituality you stupid cow.
  6. #6
    Bradley Florida Man
    If anything ever happens to you Lanny told me he wants me to write your obituary since I do such a nice job.

    But let's how that doesn't happen before we get a chance to hang out
  7. #7
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Kafka Dirtbag

    She was a dry bitch with no humor. As fun as 2 broken legs in a stair store. She existed but not much else.
  8. #8
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    What qualifications do I lack to write this obituary? Because I have actually been paid for writing work before
  9. #9
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † Those sound like really spiritual thoughts to me. Your curiosity might pay off.

    There's a difference between wisdom and spirituality.
  10. #10
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Dirtbag There's a difference between wisdom and spirituality.

    Really? What is it?
  11. #11
    Originally posted by Dirtbag This is meant to replace my obituary as none of you are qualified to write it. It goes from top strengths to lesser strengths. 16-24 are non-existentent but I decided to include them anyway.

    No one asked.
  12. #12
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Ur gonna kill urself again?
  13. #13
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    䨻 / Roar of thunders
    龘 / The appearance of a dragon walking
    䲜 / Lots of fish
    靐 / Thunder voice
    䨺 / Cloudy
    齉 / Having one’s nose stuffed up, or having unclear pronunciation due to a stuffy nose
    䡿 / Frames on the sides and front of a carriage, wheels of a carriage
    齾 / Dented; chipped; gap-toothed; toothless
    饢 / Bread
    䴒 / Wagtail
    灩 / Overflowing, billowing; wavy
    麣 / Goat
    䶫 / Fine teeth, irregular teeth
    䯂 / Numerous; very many; large group of horses traveling in a line
    䰱 / Name of a god; a legendary spirit having the face of a man and the body of a beast
    䶑 / To sneeze; a running at the nose
    籱 / Fishing bamboo cages
    鱻 / Fresh, new, delicious; rare, few
    鱺 / Eel
    麤 / Rough, coarse, big, rough
    厵 / A spring; source
    龗 / Dragon; work properly; spirit
    癵 / Poor health, restrained, crooked
    爩 / To smoke, fumigate; to bleach with burning sulfur
    鸞 / Fabulous bird
    驫 / Horses
    灪 / Rich, great wave
    䆐 / A country; a nation; a kingdom; a state
    䨊 / A flock of birds
    䂅 / To have insight or vision of a simple and honest person; silly
    龖 / Flight of a dragon
    籲 / Appeal; request; implore
    䖇 / Fragrant herb; fragrant plant; tulip
    森 / Forest
    猋 / Running dog
    毳 / Fine hair or fur on animals
    犇 / Run fast, flee; rush about; run
    惢 / Worried
    焱 / Spark
    飍 / Resembling a stampede
    晶 / Crystal; clear, bright; radiant
    灥 / Group of springs
    掱 / Pickpocket
    馫 / Fragrant, aromatic; distant fragrance
    淼 / Expanse of water
    矗 / Straight, upright, erect, lofty
    品 / Article
    鑫 / Used in names
    芔 / A general term for plants
    雥 / Complicated
    垚 / Mound, roundish mass
    孨 / Cautious; weak; orphans
    贔 / Able to support great weight
    轟 / Rumble, explosion, blast
    譶 / To talk quickly
    蟲 / Worms; insects
    舙 / To stir up trouble
    聶 / Whisper
    羴 / Flock of sheep
    畾 / Field divided by dykes
    瞐 / Beautiful eyes
    皛 / Bright
    磊 / Pile of rocks or stones
    㴇 / To wade, to experience, to involve; to implicate
    㷋 / Embers
    州 / Prefecture
    三 / Three
    巛 / River
    川 / Stream, river; flow; boil
    彡 / Hair
    鵈 墸 壥 妛 彁 挧 暃 椦 槞 蟐 袮 閠 駲 虁
  14. #14
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    You should do the test Scron since you have multitudes:
  15. #15
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    rip plurals it's all just a bunch of nonces now
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Yeah so the whole "plural gang" thing of having 100 multiples inside your head or whatever has actually grown to be pretty popular in some circles over the years

    there are like a few dozen plural groups, discords. I remember when there was only 1 (I got banned from it before covid) But a lot of these groups are filled with trannies and now it's coming out that most of them have been involved with serious grooming allegations now so I can no longer associate with these meme or joke that I am plural. It was all a bit folx!

    I had to delete a bunch of old tweets from my account about plural memes. The world of today is a crazy place
    Originally posted by Ghost #pluralgang

    no more plurals fuys
    The plurality community is made up of individuals who claim to possess multiple, distinct alters inside of their minds. These alters have names, personalities, gender identities, pronouns, and sexual interests that are distinct from their host. These traits appear whenever the alter is fronting. Those who claim to be plural often refer to themselves as clusters, systems, or collectives. Some individuals describe themselves as poly-fragmented, meaning they possess alters within alters. Those who are not plural are often referred to as singlets by the community.

    There are already a few cows that claim to be plural, including ADF, Toren, Kevin Batman, Marigold Kilgour, Crystal Hall, and Awex. If you're acquainted with Tumblr culture, you may be familiar with kintypes and headmates. Lucky for us, there is an extensive community beyond these few exceptional cases, and the delusion runs deep. Before trying to decipher their incoherent ramblings, there are a few things worth pointing out.

    (No, that tweet is not satirical. While this particular person isn't covered in the thread, you can find him here. He frequently gives public presentations on plurality acceptance.)

    Many plurals will claim to be self-diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (more commonly known as multiple personality disorder). They are probably full of shit. DID is an extremely rare condition, and it's typically found in children who have been subjected to severe, repeated abuse. Of course, many plurals will claim that they don't have a diagnosis because psychiatry is evil, and that anyone who questions self-diagnosed DID is also evil.

    The concept of "otherkin" and "headmates" will sometimes seep in to the plurality community. The key distinction with plurals is that they genuinely believe they are sharing their mind and body with their various alters, whereas those who have kintypes or headmates typically describe it as some type of special, otherworldly bond to a certain character. That being said, a lot of plurals start out as otherkin and gradually begin to believe that their kintype is actually an alter.

    You will quickly find that the plurals community is mostly made up of autistic, transgender males above the age of 18. Twitter is the primary gathering spot for plurals, who often create a separate account for each identity.
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