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In what way

  1. #1
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    do they have some fucking standard if they fuck trashy young guys or dude son meth with no teeth or braindead neantherthal bouncers and cirminals or drug dealers or some negroes form third world africa in what way is that good or better than picking someone like me in any way and make them have standards as they claim to have here in Lodz or Poland?
  2. #2
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Wouldnt you guys respect the chech and russian whores more who fuck grandpas in pron or brothels at least those rgandpas arent trashy or white trash or pathologia with no teeth right?
  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man
    i have nice teeth, my friends and I were actually just admiring them this morning.
  4. #4
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    some of these dudes here have literally missing teeth at like 20. and they hang around those dudes vs me.
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Warcry do they have some fucking standard if they fuck trashy young guys or dude son meth with no teeth or braindead neantherthal bouncers and cirminals or drug dealers or some negroes form third world africa in what way is that good or better than picking someone like me in any way and make them have standards as they claim to have here in Lodz or Poland?

    They are not fucking you, that's their standard...apparently they put you below those they are fucking.
  6. #6
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    the thing you dont get jig is i amw ay above those standards. they are trash so to them only other trah is their standard. because thats all they know is ghetto.
  7. #7
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    a black ghetto chick wont fuck you either jig. ur below their ghetto standard.
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Warcry the thing you dont get jig is i amw ay above those standards.

    What you are not getting is THEY set THEIR standards...not YOU.

    Just as no one sets YOUR standards for YOU...

    You thinking you're better than those they are fucking doesn't mean shit because you're not the decision maker.
  9. #9
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    i know for sure im betetr than whatever ghetto trash is their standard. and im sure in a diff venue liek a porn set theyd fuck granbdpas too. so they got no standards they just lie to make themsleves think they do. if the money si right i mean right jihg?
  10. #10
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry some of these dudes here have literally missing teeth at like 20. and they hang around those dudes vs me.

  11. #11
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    what a betetr standard ghetto young trashy guys or grandpas the chech chicks fuck in ur opinion?
  12. #12
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    or here is a betetr question jig who has a betetr or higher standard polishf emale sin lodz who fuck blacks or negroes or the chehc ones doing porn shoots with grandpas?
  13. #13
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry i know for sure im betetr than whatever ghetto trash is their standard. and im sure in a diff venue liek a porn set theyd fuck granbdpas too. so they got no standards they just lie to make themsleves think they do. if the money si right i mean right jihg?

    You must be uglier and more unattractive than bootleg and grandpa macaij
  14. #14
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    grandpa mireck get it right.
  15. #15
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    you think those chicks in those night clubs here in lodz have higher standards than the one son>?
  16. #16
    Originally posted by Warcry i know for sure im betetr than whatever ghetto trash is their standard.

    Again, it's not your choice/decision...what are you not understanding about that?

    I know for sure your life would be better if you cut out the porn, got a job, got your own place/car/financial stability etc etc...I know that's better for you but YOU are the one making the decisions and according to you being a pervert who lives off Mom's money and not working is the choice you've made.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Warcry or here is a betetr question jig who has a betetr or higher standard polishf emale sin lodz who fuck blacks or negroes or the chehc ones doing porn shoots with grandpas?

    Standards are subjective, they are only really measurable by the person setting the standards...3rd party opinion isn't really important.

    For example I might have a high standard when it comes to the type water I drink, I might only buy high dollar bottled water and would never dream of drinking water straight out of the faucet.

    Whereas someone else might think my standard is stupid and they happily drink out of the river.

    In the instance of these Lodz girls who wont fuck you their standard is drinking out of the river but still upstream of where you are taking a shit in said river.
  18. #18
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    my life would be a lot betetr if was never bron in poland or deported back here and instead somewhere like the chehc republic.
  19. #19
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    „ Standards are subjective, they are only really measurable by the person setting the standards...3rd party opinion isn't really important.”

    so why do they or did they on more than one occasion have to say little snub comment sback at me for simply asking if i cna go out with one of them some time or asking them out? whod does that in other or western countries? no one but ghetto trash thats who and thats what poland is.
  20. #20
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    just a feww days ago i ahd this happen and this is the second time this summer. who the fuck they comparing me to what sandard do they got? they got some negroes or no teeth losers?
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