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We Just Lived Through Two of the Hottest Days Ever. Does Anyone Care?

  1. #21
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The human body is quite the "solar panel" without solar panels.

    meaning people generate more energy more than a modern day solar panel? so then hook a person up to the power bank.

    clearly no one is utilizing the human heart to generate a power source to then run a heater or a/c or water pump (for water cooled) shirts. instead they try and figure out how to insulate for warmth.
  2. #22
    Bradley Florida Man
    I wanna generate mass and penetrate ass
  3. #23
    Nothing has really changed. These "declarations" are all just part of the climate change cult's pathetic narrative.
  4. #24
    Bradley Florida Man
    I wnet outside today and I really believe it's getting hot hot
  5. #25
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    It's 10 degrees cooler today than it was last week here.
  6. #26
    Bradley Florida Man

  7. #27
    An Eskimo is shaking his head somewhere out there right now.
  8. #28
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker It's 10 degrees cooler today than it was last week here.

    Nobody cares.
  9. #29
    Bradley Florida Man
    Don't call me a nobody!!!
  10. #30
    Originally posted by Obbe Nobody cares.

    Nobody cares nobody cares.
  11. #31
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Obbe Nobody cares.

    Just like your threads
  12. #32
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Doesn't matter.
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Obbe Doesn't matter.

    Doesn't matter it doesn't matter.
  14. #34
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Parrot parrot.
  15. #35
    Originally posted by Obbe Parrot parrot.

    You mean like repeating copy/pasted "studies" rather than thinking for yourself?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #36
    Morshoo Yung Blood
    First, nobody cares about numbers. They care about stories. They care about emotion. They care about life, death, hope, dreams. And money. A heat statistic is not a visceral thing. It is a data point.

    correct. this is why there’s been a coordinated effort in media to reframe how climate stories are reported over the last few years. they focus on more alarmist, more personal stories. it’s not just a heat wave. it’s the worst heat wave since record keeping began. it’s the most deadly. it’s a direct result of human-caused climate change, and it’ll only get worse from here! no one can actually say these things for sure, it is not possible to isolate the cause of a single climate event to a trend. but if they just say it anyway they can get people scared, get them out voting for democrats.

    this isn’t a conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy. some of the organizations which conspire to issue guidelines and standards to journalists and media so everyone stays on brand:

    -Climate Outreach UK
    -The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
    -Climate Access
    -Covering Climate Now (CCNow)
    -Solutions Journalism Network
    -George Mason Center for Climate Change Communication
    -International Environmental Communication Association
    -Climate Reality Leadership Corps

    i’ll let someone else do the legwork on how many jedis sit on the boards of these organizations
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #37
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Breaking news: Man kils man. Authorities say man was crabby and lost his temper because of excessive heat caused by climate change.
  18. #38
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny meaning people generate more energy more than a modern day solar panel?

    I don't know if "generate" is the right term but yes, much more so...modern day solar panels are still very inefficient...the human body is very efficient when it comes to use/storage and conversion of energy.
  19. #39
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You mean like repeating copy/pasted "studies" rather than thinking for yourself?

    You don't know my thoughts.
  20. #40
    Originally posted by Obbe You don't know my thoughts.

    Parroting bogus climate cult drivel is not "your thoughts".
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