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Could the USA ever witness Jet Strikes

  1. #41
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    The New Madrid had two major quakes

    Dec 1811 and and Feb 1812. most major quakes just are follwed by a month or two of smaller aftershocks usually 1 point reduction in a week from the last. like a 7.0 will create a 6.0 in a week (which is still dangerous) and then a 5 and a bunch of 4s week after week or sometimes swarms in a day.

    this fucker had a 7.0 in Dec 1811 and then a 7.6 in February 1812. just 3 months later they had a much larger quake. that's rare. a fore-shock that large which created a much larger quake. but they happen. few anglos lived in the territory-states at that time. the ground creates liquefaction which is like quicksand. people will be buried where they stand when the water table comes up and creates a fucking soup during a shaking.
    Another strange event that happened on the New Madrid was natural gas pockets exploding. just large burping fire balls coming out of the ground. the Mississippi or Missouri river (one of the two) ran backwards while changing direction it shifted and took a different path changing the original path it ran along.

    all kinds of weird shit happened. it would of killed thousands or tens of thousands of people today if it happened now. multi states of destruction and death.
  2. #42
    Originally posted by Bradley all things considered hwhen that does happen I hopeo your fatass will be okay and that you come back to our community when you're somewhat stablized again

    Hey, fatasses are people, too. You know?
  3. #43
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The Beast had seven heads. Seven nations.

    Well there's quite a few more nations that 7...
  4. #44
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny No but they level entire fucking neighborhoods and then move earth through flooding which takes out foundations.

    You've watched too much TV, I've lived through several now and the worst is when you have to throw the food in your freezer away and go without a/c for a few hours. Hardly comparable to a state (no one likes) falling into the ocean
  5. #45
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You've watched too much TV, I've lived through several now and the worst is when you have to throw the food in your freezer away and go without a/c for a few hours. Hardly comparable to a state (no one likes) falling into the ocean

    You seem to be a pacifist with his head in the clouds.
  6. #46
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You seem to be a pacifist with his head in the clouds.

    Me a pacifist?, fucking lol that's a good one.
  7. #47
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
  8. #48
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

    More nonsense please Jesus.
  9. #49
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    douay rheims is objectively the best bible translation that captures the logos of the Greek/Hebrew words directly from Jehovah
  10. #50
    The name of God (YHWH in Hebrew), appears over 6,800 times in the original manuscripts which formed the bible. Translated to English, that is JHVH, and since Hebrew uses only consonants and no vowels, one must look to other similar Hebrew names and words in order to fill in the blanks, which reveals God's name is actually Jehovah.
  11. #51
    Bradley Florida Man
    Paul "I am the Earthquake" Wozny
  12. #52
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You've watched too much TV, I've lived through several now and the worst is when you have to throw the food in your freezer away and go without a/c for a few hours. Hardly comparable to a state (no one likes) falling into the ocean

    the Hurrican that slammed Florida in the early 2000 or late 90s took out thousands and thousands of houses. I'd have to look up the name of it but it fucked florida up pretty Badley. hell the one that hit Western Florida a few years ago did a lot of damage too
  13. #53
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood douay rheims is objectively the best bible translation that captures the logos of the Greek/Hebrew words directly from Jehovah

    Imagine thinking there's a best verson of skyfairy news
  14. #54
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    The real name of GΔd can only be written in a special type of 3D ASCII Unicode that DESTROYS!!!! any computer not blessed. most computers treat the file/text/font as malicious and crash the system, because it is technology built upon evil.

    Religion Is Computing, Computing Is Religion

    Terry’s big idea was that it is not possible to separate religion from computing.

    Since the beginning, every complex society has been based on a shared socio-cognitive operating system, a religion. Your religion says you must live a certain way. It tells you what is valuable and what is disgusting. It gives you your fundamental paradigm and ontology of belief through which you interpret the world. It tells you to read certain texts, listen to certain traditions of wise men, and meet with like-minded others at certain places and times. It tells you to avoid certain influences, and seek out others. It gives you techniques for structuring thought and mind and memory. When you have doubts, it gives you procedures to ask for and receive insight. It tells you who you are, and what your life is for.

    That is, religion structures your information environment and cognition on a very practical level. But it also structures your interactions with others. It provides a system of law, shared ethics, a shared mythic vocabulary, and language. It provides your notions of friendship, your ways of doing business, and your ways of forming a family or not. It keeps you and your co-religionists operating on the same frequency, able to understand, trust, and work with each other. That is, your religion is the fundamental information fabric, the soul, of your society.

    Historically, big changes in information technology were closely related to big changes in religion. This is not surprising, as they are nearly the same thing.

    Man’s primordial religion was transmitted as sung prayer and memorized myths, locally rooted ritual practice, and sacred memory techniques. When ziggurats full of specialized expert priests came along, religion changed, because the cognitive structure of human life had changed. When writing came, the sacred written word and the compiled bible of sacred history became the new cognitive foundation, the new information system, and the new religion. With the mass adoption of the printing press, it became possible for everyone to have and read a bible. Many other books and pamphlets, and a whole system of vernacular public discourse, could compete with and replace the learned scholastic hierarchy.

    These weren’t just philosophical changes, but changes in the architecture of thought. They weren’t just secular implementation details shifting under a fixed religious worldview, but necessarily deep religious conversions. Religion and the social cognitive system are not separable.

    In the modern electronic age, our information architecture has changed again and again. From mass print to telegraph, radio, television, and internet, whatever gods we once worshiped we now worship by entirely different means. As the dust begins to settle on the electronic age, one system of information architecture is now rising above all others: the networked computer.

    You may think you’re a Christian, an atheist, a jedi, or a Buddhist, but you are wrong. You are a follower of this modern American information regime built on the networked computer. You have ritualistically sacrificed far more in the last year to it than you have to whatever dead gods you claim to worship. Where you sacrifice reveals your true religion. The architecture and features of this new socio-cognitive substrate will be the essential form of our future spiritual life.

    Terry Davis was right: the next temple, church, and bible is a computer. The computing systems of the future will be religions. The religions of the future will be computing systems. The only way to solve our social and spiritual problems is with a new computer operating system. But designing a new computer system and converting its followers is not just a matter of mundane engineering. It is a matter of culture. It is a matter of divine revelation.
  15. #55
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Fuck off DEMON WORSHIPER. Fuck Baal and Moloch.
  16. #56
    Bradley Florida Man
    I got a case of water, a flash light in a ziplock bag, a regular flashlight, garbage bags and pretty much unlimited piss. I"ll be fine.

    I can go 2-3 weeks without food easily (But I do have food reserves because I eat a lot of canned goods so whatever I ahve is generally enough to do one meal a day for a month)

    The biggest thing is convenience items, powerrbanks for the phone, radios, all that bullshit, I don't need that stuff fuys

    I can jack off and sleep for weeks, over a month and a half in solitary confinement. So when something bad happens hurricane wise, I got clean water, some canned goods, and the ability to just relax in the dark for awhile, will I sweat a little OH NO FUYS WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT MY BATTERY OPERATED FAN w/ SPRITZER h2o ATTATCHMENT

    i'll just lay in bed and drink water bottles and eat beans outt of oa can, if I need some entertainment I can wank and go back to bed.

    I know people who got 6 flashlights, 12 sets of batteries, vacuum sealed food, an axe, life preservers, water purification tablets, signal floares and it's liike bro youo're not at hte bottom fo the ocean you're in downtown miami, you're gonna be just fineeee
  17. #57
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Vote the way you always do dumbass, it'll happen. Or wake the fuck up and help take our republic back from the globalist traitors masquerading as legislators.

    I don't vote 🤷‍♂️
  18. #58
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 I don't vote 🤷‍♂️

    Then you can't complain
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #59
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Then you can't complain

    I'm gonna vote for troll face whether he's on the ballot or not.
  20. #60
    This is the last US election anyways. After that, nothing matters. It's game over. End Game.
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