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It confidence is all chicks care about

  1. #41
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry youre not very bright braldye are you? another reason why i wouldnt wanan be ya.

    no im very dumb
  2. #42
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    you dont even know the concept of art or are too dumb rbadley and aloof to distnigusih rela ert from fake shit or see even what youre lookign at. your brian is so mushed form the dope.
  3. #43
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No, 15yr olds just do that to you

    so whats ur sugegsting on actually getting 15 yr olds or those dudes that get them how do they do it?
  4. #44
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    if they dont spend money on them how do they get to fuck them?
  5. #45
    Bradley Florida Man
    Does your mom still hang your autistic masterpieces on the fridge?
  6. #46
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    again bradley if i was a chick id be much mor einteretsed ina. guy who is artistic, has a story to tell, isnt balding at the age of 27 in davids case or 30 in ur case, has a variety of interests, is eductaed, and speaks tow languages fluently, than both of you.
  7. #47
    Bradley Florida Man
    just reading this thread I can see why little girsl aren't interested in sucking your anus in your dirty apartment
  8. #48
    Originally posted by Warcry you dont even know the concept of art or are too dumb rbadley and aloof to distnigusih rela ert from fake shit or see even what youre lookign at. your brian is so mushed form the dope.

  9. #49
    Bradley Florida Man
    like bro u want these teenagers to put their mouth on your asshole but you don't even keep toilet paper in your apartment

    how retarded are you
  10. #50
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson At 40 you should already be well established, independent of mummy and reaping the benefits of your career…that would be called "thriving"…again not sitting in a shitty little apartment debating if you can afford to pay a barfly 250 zlottie to lick your asshole because it's still 3 weeks to your next allowance check…
  11. #51
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    i cant control everything bro or the way the world works. if a country cant produce anything and is obsessed with master degrees to hide their own retardation it snot my fault.
  12. #52
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    i cna name you multiple exmaples in usa such as this guy who have success wiht jsut like what i have a bachelors and you dont need a masters degree for a writing or grpahcis job in the us alike poland:
  13. #53
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    also age doesnt matetr if u have the skills or abilities or expewirence bro. people change careers all the time like anna spysz was able to do in usa btw not poland with as ingle botocmap cours ein coding in her 30s.
  14. #54
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry i cant control everything bro or the way the world works. if a country cant produce anything and is obsessed with master degrees to hide their own retardation it snot my fault.

    If u already have ea bachelors why not go for 2 more years and get your masters if its so important? You haven't done anything nemployment/education wise for at least 7 years. You could've gotten a doctorate eeasily in that time and had a great job.\

    Instead it's just video games, mephedrone, dog porn and propositioning children in your community that you focus your time and efforts on
  15. #55
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    again because i dont want to? for my career or writing or desing there is nothing that a masterds degree in some unelated field will teach me? polish people wont certianly here teadch me how to write better in english which is my main career. so why waste time just for some diploma or ceritficate or peic eof paper when i dont relaly even want to be here anyway? and in usa i wouldnt have to?
  16. #56
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    meaning anna spysz did that and it was a waste she got some mastyers here but she ended up getting a way betetr job only in the usa due to them not caring about that stuff and just from a bootcamp course and also having the beenfit of being born female or a diversity hire.
  17. #57
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    if it was that easy shed have staye din poland right?
  18. #58
    Bradley Florida Man
    i can see why you and little kids can never agree on what you guys wanna do
  19. #59
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    plus you have no idea how the polish universities work. it snot like in the usa where everything is in one facility. its all spread about town. maybe lodz is different thanw arsaw. but youll have one seciton in one part of town one in another sometimes its even a course being offered in one building in one part of town and one in another. it sno fun bro its not like the educaiton ssytem me and you know or grew up with. unless you go to a private university like sws or whatever its called. i could do it but i hate also the polish language and writing reading in it. id have to paye xtra to do it all ine nglish. i jsut hate this countyr and even this language here.
  20. #60
    Bradley Florida Man
    "I hate that these teen girls in Lodz are just soooo childish!" - Wariat

    "Well they're children." -Bradley
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