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Its weird how

  1. #21
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    I also remember this one I just talked bout Jenny how she was sort of a club chick would go to Santana row talk to diff dudes sort of a player chick so also I was skeptical wed even fuck or she wanted to like me but then again why invite me why exchang numbers why not ignore me and event ext me I think once when u can u finally come?
  2. #22
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    but damm she intimidated me a bit because ei saw her out in the wild or walking round stores with a friend also not all dressed dup in Santana row like coffee shop or some shit before we even talked and I remember the maturity like her womanhood like it felt like she's definitely like a mom category like she could be my mom or mom friend etc. like her body dgestrures etc and now this shit turns me the fuck on how I could have scored that at like 28.
  3. #23
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    a lot of times I was just intimidated by them these women 20 yr solder so I always endd up fucking chciks only like 15 yrs older I dont know why.
  4. #24
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    I was so finicky and would back down from meeting women so much t the end like the fact that chick squirted all eird like the scared me nd I didn't really try to text or call her again that one Puerto Rican 47 yr old.
  5. #25
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    there is this dance party in Santa Cruz on the beach actually probably this time of year or summer every Thursday I met this 51 yr old when I think I was 29 or maybe when we first met she was 49 me 27 as this was just when I moved to san Francisco or just before fuck maybe the age diff was larger than I think but iw aunt intimidated who knows maybe she was 51 but I was fucking 27 or some shit I dont remember exactly but anyway she also talked to me first just was standing alone me nearby said hi to me. we ended dup going to that crows nest and dancing and I wanted to come over ot her pad or some shit I actually sort of suggested it I think because she lived nearby or said so who knows why but she was blond and had a great thin body but her face you could turn as older so slight wrinkles which sort of turned dme on to her evens t the time but was also at the same time embarrassed what the bounce for others will think of us going together to crows nest but anyway we kept ic intact when I was in san fraicosc and when I moved back we met at that brewery sea bright brewery but she looked weird like super traditional t=dresse dup not sexy like a dole lady sand also wasn't really talking to me just said hi and was with some other people male and female so I ended dup dancing with this other older lady blonde also but more chubby and rough looking like she likes speed a bit looking and she was like 47 I remember I checked her on white pages ages dot com as it turned me on finding the age difference. and went ot that bar I later not long after got in that fight with Marley at. but I fucking regret now ditching her and not fuckiong the way older one the 51 yr old as she even suggested I can't bring you today when wer met because I think we both know what were gonna do and I need to pack. she had to leave the next day to some trip.
  6. #26
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    man its crazy being in Poland not even trying anymore meeting no one interesting in a yer and racing off to these past experiences or often what ifs could have beens with these way older chicks.
  7. #27
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    there was also this balck chick regina inc hcio i never fucked but she was some assitant professor or some shit and she kept playing gaems and ahrd to get. i emt ehr the first time wlaking onc ampus and she jsut kepot turning her eye also ehad at me sort of like tha tjenny renteria chick look at me. i ende dup finalyl meeting her but my msitake was i think i never brought this up how she was chekcing me out maybe it would have helped as im not sure if she remembere dim that guy she turned her head at but anyway we met at this itnernaitonal sudent club as she was not as tudent but jsut ther eonce to check it out. also at this pub this risih pub duffeys and we tlaked sat next to each other she told me ehr age she was liek 20 or 21 yrs older and had a duaghter my age and i remmeber we kept tlaking and she out of the boue said were not gonna fuck either tonight i think she said or overall i dont know she said that but she always played thes egames like i dont fucks tudents and other shit.
  8. #28
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    damm 24 or around that time i caught that first case i ahd so many chances such a good eyar for me for some reason with thes eolde rchicks in chico ca.
  9. #29
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    i do however remember complaining at the time now that i think about it i was eird to think at the time im not egtting any actione tc. as i would go out like all the time trying to find olde bitches to fuck.
  10. #30
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    i remember when i was 16 jsut turning 17 as it was summer and still a virgin and was one till 22 and this asian woman when i was still in high school but it was summer who ahd like this kid this young boy and she was weird. like she was i would guess around 38-40. anyway i was hitting hoops playing absketball and this kid was also and she kept asking him as he spoke good english quesitons about me like how old is he etc. forgot the other questions. but i kept asnwering. and anyway i remember and this was waay before i got rimmed he said this kid as iw alke dby him one day my mom wants lick ur ass or some shit liek that but who knwos maybe its just in ym mind i remmeber that and i rememebr i was emabrassed because i was playing abseketball with these two dudes form that apoartment complex in claremont and she like one day stood watched and kept looking at me and i ignored her only ebcuase they were there and nothing happened.
  11. #31
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Oh yea and this Asian lady she worked at some Thai restaurant in pomona nearby and btw apparently according o one of the Kenyans ie a splaying basketball with all sorts of dude smsorly toung dudes would go to her pad or in and out so that’s another reason I remember not trying or being turned off by her.
  12. #32
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    I think she was one weird chick maybe duxking her little son who knows.
  13. #33
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    another one i could have fucke dim quite sure and had her number:

    also 20 year solder than me is earche dher on white pages. i met her in chillis at the cpaitloa mall sat down especially enx tto her and we tlaked she evenr ubbed my leg once but i didnt do anything i had shit game or didnt have balls but she gave me number at end but nothing happened. i did text her a few times she invited me to one of her classes at the 24 hour fitness whici i did go to and have a memebrhsip but for some reaosn i ddint go.
  14. #34
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    speaking of that chillis there was htis other chick there that owuld go there whow as married but gave me ehr number after meeting her the first time but she was married and never texted back but we would meet there just randomly and tlak over beers. she was olde rbut i wouldnt say 20 yr solde rmaybe like 13-15.
  15. #35
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    its also crazy and weird how similar women are to men if u think about it. reflecting…
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