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2024-07-29 at 6:54 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 7 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 7:10 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 7:14 PM UTC
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood My father was quite a prolific beekeeper. He says it's an ancient trade passed down through my family and one day I will be stung on purpose and enjoy it
I got pelted by those fuckers riding my motorcycle pass a bunch of hives set up in a public park (which is weird for the city to do). I guess they rented out part of the park. got stung a few times (barely) through my clothes but didn't penetrate through the entire layer of my skin. but it left welts for a few days like a giant mosquito bite.
Bees are gnarly AF but make us wonderful natures candy. they're like angry frenz -
2024-07-29 at 7:15 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 7:17 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 7:23 PM UTCI'm also a vesperian
2024-07-29 at 9:05 PM UTCHow much i hate breathing
2024-07-29 at 9:37 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 9:57 PM UTCcum
2024-07-29 at 10:19 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 10:22 PM UTCYou only get one life. One life to a customer.
2024-07-29 at 10:26 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 10:37 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 10:38 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 11:03 PM UTC
2024-07-29 at 11:15 PM UTC
2024-07-30 at 1:01 AM UTCWhen we was freaking at the wetlands in the maze it was drizzling it was really romantic…and idk it just felt like a movie 💖
I felt so young and beautiful ..wild and free 😇😋 -
2024-07-30 at 1:21 AM UTC
2024-07-30 at 1:23 AM UTCI just watched on Tubi (or Plex, I forget which) Mell'ennial Hunter"
I think people who write shows are monitoring sites like ours and using it for script writing.
I'll shit on your lap as well, Mother fucker