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AI Removed Blood from "Crooks"; looks like Yearick

  1. #21
    Bradley Florida Man
  2. #22
    Originally posted by Bradley

    So he was a kraut?
  3. #23
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Why the fuck is everyone Russian, Polish, German? this AI is fucking retarded
  4. #24
    Bradley Florida Man
    It's the politically correct way to say "White American"
  5. #25
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Modern America is a World's Nation.

    It's wrong to force ethnic countries in Europe like Ireland, Germany etc etc to have Asians,African or Muslims etc. I think International Cities are OK to host but not the outlining areas.

    They need to preserve all nations of the world outside of Global established ones like the USA or Canada. just like we have Native American Reservations, Nations around the world should have the right to keep out non nationalist.
  6. #26
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    In Hawaii they have Niihau reserved.

    though some might think other islands or parts of those islands should never had their land stolen from them. it shouldn't be a punishment on all white nations

    Cunts like Mark Zuckerberg buying up a swath of land and then putting a wall up and yelling at islanders not to hop over their wall to cut through.

    that's pretty fucked up.

    he bought up a fuckload of acres and forced natives to stay off his property
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