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True Capitalist Radio

  1. #21
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Ghost is right, I staged it.

    But not because of the election.

    It was cos I'm getting old and I can't get it up like I used to, and even if I can my hips hurt too bad to fuck the hookers and the MAGA groupies like I used to. I figure it's time to clock out.

    And the way I want to do it is by traumatising everyone by having my head blown apart live on TV.

    Can you imagine how horrifying that would be for the kids to see.

    Little bastard zoomers can't even shoot straight after I even went and bought them a ladder.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #22
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I like how that was one of my first assumptions but now days later it's being treated like some deep conspiracy theory lmao the media has broken me, TRUST NOTHING, ASSUME EVERYTHING IS A PSYOPS AND WE ARE LARVAE LIVING IN A POD SIMULATION INVENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood This was clearly a sophisticated hologram to give Trump sympathy points so he can try to steal the election again. Trump did not get shot.

    It was a fake shooting done with smoke and mirrors to make you THINK he got shot. Hollywood magic, if I shoot blanks at a stunt double and squib packs exploded from them you would probably think I just killed a man too.
  3. #23
    Donald Trump Black Hole
  4. #24
    Donald Trump Black Hole
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