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Frala is a Farmer's Daughter

  1. #1
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    And Lanny's car broke down and he ended up at Frala's house asking for some help. the Father told Lanny that there is a Garage up the road a mile but it's already closed for the night. He then offered Lanny to stay in his cabin that he shares with His daughter and only one bed but it's a big Bed.

    Lanny looked over Frala's fathers shoulder and saw Frala and was like "Oh yeah, Sure. That would be great"

    But the father leaned close into Lanny's grill and whispered "Just don't get any ideas about Fucking my daughter". and Lanny smiled and said "Oh Of Course not"

    they all got read for bed. Frala's father slept in the middle and fell hard asleep.

    Lanny couldn't sleep while the full moon casted a siloette over Frala. and he saw she was looking over at him. And she smiles and said "How about a little fun, Big Boy" and slid her panty aside.

    Our Lanny responded. NO FUCKING WAY, H'ell WAKE UP AND catch us. she said "No he's a deep sleeper, I'll prove it" and she reached down the pants of her father and pulled a butt hair out and he kept snoring away.

    Lanny Mounted Frala and they finished off and she said "How about another round" and he said "I dont know" and she told Lanny this time to pull a hair from her fathers butt cheeks. and he did. this went on for 3 more ventures

    Finally on the last romp-a-round, Fralas father woke up and looked at Lanny and said..

    Look to be Honest, I really didn't care if you screwed my precious daughter but Did you have to use my butt as a scoreboard.

    and thats how they ended up together but sadly Frala's father passed away from a bad case of folliculitis' of the buttocks that got infected from Lanny's pulling.

    THE END!

  2. #2
  3. #3
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala WHAT THE FUCK

    Are you and Lanny related to the Farmer above me?
  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    wow, just wow
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