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  1. #21
    Charles Ex Machina African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny If you are a NON-WHITE and are listening to this speech in English, which is a WHITE LANGUAGE, or are reading the text version of this speech in its unadultered ENGLISH form, then you are already a practitioner of WHITE SUPREMACY. Obviously you, or your parents have decided that this WHITE LANGUAGE known as English is superior to your own native language (if any) and is a something that's indespensible and that you can't live without and therefore it is paramount for you to acquire, grasp and master it.

    And congratulations, for you have succedded in doing just that. You have mastered ENGLISH, your WHITE MASTER'S LANGUAGE.

    WHOA !!Q!!!

    vindicktive vinny vindickated again !

    now no longer a mad rambling of a drunk warm-white man, this has now become the new mantra of the proud BIPOC, corroborated by people of high intelligence and well ehjucated.
  2. #22
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Gas all non whites
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