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  1. #1
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    I'm not afraid to die because up to 12 years back it was a really good run. started off miserable as a kid with the pops being an abusive cunt but it was an adventure I wish you guys could of shared with me.

    Rode out to Walnut Creek which is like 30 miles east from here. You drive through the caldacott tunnel (Its 4 bores' 2 bores east and two bores west with 2 lanes in each bore. it cuts through a mile of a giant hill in Oakland.

    the Oakland side of the tunnel is like 55f degrees.

    the other side (Orinda) is like 75f. then it kept getting hotter to like upper 80s or even low 90s and the sun went down already. People walking around Walnut Creek in shorts and t-shirts and I'm layered up in a sweater under a coat because it's so fucking piss cold. I was fucking overheating like crazy. not to mention had some cunt too close behind me while I was riding my motorcycle at fucking 75-80mph pissing me off. I let him pass and he was 4 college age women and one B.A. me after changing lanes (Shit you not). sweet little ass. and I nearly ran into the cunt in front of me suddenly going 55 to exit the next offramp just up the way.

    Lanny knows the former Cafe Italiano now turned Silk Road. And I never see it open. it always has its light on and I never seen anyone eat in there and it didn't close down. there is all the tables and shit inside but I think it's a literal silk road front. and these are high end restaraunts because W/C is a fucking rich town like the Rodea Drive of that county.

    Bradley cut off some ambulance bleeding from his vagina
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    Damn it's like u held your breath for 8 minutes then wrote this.
  3. #3
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  4. #4
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    was that ran out of Cafe Italiano?
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