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This Sunay's Confession

  1. CandyRein Black Hole
    Wario…gtf away from me before I stick a 400 degree wand curler up your mangled asshole


  2. CandyRein Black Hole

  3. Originally posted by Warcry i want to get my ass licke dby a 16 yr old girl so bad.

  4. CandyRein Black Hole
    You need a wand curler up your disheveled anus as well …

    Imma set yours to 450
  5. CandyRein Black Hole
    I got that from the movie “sleep away camp”
    I saw it when I was a teen was a scene with a hot curling iron ……..

    It must have traumatized me to still remember that

    But not necessarily because I remember everything
  6. CandyRein Black Hole

    💯 🧚🏽‍♀️
  7. Originally posted by CandyRein

    💯 🧚🏽‍♀️

    lets see you're median
  8. CandyRein Black Hole

    July 2nd 💖

    Posted 2 days ago …💖

    I did it again ..I’ve been doing this all my’s just become stronger as I’ve gotten older 💖
  9. CandyRein Black Hole

    I’ve googled and found this 💖
  10. CandyRein Black Hole
    They hit it hard on a lot of things…I’m very adaptable…I coagulate into any environment…

    I’m getting a lot better at the self sacrifice and I’m reinforcing boundaries ..

    Karma definitely..I can’t do Jack chit without the universe spanking me

    And people can’t do me any kind of way without the universe and my God handling it ..

    Because I’m self actualized my gifts have grown stronger

    I’ve always known but now it can’t be denied

    Very I tuned to my environment I always know what’s going on around me

    I may not speak on ..but I see it

    And it’s right I’m very clairvoyant…
  11. CandyRein Black Hole

    I found this 🥰
  12. CandyRein Black Hole
    New page


    July 2nd 💖

    Posted 2 days ago …💖

    I did it again ..I’ve been doing this all my’s just become stronger as I’ve gotten older 💖
  13. CandyRein Black Hole

    This reminds me of something I said recently..imma look for it 💖
  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein *tokez*

    *looking out the window at the rain coming down hard*

    People be like ….Tara..why you always winning ..? Why are you such a winner …? Why do you win..alll the tiiime?


    And I say …because I’m happy for others ..when they win …

    See…lotta niggas will never get their time in the sunshine..because they hate to see the sunshine on another nigga…

    *turns back to look at the rain*



  15. CandyRein Black Hole
    That chit is crazzyyy🥰
  16. CandyRein Black Hole
    I am an old soul ..I feel like I’ve been here before..something tells me I’ve lived many lives over the course of time …

    Imma google something real quick
  17. CandyRein Black Hole

    “Pisces must learn”

    Boy bye ..I know why I’m here ..I’ve always known why God put me here

    That’s why he didn’t let me get Covid ..he want me at work 😣😩💖

    I literally watched everyone around me get Covid..worked in the Covid unit for months!

    Not even a sniffle..he said ..YOU child..mind need for you take care of everyone so imma make SURE don’t get sick 😭
  18. CandyRein Black Hole
    God said “GET TO WORK MY CHILD” …

    I can’t lie..I’ve often wished that I got it so I could get time off..I’s was so TIDE..the beds were all full..every room..full to capacity 😭

    But every swab has come back negative..I’ve never had it ..Glory To God

    But damn!
  19. CandyRein Black Hole

    I’m quite the puzzle ..I’m still tryna figure me out everyday ..💖
  20. CandyRein Black Hole
    I just remembered when my job had us as puzzle pieces on the board 🥰😭

    It was so cute I wonder if I still have it ..
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