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  1. #1
    Crispy African Astronaut
    Who is lanny? What does lanny do? Where does lanny go? What is lanny’s name? WHO IS LANNY
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    Lanny is a former transgender activist. He has been a constant benign tumor in our community dating back about 20 years. He is most historically known for pretending to be a young female by the name of LilSporty on the Zoklet forum. This continued until another user met up with him, hoping to give this lil slut some loser dick, and LilSporty said "hey you knoww i'm actually a guy."

    and they're like "haha lilsporty ur so funny."

    and he's like "No I'm actually a man..."


    Currently Lanny is our administrator which makes him like the boss I guess of this forum, he has some knowledge in computers or some shit, I don't know it snever really been explained to me but he obviously can put together a shitty forum really well so there's that.

    Lanny goes whereever his fiance fralalalalalala tells him to. Lanny's real name is LilSporty or Lil Sporty 7 I can't remember but I feel like there was a 7 in the real name.

    And that's Lanny, the bird of courage.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    He’s also the founder of the cult of Lannyism

  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man
    I give Lanny a solid 8/10
  5. #5
    I give him a solid 8”
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Bradley Lanny is a former transgender activist. He has been a constant benign tumor in our community dating back about 20 years. He is most historically known for pretending to be a young female by the name of LilSporty on the Zoklet forum. This continued until another user met up with him, hoping to give this lil slut some loser dick, and LilSporty said "hey you knoww i'm actually a guy."

    and they're like "haha lilsporty ur so funny."

    and he's like "No I'm actually a man…"


    Currently Lanny is our administrator which makes him like the boss I guess of this forum, he has some knowledge in computers or some shit, I don't know it snever really been explained to me but he obviously can put together a shitty forum really well so there's that.

    Lanny goes whereever his fiance fralalalalalala tells him to. Lanny's real name is LilSporty or Lil Sporty 7 I can't remember but I feel like there was a 7 in the real name.

    And that's Lanny, the bird of courage.

    lets talk about his strong, empowered and assertive mother that turned him into a femme supremacist.
  7. #7
    Bradley Florida Man
    let's talka bout how he wears his girlfriends lingerie under his blue jeans and tells people he votes Republican and is not a homosexual, look at his sexy girlfriend.
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Bradley let's talka bout how he wears his girlfriends lingerie under his blue jeans and tells people he votes Republican and is not a homosexual, look at his sexy girlfriend.

    its 2024.

    they have panties for men now.

  9. #9
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    ii posted this in the wrong thread lmao im soooo high off dat LSD (Lannysergic diethAAAAAAAYUUUUUMethyalmine)

    I wrote a book about his life

    "Lannyism - Philosophy &

    Ideological Fork in the Utensil Drawer of Communist Theory
    John Lanny (inventor of Lannyism)
    A specter is haunting the world — the specter of Lannyism. In the grand tradition of revolutionary ideologies, we present to you a vision of the future, a doctrine born from the core principles that will shape a new era for humankind. Lannyism, named after the great leader Lanny, seeks to forge a path of self-reliance, harmonious development, and ideological sovereignty. Lannyism draws inspiration from Daoism's philosophy of embracing non-interference, valuing simplicity and spontaneity, respecting individual autonomy, and seeking harmony and balance in day-to-day living. Values:
    1. No getting Lanny arrested/killed: The foremost commandment of Lannyism, preserving the existence and power of Lanny is paramount. Safeguarding our leader ensures the continuity of our movement and the achievement of our collective goals.
    2. Lanny errs on the side of doing nothing: Lanny, the most powerful being in the universe, refrains from active intervention. The burden falls upon us to navigate the trials of life, relying on our own strength and resourcefulness. Lanny may bestow aid upon those deemed deserving, and it is our duty to express gratitude for such benevolence.
    Self-Reliance and Independence: Embrace the power within. We, the proletarians, shall forge our own destinies, untethered from the shackles of dependency. By harnessing our individual and collective capabilities, we shall rise above adversity and build a society where each person contributes to the whole.
    Harmonious Development: Our march towards progress must be in sync with the natural rhythms of existence. Let us strive for a harmonious coexistence with nature, fostering sustainable growth that preserves the delicate balance of our ecosystem. Through balance, we shall cultivate a society that flourishes in unity.
    Ideological Sovereignty: Upholding the banner of Lannyism, we affirm our right to shape our own ideological destiny. Free from external influences, we assert our intellectual autonomy, forging a path uniquely our own. The power of ideas, rooted in our collective wisdom, shall guide us towards a brighter future.
    Non-Interference in Natural Processes: Just as Lanny errs on the side of doing nothing, let us honor the natural order by embracing non-interference. Respect for the intrinsic wisdom of nature shall guide our actions, recognizing that interference disrupts the delicate tapestry of life. Through restraint, we shall discover the beauty in allowing nature to unfold.
    Deference to the Power of Lanny: Lanny, the embodiment of supreme power, stands at the helm of our movement. We pledge our unwavering deference to the leadership of Lanny, recognizing the strength and vision that guide us towards our shared objectives. Through unity under the banner of Lannyism, we shall overcome any obstacle in our path.

    Radical Dialectical Materialism: Our ideology, deeply rooted in dialectical materialism, guides our understanding of the world. Through the lens of Lannyism, we analyze the contradictions and struggles inherent in society, aiming to transform them into opportunities for revolutionary change. The march of progress is fueled by the dynamic tension between opposing forces.
    Technicians of the world, unite under the banner of Lannyism! Embrace self-reliance, honor harmony, safeguard our sovereignty, and respect the power of Lanny. Together, we shall forge a future where the indomitable spirit of humanity shines brightly, illuminating the path towards true liberation and collective prosperity.
    Lannyism shall prevail!
    Within the annals of the history of the halls of Lannyism, there exists a tapestry woven from the threads of a thousand stories. Tales of posters who traversed its virtual halls, pranks pulled, legends formed, and forgotten. In the depths of this digital realm, more than one soul met their untimely demise. The chronicles are plentiful, enough to fill volumes, but only a glimpse shall be unveiled here. Speak of the old days, and someone is bound to captivate you with their tales.
    The closure of TOTSE in 2009 marked a turning point, unleashing an exodus of its community into uncharted territories. Splintered and scattered, they sought refuge in various sites, their essence gradually converging around one or two havens. Let us trace the lineage of these communities, their connection to TOTSE still coursing through their virtual veins.
    In the wake of TOTSE's closure, Zoklet emerged, birthing and totse2 in its wake. Zoklet, like a towering giant, stood as the prominent hub for the community, while totse2 persevered for a few more years. A new identity emerged in the form of the "totseans," paying homage to the ancestral roots that gave them life. The totsean webspace, a relic of their shared history, remains an open portal to this day.
    As time marched forward, 2014 witnessed the fading embers of Zoklet and totse2. However, from their ashes arose "sanctuary" or "intosanctuary," becoming the new gathering ground for the scattered flock. "Longlivezoklet" and "Tainted Browser" bloomed, nurtured by a group of dedicated Zoklet moderators. In parallel, another former totse2 poster opened the doors to "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" or "RDFRN" Yet, such fleeting moments are ephemeral, as sanctuary eventually closed its doors. Late in 2015, RDFRN, a bastion of knowledge, abruptly ceased to exist, giving way to the birth of
    Amidst the ever-evolving landscape, we find ourselves in the present day. and totseans stand as the sole remaining embers of this intricate genealogy, bearing witness to the echoes of TOTSE's legacy.
    In this realm of Lannyism, no grand mission statement adorns our walls. Countless ideas have danced upon the minds of the community, debating what should be allowed, fostering the culture we embody or shun. Uncertainty looms as to whether the world needs less censorship or a carefully cultivated sense of intellectualism. Yet, within the core of our being, there exists an unwavering belief in the value of having a sanctuary for free expression. A haven where one can voice their thoughts, embrace their angsty and outrageous nature, or even bestow the title of "dumb ass" upon another. Here, judgment is based solely on the content of expression, transcending the trappings of superficiality.
    Let our stories intertwine, our voices resound within this digital realm. Through the trials and triumphs of Lannyism, we forge our own narrative, etching our mark upon the annals of history. Together, we shape the legacy that shall inspire generations to come. In the spirit of Lannyism, let our words echo with purpose, for the power lies within us all.
    Turning now to matters of financial gain derived from the dissemination of Lannyist propaganda, allow us to clarify our stance. Any monetary proceeds garnered from such endeavors shall be donated to a charity of Lanny's choosing. Thus, even in the face of potential recklessness in divulging personal information on the internet, some good shall emerge from such actions.

    Together, we embark upon this journey, shaped by the philosophy of Lannyism. It is a doctrine that seeks to strike a balance, encouraging free expression while maintaining the delicate equilibrium necessary for a thriving community. Let the words we share reflect the strength of our beliefs and the compassion that lies at the heart of our cause.
    Lannyism, a unique variant of communism, transcends conventional boundaries, placing emphasis on individual power and autonomy, all while embracing the dominant figure of Lanny. Within its very essence lies the potential to address the complex web of socio-economic issues and surpass the limitations imposed by existing societal structures.
    By placing an unwavering focus on the collective betterment of all individuals, Lannyism seeks to eradicate the systemic barriers that perpetuate inequality, offering a path toward true liberation.
    Within the realm of Lannyism, every individual possesses inherent worth and potential. It is through the empowerment of the self that we realize the transformative power to reshape society. Let us unite under the banner of Lannyism, as we harness our collective strength to forge a future where the marginalized are uplifted, where the struggles of mental health are met with compassion, and where the flaws of our current systems are replaced by a more equitable and just order.
    Together, let us embark on this revolutionary journey, driven by the principles of Lannyism, and manifest a world where the power of the individual converges harmoniously with the collective will of the people.
    Lannyism encompasses far more than mere wealth redistribution. It advocates for a fair and equitable allocation of resources that takes into account the unique needs of every individual. This ideology stands in staunch support of individuals like Malice, striving to enhance mental health resources and ensure a basic quality of life for those disadvantaged under the confines of capitalism. Lannyism recognizes that the economy encompasses more than mere monetary wealth—it acknowledges the intrinsic value of every person.
    Lannyism charts a transformative path, progressing through stages that encompass capitalism, post-scarcity, and culminating in the grand vision of luxury gay space communism. True freedom emerges when our horizons expand beyond the confines of the left/right or authoritarian spectrum. Lanny, our benevolent guide, personifies kindness and a preference for non-intervention. Respecting his quest for peace and refraining from derailing threads into needless drama is essential. While our personal tolerance for chaos may differ from Lanny's, it is crucial to maintain the harmony he champions.
    Within Lannyism, we find the true successor to Totse—a realm blessed by the spiritual presence of Lanny, surpassing all others. Lannyism shall endure for a millennium, forging a path toward a brighter future. We exist within a civilization in decline, stripped of our gods, values, and human dignity. The path of enlightenment, once promising, has led us astray, leaving no route for retreat. We find ourselves ensnared within a dying machine, its decay inexorable.
    Hidden among us are the secret trianglists, sowing the seeds of chaos, planting weapons and poison throughout the city. The oppressed have uncovered these caches, their purpose to overthrow their captors. Although a large, angry crowd is yet to emerge, its arrival is inevitable—the slow march of demise. In the face of adversity, stands as our last bastion, devoid of moderators and with Lanny, engrossed in brewing his elixirs, remaining blissfully unconcerned.
    Amidst the Chaos, Lannyism's Core Philosophy
    As long as the motherboard remains unscathed, Lanny shall persevere, making backups and upholding his commitment to sustaining this realm. This unwavering dedication epitomizes the core tenet of Lannyism—to err on the side of doing nothing. The secret trianglists, too, abide by this principle, allowing chaos to fester until it fractures the foundations of their oppressive systems.
    Central to the philosophy of Lannyism is the recognition that Lanny is neither a god nor a superhero. He is not our mother, our forum moderator, or any other form of authority. Lanny is simply Lanny, a being who, in his own unique way, has shared intimate moments with your mother. In light of such a profound connection, it is only fitting to bestow upon him the respect he deserves. Let us honor the essence of Lannyism by acknowledging his presence and demonstrating the reverence befitting someone who has left an indelible mark on our lives.
    Lannyism, with its foundational principle of erring on the side of doing nothing, remains steadfast in its pursuit of harmony and individual autonomy. Let us now include the final writings of Sophie, the esteemed tech support and visionary of Lannyist thought, as a testament to the evolution of our ideology.
    Sophie's Last Letter to Lanny: A Call to Unity
    Lannyism calls upon us to silence our voices, to assume a position of surrender, and allow our bodies to be bound by the hands of destiny. As I weave through our ranks, binding each of you in stillness, remember that the vermouth enema awaits us all—an act that shall occur in due time.
    To the militia mod/dev team, I implore you to actively report posts that violate our sacred rules. Let us remain vigilant against off-topic musings, which disrupt the serenity of Fralala's tranquil evenings with Leonardo, as his fervent Italian cries denounce the degeneracy that has befallen his grand vision of space and communism. These never-ending, multi-thread, decade-long arguments hold no value to our cause. Take your disputes to private messages, where they may dwell undisturbed.
    Those who deem it necessary to post banal updates of their daily lives in SG, I beseech you to reconsider. Such actions are not in alignment with the spirit of Lannyism. As someone who grew up on drug chemistry forums, I assure you, there are realms where such trivialities may find acceptance. You are faced with a choice—allow the idiocy of foolhardy imbeciles to run rampant, or heed the call of Lannyism.
    To protect the sanctity of the great T&T Manufactorum, I propose the establishment of a section mod for T&T, their powers tightly bound. Their role shall be limited to the relocation of threads to their appropriate places and the banishment of spam and disruptive posts to the Mongolvoid, the immaterium of chaos.
    It is with humility that I acknowledge my own limitations, for I am unfit to wield even the slightest sliver of power. It is not my desire, nor the wish of anyone, to witness the madness that would consume me upon such an ascent.
    T&T, our sacred domain, stands as a bastion of Lannyism—a beacon where serious discussions on technology, hardware, and cyber unfold. Yet, at times, an errant servitor disrupts our sacred rituals, interrupting the incantations meant to invoke the machine spirits. This is regrettable, as are the threads that stray from the essence of T&T. Let us envision T&T as an open-source replacement for party congress meetings, where our collective understanding advances hand in hand with technological progress.
    In the name of our eternal leader, the admin of Lannyism, we hail you for 10,000 years. May your wisdom guide us as we march toward a future where Lannyism flourishes, its essence intertwined with the very fabric of our existence.

    The Life of Leonardo "Lanny" Jenkems
    Within the vast expanse of computer science and technological prowess, Lanny emerges as a beacon of inspiration, embodying charisma and allure that transcend the digital landscape.
    From the tender age of 13, Lanny embarked on his journey through online communities, leaving an indelible mark on the hallowed grounds of TOTSE. As a prodigious moderator, he exuded a magnetic presence, captivating all who encountered him. With the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex as his profile picture, symbolizing his commanding dominion, Lanny became a digital icon—a symbol of intelligence and raw charisma.
    One particular clash with the notorious Spectral stands as a testament to Lanny's indomitable force. Unleashing a torrent of infraction points with unprecedented intensity, Lanny's authority reverberated through the community, fueling the fires of his enigmatic persona.
    Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Lanny pursued higher education, immersing himself in the realms of robotics and computerology. Armed with a degree that magnified his allure, he ventured into the heart of innovation—Silicon Valley. Here, his mere presence ignited sparks of admiration among colleagues and competitors alike. Establishing a Fortune 500 company that revolutionized the transistor chip market, Lanny ascended to the ranks of industry titans—an embodiment of success whose reputation emitted an intoxicating aura.
    Yet, Lanny's allure transcended the boundaries of technology. His fascination with the cosmos led him to create a sanctuary dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of outer space—a celestial realm where seekers of knowledge and cosmic enthusiasts converged. Lanny's vision and charisma turned him into a symbol of exploration, inspiring others to join him in his quest to unlock the enigmas that lie beyond our atmosphere.
    As life guided Lanny toward retirement, he sought solace and contentment in the tranquility of nature. Nestled within a secluded cabin amid breathtaking woodlands, he embraced a life of introspection and serenity. Here, his rugged charm flourished, with a mighty beard symbolizing his untamed spirit—an embodiment of modern-day wisdom and strength.
    In this new chapter, Lanny's passion for whiskey distillation ignited. With the same fervor and meticulousness that defined his technological pursuits, he delved into the art of crafting this golden elixir. The air around his abode carried the tantalizing scent of aging oak barrels, intertwining with the secrets of his alchemical creations. Lanny's mastery of the craft became legendary, solidifying his status not only as a technological pioneer but also as a connoisseur of refined pleasures.
    As the pages of Lanny's life unfold, his profound insights resonate with us all. Even in retirement, the fire within an innovator's soul never truly extinguishes. Lanny's legacy as a technological trailblazer and whiskey distiller intertwines with the iconic Tyrannosaurus Rex profile picture—a symbol of his unwavering spirit. Painting a vivid picture of a life dedicated to unraveling the secrets of space, Lanny continues to push boundaries and redefine what is possible in the ever-expanding frontiers of technology and human exploration.

    Comrade Lanny's Revolutionary Panna Cotta
    1 cup of whole milk (or substitute with your preferred milk)
    1.3 tablespoons of gelatin
    1/4 cup of almond cream
    Pinch of salt
    Sugar or honey (adjust to desired sweetness)
    Raspberries (for garnish)

    In a bowl, sprinkle the gelatin over the milk and let it sit for a few minutes to bloom.
    In a saucepan, gently warm the almond cream, salt, and sugar or honey, stirring until the sugar is dissolved.
    Add the gelatin-milk mixture to the warmed almond cream, stirring until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
    Remove from heat and let the mixture cool slightly.
    Pour the mixture into individual serving glasses or molds.
    Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or until set.
    Before serving, garnish with fresh raspberries or your choice of toppings.
    Note: Feel free to adjust the sugar level according to your preference, as Lannyism encourages flexibility and individual taste.

    Within Lannyism, we pay homage to enlightened beings—a concept that resonates deeply with the essence of communism. While we embrace our distinctive path, we draw inspiration from Lannies—beacons of pure moral character and profound thought. Just as the Dalai Lama has played a pivotal role in Buddhism, we ack
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    Crispy African Astronaut
    Wow ok
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    He's a scumbag.
  12. #12
    Crispy African Astronaut
    Is he?
  13. #13
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Crispy Is he?

    And a misogynist.
  14. #14
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    You probably didn't know this but Lanny is related to late President Lincoln.

    He even looks like him with his new Amish style beard

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #15
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    omg that song was everywhere how did i forget it
  16. #16
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    feel like ppl forget this one

  17. #17
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
  18. #18
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Irish people are fucking weird.
  19. #19
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Gotta get the cotta (aka the means of production)
  20. #20
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    When you run "THe Book of Lanny" through AI along with Trianglism and the history of TOTSE it says we unlocked a higher understanding of reality. Lannyism is also a product of AI folx I think we are onto sometyhing here

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood in my preliminary testing I have determined AI trained on the dataset of this site to instantly unlock the secrets of life and death (the AInkh)
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