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I heard the most fucked up thing today.

  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man
    So this guy I just met got out of rehab yesterday. Bro this story is soooo fucked up it's unreal.

    So his brother and him live together at a house they inherited. They're like 50+ years old. No other close friends. The one I just met is a crackhead, or recovering crackhead I guess, so his brother was in a major car accident. I guess like paralyzed bad and was gonna be released, he was going to take care of him. That was the plan.

    So he's like fuck man my brother is getting out of the hospital and decides to go smoke a bunch of crack cuz he can't really do that near his brother or didn't want to or something, so he's all drunk and high and gets arrested and sent to jail for 30 days. He gets out after 30 days and goes into a rehab program for 30 days and now he lives with us for 30 days. Well he went over to his house to get his stuff and yell at his brother who is mad at him and not answering the phone.

    BRUH this guy came back crying and like mentally wrecked. And I asked him what's wrong and he told me that the morning after he was arrested the hospital staff and his brother came to the house, they put his brother up in bed, got everything nice for him and he assured them his brother would be back later. Bro no one checked up on this guy and he coudln't walk, he starved/dehydrated to death in bed unable to get up and get water or get help and no one checked up on him.

    Had the guy just waited and waited for his brother who was in jail for crack possession and now he got out and the body had been sitting in bed for 2 month and the hospital people no one ever came to do follow up or anything.

    So he goes over there and his brother is just laying there in bed rotting and he's been crying since and I think he's gonna go get drunk and smoke crack probably he's been saying "I should've been there.", "Why did I go and get high instead of being there?" etc and I dunno what to say but I wanted to share that because that's really fucked up.
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    He lasted 2 days.
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