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Is it a coincidence that the US came out best in World War 2?

  1. #1
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Russia lost 15,000,000 people. The US only lost 400,000 and went from the depression to 60% of the worlds economic output coming from the US.

    I think it's weird that the US had this ISIS type of relationship with the Nazis where during the war, yeah we're supposed to be against you but everything you do benefits the US. Back then as today usually against Russia lol. Then after the war Hitler may have lived out his days in South America. Nazi scientists and war criminals were recruited and helped the OSS/CIA fight communism. There was something with Bush's uncle financing Hitler or something.

    You think Hitler may have been part of some secret bath house society with Bush's uncle and Western elites? What is it with their vendetta against Russia? It's like a tradition. It seems like on both sides after all these years it's the same powers leading everybody.
  2. #2
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    I think it was much simpler - the US had an ocean between them and the war, so they just kept pumping money into both sides until it became obvious who was going to win, then entered the war to 'claim victory'.

    then came out with minimal losses and the only industrial base that hadn't been obliterated.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    No one likes hearing this when they analyze history and look for conspiracy or unseen threads of truths but it's what I firmly believe.

    We got really lucky bro. SImple as that. The same way 2,000 people buy scratch offs, some of which are bought in bulk, and rarely win shit and then one bummy guy gets 3 beers and has a 10$ bill and says "Fuck it put a powerball on there too and make it 10$ even" and that guy ends up winning 340 million that night.

    it's no preordained system, we simply weren't being attacked and had the raw labor and the excess of available manpower not being drawn into a war so we devoted it heavily to producing weapons and armaments, then when we finally did step in it's like if a brawl was going on for 20 minutes and then you pull up out of your car all fresh and ready and just start whomping motherfuckers that were already a bit tired.

    Luck, some say Providence or god, but in my opinion it was largely happenstance and luck.
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