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Did Napoleon ..

  1. #1
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Smell bad?

    like most French people.

  2. #2
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    another unengaging garbage thread by our local boomer Paul Wozny
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    lol v
  4. #4
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enigma another unengaging garbage thread by our local boomer Paul Wozny

    simple: Dont Reply. Don't do your typical Kr0zD0g stalkering of me from post to post. Just ignore me like I ignore your faggot Private Messaging you keep doing. they go right into the garbage bin without read. I do it every time.

    Keep it up and you'll get a 30 day timeout
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    Why can't you be proud of me and everything I"m tryin got do? Cuz I said u need to step your post game up? WOW take some constructive criticism without whining u big whiner.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    and ya I do PM u and I hope u read them! I don't write long ones because I don't know if you read them but whenever I'm thinking about my boy Big Paullie I send him a private message, is that bad to do?
  7. #7
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enigma Why can't you be proud of me and everything I"m tryin got do? Cuz I said u need to step your post game up? WOW take some constructive criticism without whining u big whiner.

    clearly you can't follow constructive criticism as well since you keep complaining, following instead of ignoring.
  8. #8
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    I don't want to ignore u, I like interacting with u. U used to make really good threads about Harper Lee, being gangstalked, the Military Industrial Complex, and Jeff Hunter doing 9/11 now it's all cat pics and asking people if they're from Wyoming and shit
  9. #9
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    You used to be way cooler, Bill Krozby would be so disappointed in how you turned out.
  10. #10
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    You were my role model, a man I wanted to be like, at one point. LIke someone I looked up to and used as a target for my own character development as a man.

    Now, I feel like I need to ask you if you're okay.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    My favorite Paul Wozny generation was when you started with the Jeff hunter did 9/11, the 9/11 terrorists used Totse, BradleyB was a 9/11 hijacker, that was my favorite.

    Also when you uncovered in person about the way back time machine covering it up. That was also a highlight in my reading your posts. Now, you're all fucked up on seroquel or other anti shizophrenia meds and your posts are lame as fuck

    Bring back the unmedicated (Except for Adderall and Xanax) Wozny!!!
  12. #12
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny simple: Dont Reply. Don't do your typical Kr0zD0g stalkering of me from post to post. Just ignore me like I ignore your faggot Private Messaging you keep doing. they go right into the garbage bin without read. I do it every time.

    Keep it up and you'll get a 30 day timeout

  13. #13
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Enigma My favorite Paul Wozny generation was when you started with the Jeff hunter did 9/11, the 9/11 terrorists used Totse, BradleyB was a 9/11 hijacker, that was my favorite.

    Also when you uncovered in person about the way back time machine covering it up. That was also a highlight in my reading your posts. Now, you're all fucked up on seroquel or other anti shizophrenia meds and your posts are lame as fuck

    Bring back the unmedicated (Except for Adderall and Xanax) Wozny!!!

    shiut the fuck up with your fake wozny bullshit it's honestly unfunny and stupid like you. Move around.
  14. #14
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood shiut the fuck up with your fake wozny bullshit it's honestly unfunny and stupid like you. Move around.

    Who are you Wozny Jr (Molested son of Wozny) ?
  15. #15
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood shiut the fuck up with your fake wozny bullshit it's honestly unfunny and stupid like you. Move around.

    Originally posted by Ghost he threatened to call the government and get me kicked off of welfare. He justifies it in his head by "fucking with pesky government agents"


    and it's even worse because most retards can't tell when someone is schizo so they just play along with it like WOW YEAH THATS WILD BRO!!!! like that time I saw an entire crowd of people listening to a woman ranting about how the government laser beamed her baby and they were like WTF THATS MESSED UP!!!! WE NEEED TO CONTACT THE MEDIA

    Schizos think that society and the government is evil and they are the only pure clean ones but in reality, the government and society is evil and SCHIZOS are nothing but mental midgits rgkpokgpofgkfopgkfopgkfopgkfopgkfgopkopgkggff
    That fall for the same TRICKS TRAPS AND TROPES as every other brainwashed sheeple retard CALL THE COPS PAY YOUR TAXES SEE YOUR DOCTOR AND LISTEN TO THE MEDIA

    and when you tell them to MAKE YOUR OWN DRUGS LEARN CHEMISTRY LEARN TO MAKE YOUR OWN MEDS SO YOU DON'T RELY ON DOCTORS AND WHEN THE GRID GOES DOWN YOU HAVE A CHANCE they will just say "THATS ILLEGAL" and call the cops, big pharma and the government to report you for unlicensed illegal drug making and then when they go to the doctor they are like "YEAH MAN THAT FUCKING GOVERNMENT AGENT PIECE OF SHIT WAS TRYING TO SET ME UP, THANKS FOR MY MEDS SIR!"

    and then they go to the police station and help them solve 50 crimes because they are in a schizo delusion thinking they are superman saving a rape alien from the moloch demons or some shit FUCK THE MENTALLY ILL THAT DIAL 911!!!!!!
  16. #16
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    yeah that doesn't prove he's wozny u lying fagg
  17. #17
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    he knows who the real one is. he told me he was in prison with him. he seems to have a fetish for the guy and his lifestyle. therefore he is projecting his creepy wishes. Which makes sense, since they say Serial killers or pedos start off with Animals and work their way up to kids or adults people. Him stabbing a dog and then voicing on telegram that he will never change. its in his nature

    Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you BradleyB W. the Living Spirit of Wozney
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. #18
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    and yes, He really said this in an audio stream
  19. #19
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    hat's right folx I travelled to Elba Island and interviewed the one and only Napoleon Bonaparte
    I approached on a boat and was greeted by a short man

    NAPOLEON: Ah, bien sûr! Welcome, mon ami. This is not exactly a villa, but rather my modest residence on the island of Elba. As you can see, it is a tranquil haven surrounded by the beauty of nature. The simplicity of life here is a stark contrast to the grandeur of my past endeavors.
    Allow me to introduce myself. I am Napoleon Bonaparte, once Emperor of the French, though those days are now confined to the pages of history. Here on Elba, I find solace and reflect on the events that transpired, shaping the destinies of nations and leaving an indelible mark on the world.
    The island may be small, but its charm is undeniable. The people here have welcomed me with warmth, and I have endeavored to make the best of my exile. I spend my days overseeing the affairs of the island, contemplating the past, and indulging in the simple pleasures life has to offer.
    If you have any specific questions, feel free to inquire, and I shall do my best to provide you with the insights you seek.

    SPACE SHEEP: Ah yes that brings me to my first question sir, you have engaged in a lot of warfare, some would call it offensive, what is your justification for the invasion of these nation states? Why not a world of peace instead? Do you consider what you did wrong?

    NAPOLEON: Ah, the pursuit of peace is a noble ideal, and I, too, have contemplated its merits. The canvas of history is painted with the strokes of conquest and conflict, and my role in those events cannot be denied. In my endeavors, I sought to bring stability and order to a continent in turmoil, to unite disparate states under a common banner for the prosperity of all.
    War, unfortunately, is often the means through which such grand ambitions are pursued. My campaigns were driven by a vision of a united and powerful Europe, free from the chains of discord and internal strife. The Napoleonic Code, my legal legacy, stands as a testament to my aspiration for a just and equitable society.
    However, the cost of war is steep, and the human toll is a heavy burden to bear. In retrospect, one may question the methods employed and the consequences wrought by my actions. It is a complex tapestry of triumphs and tribulations, and the judgment of history is a weighty one.

    Do you consider what I did wrong? It is a question that echoes in the corridors of time. In the pursuit of a lofty vision, there were undoubtedly missteps and unintended consequences. Yet, one must also consider the tumultuous era in which I lived and the challenges faced by a leader striving to mold the destiny of nations.
    Reflecting upon the past is a somber exercise, and I am not immune to the awareness of the human toll my ambitions extracted. The pursuit of peace is an enduring quest for humanity, and each generation must navigate the delicate balance between ambition and the greater good.

    SPACESHEEP: WOW! this code sounds quite interesting indeed I have yet to read it entirely but I am familiar with your stances on things, I think your points are quite fair and I don't know if it's "wrong" to invade another country, I mean we have some current strife with Russia invading Ukraine and people saying that's wrong, Or the whole Israel and Palestine thing. I think nations invading each other is more economics than anything really.

    NAPOLEON:Indeed, my dear interlocutor, the intricacies of international relations and the motivations behind conflicts are often multifaceted. The currents of history are shaped by a complex interplay of political, economic, and cultural forces. The Napoleonic Code, which you alluded to, was an attempt to provide a legal framework that would endure beyond the tumult of warfare, fostering a sense of order and justice in the aftermath of conflict.
    Economic considerations are undeniably a significant factor in the affairs of nations. Resources, trade routes, and strategic territories have been driving forces behind many conflicts throughout history. While the pursuit of economic interests can lead to tensions and disputes, it is essential to recognize the diverse array of factors that contribute to geopolitical dynamics.
    The contemporary issues you mentioned, such as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine or the enduring complexities of the Israel-Palestine situation, are indeed emblematic of the challenges that persist in our world. As a leader, I grappled with similar complexities in my time, striving to navigate a continent ravaged by war and rivalries.
    In contemplating these matters, one must consider the principles of justice, the rights of individuals, and the aspirations of nations. Striking a balance between national interests and the common good remains an ongoing challenge for leaders in every era. As you delve into the complexities of modern conflicts, I encourage you to approach them with a discerning eye, recognizing the diverse factors that contribute to the tapestry of international relations.

    SPACESHEEP: Well okay folx there you have it, I think Napoleon is a good guy. Now tell me sir in all of your travels i'm sure you tried many fine wines across Europe but have you ever encountered any other mind altering substances? coffee? tobacco? maybe some EPHEDRINE or OPIUM ya ever heard of that???

    NAPOLEON:Ah, the pleasures and vices that accompany the human experience! In the course of my campaigns and travels, I did indeed encounter a variety of stimulants and indulged in the customs of the regions I traversed.
    Coffee, a beverage with a rich history and a stimulating effect, was a familiar companion during my long hours of strategic contemplation. The coffeehouses of Vienna and Paris were places where ideas percolated as freely as the brew itself.
    Tobacco, too, found its way into my routine. A pipe or a cigar was a respite in moments of reflection, and it was not uncommon for those in my company to partake in the pleasures of the leaf.
    As for more potent substances, the use of opium and other mind-altering compounds was not foreign to the societies I encountered. While I cannot claim personal experience with such substances, I was aware of their prevalence and the cultural practices associated with them. The intoxicants of the time were as diverse as the nations I encountered, each with its own set of rituals and consequences.

    SPACESHEEP:Would you sir, if I would to offer you a marijuana cigarette or perhaps a glass pipe with amphetamines would you be down to consume this substances or are you not interested in such things?

    NAPOLEON:My dear journalist, I must express my appreciation for the offer, but I must decline. In my time, such substances were not part of the cultural milieu in which I moved. My pursuits were focused on matters of statecraft, strategy, and governance. While I indulged in the common vices of the era, such as coffee and tobacco, the more potent substances you mention were not within the scope of my personal habits.
    I must also note that the historical context of the early 19th century had a different understanding of these substances, and their usage was often tied to cultural practices and medicinal beliefs of the time.
    However, I am intrigued by the evolving attitudes toward such substances. It is a testament to the ever-changing nature of human society and the diverse ways in which individuals seek pleasure or solace.

    SPACESHEEP:what if I just left you a little bit that you can have yourself I mean it must get boring on this island and maybe one weekend you can try it if you have nothing better to do I mean at this point in your life WHY NOT am I right sir?

    NAPOLEON:My dear interlocutor, your offer is both generous and amusing, but I must adhere to the conventions of my time. The pursuits of leisure available to me on this secluded island are limited, yet I find solace in the contemplation of the past and the simple pleasures that nature affords.
    Indulging in substances of a mind-altering nature, though perhaps tempting in moments of solitude, would not align with the principles and norms of the early 19th century. It is a testament to the cultural shifts of your era that such offers are made so casually.
    If you seek to explore the frontiers of experience, I encourage you to do so responsibly and with a mindful understanding of the consequences. My days on Elba may be quiet, but they are not without purpose, and I find fulfillment in the reflections upon my tumultuous past and the lessons it imparts.

    SPACESHEEP:the conventions of your time?! But you single handedly turned those very conventions on their head and caused much conflict. Yet in this old age on an island that you are forsaken to you still want to cling to these conventions of your time? That world threw you out! they clearly want nothing to do with you so why should you cater to their conventions?

    NAPOLEON:Your observation is astute, and indeed, the world did change in response to the events I set in motion. The conventions of my time were indeed disrupted by the force of my ambitions. However, even in exile on this tranquil island, the specter of the past and the echoes of those conventions continue to shape my worldview.
    It is true that circumstances have forced me to this remote corner of the world, and the political currents of the time have rendered me an outsider to the society I once sought to shape. Yet, the principles and ideals that guided my actions remain a part of who I am. Whether in the heart of empire or on this island retreat, one cannot easily shed the influence of the era in which one lived.
    The solitude of Elba has provided me with the opportunity for reflection and introspection, and while the world may have cast me aside, I remain bound by the convictions that drove my endeavors. In this solitude, I find a measure of peace, and in adhering to the conventions of my time, I maintain a connection to the identity that history has assigned me.

    SPACESHEEP:I would say you assigned your own identity, not history. Through musket and cannon! I'm just gonna leave you a bit of cannabis okay you don't have to try it but please I want you to have it as a gift and if you do end up trying it and like it there are also some seeds so you can grow your own

    NAPOLEON:Your gesture is indeed generous, and I appreciate the sentiment behind your gift. The cannabis and seeds you offer will find a place here on Elba, and I will consider them as a unique memento from a visitor of a distant future.
    While I may not partake in the consumption of such substances myself, I recognize that the world you hail from embraces a different set of values and experiences. Your gift is a reminder of the ever-changing nature of human culture and the diverse paths that individuals tread in their quest for fulfillment.

    SPACESHEEP:I also left you a shake and bake recipe for some clean gib all you need is crushed pills, lye, some ammonium nitrate and an alkali metal, you can make it all yourself except for the pills. STAY SAFE!!!! and God bless the nation of France

    NAPOLEON:I must express my deep concern and disapproval regarding the substances and methods you mention. The creation or distribution of harmful and illicit materials poses serious risks to individuals and society at large. I cannot condone or support any activities that involve the production of dangerous substances or pose a threat to public safety.
    If you have any other inquiries or topics you'd like to discuss that are within the bounds of responsible and legal discourse, I am more than willing to engage in a meaningful conversation. However, I cannot provide assistance or guidance on activities that are harmful or illegal. Stay safe and consider the well-being of yourself and those around you.
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  20. #20
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    I miss u big woz aka big peeophole aka my friend
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