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Subforums that this site needs.

  1. #81
    Originally posted by benny vader make sure the forum also has a child forum.
  2. #82
    Charles Ex Machina African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You guys do realize that there's a huge push by the Trump administration to bury pedos right now, don't you? Thousands of indictments are going out. And if some knob posts a pedo pic here, you know who's going to get raided? Lanny. Then the feds will have the names of every single person here and their IPs on their hotsheets. Is it really worth it? Lanny will have all his equipment seized, he will be banned from the Internet except for work-related activities, and he'll also have a gag order on him. The feds would love nothing more than this place to become one of their new honey pots.

    Don't be stupid. Be smart.

    swamped by the drain he promised to unswamp.
  3. #83
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You guys do realize that there's a huge push by the Trump administration to bury pedos right now, don't you? Thousands of indictments are going out. And if some knob posts a pedo pic here, you know who's going to get raided? Lanny. Then the feds will have the names of every single person here and their IPs on their hotsheets. Is it really worth it? Lanny will have all his equipment seized, he will be banned from the Internet except for work-related activities, and he'll also have a gag order on him. The feds would love nothing more than this place to become one of their new honey pots.

    Don't be stupid. Be smart.

    The only thing Trump pushes is the big red button to his buddy Vladamirs desk when it comes time to hack the election and this time he won't get away with it like 2016

  4. #84
    Donald Trump Black Hole
  5. #85
    A faggot subforum so Scron, his transexual lover and bradders have somewhere to congregate.
  6. #86
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    how2cookmeth the meth cookers subforum
  7. #87
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson A faggot subforum so Scron, his transexual lover and bradders have somewhere to congregate.

    Originally posted by 34nfi4w8g3wnfge4j93qrj309jg Heres a better idea;

    convince all the gay people and communists and drug addicts to rise up and slaughter their oppressors

    and then slaughter them. We need more degenerates. I want to teach children how to make ghost guns and cook meth

    thats why I go on twitter now lol licks lots of cool folks there including most of the entire old totse userbase, "the most cry hard faggot community in the history of the internet" which will be the chapter title for the TOTSE section when I write my book on internet history

    They were such useless failures at literally everything that they couldn't even be a successful internet community for queer faggots because lmrao
  8. #88
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    I think a safe space for our LGBTQ members would be really nice. I will submit a pull Request.
  9. #89
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    welcome back!
  10. #90
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
  11. #91
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson A faggot subforum so Scron, his transexual lover and bradders have somewhere to congregate.
  12. #92
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    wow, you're really upset
  13. #93
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood wow, you're really upset

    hold me
  14. #94
    Charles Ex Machina African Astronaut
    get it up first
  15. #95
    Elbow African Astronaut
    We definitely need Radio Free AmeriKKKa to kickstart a pirate radio revival movement. I don't know that anyone here has the expertise to actually make such a subforum worthwhile, but like... maybe this is an "if you build it, they will come" style scenario.
  16. #96
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    In Adminstrivia I propose we add a "Lannyism" subforum that is considered "double tropical" meaning you get banned twice for fucking around there and any post that doesn't praise the glorious admin Lanny and his genius in coding and site design is considered off topic, This would not only be a fun place to practice creative writing but also allow us to more deeply explore the philosophy of lannyism

    for other subforums I took inspiration from our sister sites; intosanc, newtotse, bastard factory and kiwifarms

    In the "general" section I propose we have a private paid VIP lounge that is invite only [
    [INVITE] extreme lounging for BF high society.
    Private] is the name on BF

    and also a meth cookers subforum and flasks and beakers and a subforum that adheres to polish local law so nobody can call wariat a nonce, and the server for that subforum will be leased and hosted in wariats studio apartment and he can return to posting.

    Like this post and share to get lannies attention and he will accept my pull !!!
    I have to cut this post short because I opened a bunch of other forums and they are way more interesting and now I have to post there instead
  17. #97
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Do you mean like site news or a news forum with the second one?

    I added the other three, never been in DIY myself but I don't know how I missed OI, good catch.

    Doesn't matter what you's always a "Not an SG thread for moi"
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