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This Sunay's Confession

  1. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina eversince you started taking those anti-uppity pills.

    Originally posted by CandyRein


    This is a fact

    Hmm mmm
  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    My skin is abnormally smooth ..I don’t even have a skin care’s just like that

    I should probably try to start one but if it ain’t broke why try to fix it
  3. CandyRein Black Hole
    Chile let me run my bath and Diary what happened at the stop at gas station on the way to butts house
  4. CandyRein Black Hole
    *slowly gets into bath*

    Ahhhhh 💖

    That’s the ticket
  5. CandyRein Black Hole
    *sparks spliff*

    Hold on ..Let me get in my zone
  6. CandyRein Black Hole
    Okay so I was texting with tiff getting ready to go over butts house ..

    Butt picks me up and we stop at the gas station ..

    I’m sitting in the truck and I see this older blonde lady get out of a car crying hard as hell !

    She goes in the gas station and comes right out then back to her car crying …!

    So I’m like tf…I’m looking around seeing if something is going on but everything seems normal besides her crying
  7. CandyRein Black Hole
    So butt comes out with my root beer..and I said you see that lady go in there crying ..

    He said no ..I said it’s a lady crying by her car over there she went inside and came right back out

  8. CandyRein Black Hole
    So he pulls into a pump to get gas and while he’s pumping I got out the truck to see why she is crying..

    I walked up to her and said did you lose something what happened and asked why is she crying
  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    She said her son is 24 and on heroin he hopped out the car and ran off without his phone she drove all around the area looking for him but she can’t find him and she’s scared for him

    She can’t call the police because he has an active warrant…
  10. CandyRein Black Hole
    I held her so tight while she cried and told her that he may come up there and try to stay close to the area just in case he comes there

    I honestly didn’t know what to tell her but I wanted to try to comfort her at least!

    So I told her things will get better and I will pray for her and him and I just was holding her while she cried
  11. CandyRein Black Hole
    Butt was waiting for me by the truck door and he opened it told me that was really sweet of me and he said he heard everything about what she was going through and that’s crazy as hell he hopes she finds him and he’s safe

    Then we went to butts and I started back texting tiff telling her what happened..
  12. CandyRein Black Hole

    Tiff knows I could not resist not minding my business…I just couldn’t lol
  13. CandyRein Black Hole

    Tiff gets me and I’m not easily gotten 💖🥰
  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    So I was outside on the porch swing ..tokin and texting tiff ..and butt go come outside and say what you doing texting your girlfriend..

    I said yup 😜
  15. CandyRein Black Hole
    And so tuned in ..he gone bring up the one thing ..the one thing in the world tiff did that made me feel creeped by her ..but I erased it from my memory and he just haddd to bring it up 😅😂
  16. CandyRein Black Hole
    I’m shocked he even remembered! I literally erased it from my memory..this nikka lol

    Chile ..let me go see what’s going on ..on the gram
  17. CandyRein Black Hole

  18. CandyRein Black Hole

  19. CandyRein Black Hole

  20. CandyRein Black Hole

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