User Controls

I'm taking applications to be a whipping post, sex slave and in general dominated person.

  1. #1
    Enigma African Astronaut
    I will ask you a lot of questions and critique you. I will sometimes take things out on you. And I will sodomize you and make you suck the whole dick. I know what you're thinking "I don't know if I can suck the whole dick" or "Won't that hurt my little asshole?" that's more than fine, I completely understand.

    Couple requirements:

    You must be 18+
    You must speak English
    You must be a kind person
    You must be willing to be loved deeply
    You must be willing to be loved deeply sexually
    You must be able to talk for 20minutes a day or more on the phone or voice call

    YOu can apply on the thread or PM me for secret. I only have 1 position available.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Enigma African Astronaut
    I am into biting (not hard unless it's ok) spitting on the other person and more!
  3. #3
    Enigma African Astronaut
    oh and obviously as with everything about me, no jedis.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    Crispy Houston
    Well im everything but that first one, so can we be besties instead?
  5. #5
    feel free to use my contract template

    ºº N I R V A N A N E T (tm) º º
    ºº M U L T I - P U R P O S E C O N T R A C T F O R M º º
    » »
    º Please select the type of contract you are filling out and complete º
    º the relevant sections. Cut along the line indicated and upload or º
    ¹ fax the completed form. ¹
    º º
    º Please ensure the filled-out application follows this format: º
    º º
    º º
    º º
    º x = your phone number º
    º a = your area code º
    º º
    ¹ &TOTSE's file would be = 935-5845.510 - Enter Information Below! ¹
    º º
    º ==============================[ CUT HERE ]================================º
    º║ ║º
    º║ [ ] Painting Contract ║º
    º║ [ ] Fax Machine Email Server Setup Contract ║º
    º║ [ ] Private Detective ║º
    ¹║ ║¹
    º º
    º==============================[ PAINTING CONTRACT ]========================º
    »║ ║»
    º║ Name [ ] ║º
    º║ Address [ ] ║º
    º║ City [ ] ║º
    º║ State/Province [ ] Zip Code [ ] ║º
    º║ Phone/Fax Number [ ] ║º
    º║ ║º
    º║ Start Date [ ] End Date [ ] ║º
    º║ Type of Paint [ ] ║º
    º║ Number of Rooms [ ] Total Sq. Ft. [ ] ║º
    º║ Special Requests/Details: ║º
    º║ [ ║º º║ ║º º║ ║º
    º║ ║º
    º║ CLIENT SIGNATURE: ______________________ DATE: ____________ ║º
    º║ ║º
    º º
    ¼===================[ FAX MACHINE EMAIL SERVER SETUP CONTRACT ]=============¼
    º║ ║º
    ¹║ Name [ ] ║¹
    º║ Company [ ] ║º
    º║ Address [ ] ║º
    º║ City [ ] ║º
    º║ State/Province [ ] Zip Code [ ] ║º
    º║ Phone Number [ ] ║º
    º║ ║º
    ¹║ SETUP DETAILS: ║¹
    º║ Preferred Email Domain [ ] ║º
    º║ Number of Users [ ] ║º
    º║ Special Requirements [ ║º º║ ║º º║ ║º
    º║ ║º
    º║ CHECKLIST: ║º
    º║ [ ] Email Server Configuration ║º
    º║ [ ] User Account Setup ║º
    ¹║ [ ] Security Setup ║¹
    º║ [ ] Training Session Scheduled ║º
    º║ ║º
    º║ CLIENT SIGNATURE: ______________________ DATE: ____________ ║º
    º║ ║º
    º º
    º==============================[ PRIVATE DETECTIVE CHECKLIST ]==============º
    ¹║ ║¹
    º║ Name [ ] ║º
    º║ Address [ ] ║º
    º║ City [ ] ║º
    º║ State/Province [ ] Zip Code [ ] ║º
    º║ Phone Number [ ] ║º
    ¹║ ║¹
    º║ Subject's Name [ ] ║º
    º║ Subject's Address [ ] ║º
    º║ Case Type (e.g., Infidelity, Fraud) [ ] ║º
    º║ Special Instructions/Requests: ║º
    º║ [ ║º º║ ║º º║ ║º
    º║ ║º
    º║ CHECKLIST: ║º
    ¼║ [ ] Initial Consultation Scheduled ║¼
    »║ [ ] Background Check Completed ║»
    º║ [ ] Surveillance Initiated ║º
    º║ [ ] Evidence Collected ║º
    ¼║ [ ] Final Report Delivered ║¼
    º║ ║
    º║ CLIENT SIGNATURE: ______________________ DATE: ____________ ║
    º║ ║
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