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So I confronted this guy yesterday

  1. #41
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    bardley wont even let me know why or tlel me or why the chick who also blocke dhim btw the 18 or so yr odl tlal urkainain girl i emt at tha turkainain club and gave him her telegram and she blcoekd him why she did it or hsi advcie nothing but hes just faggit that wants me to fuckw ith dicks with him. not only that but he keeps repeating statements and later not evena snwering when i gvie exmaples of old dude sin the media old dudes is aw in rela lif eporno who get them. that dud eis again jsut a faggit.
  2. #42
    Originally posted by Warcry bardley wont even let me know why or tlel me or why the chick who also blocke dhim btw the 18 or so yr odl tlal urkainain girl i emt at tha turkainain club and gave him her telegram and she blcoekd him why she did it or hsi advcie nothing but hes just faggit that wants me to fuckw ith dicks with him. not only that but he keeps repeating statements and later not evena snwering when i gvie exmaples of old dude sin the media old dudes is aw in rela lif eporno who get them. that dud eis again jsut a faggit.

    Your boner for Bradley continues...
  3. #43
    jerryb African Astronaut
    99% of teen girls think any guy over 30 is pretty much a grandpa. The 1% looking for money, those girls don't go to Epstein island because they thought he was cool and wanted to play video games.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #44
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    again where do i find one like with this old guy in the mall where did he find her or many other exmaples. dont u think to her i look way younger and betetr looking thans ome old fat bald guy? so it should be easier for me than him right? so again where do i find them?
  5. #45
    Originally posted by jerryb 99% of teen girls think any guy over 30 is pretty much a grandpa. The 1% looking for money, those girls don't go to Epstein island because they thought he was cool and wanted to play video games.

    Wariat is either extremely dumb or in complete denial not to already know this...I think it's combination of both.
  6. #46
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    and i wouldnt say 99 percent jerry ur wonrg on that in moldowa there wer even1 1 yr olds like this with alexander fradis in his photo shoots so im sure this age range what she is in this pic 13/14 its ,much more than 1 percent esp in eastern europe.
  7. #47
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Wariat is either extremely dumb or in complete denial not to already know this…I think it's combination of both.

    what r u tlaking about> I cant even find ones this age for moeny. it shighly risky and illegal.
  8. #48
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    like i said i had plenty of money i never once in poland was approached by a polihs or urkainain galerianka in a mall. becuase i dont wear suits or am too young?
  9. #49
    jerryb African Astronaut
    Alright bro, move to Moldova it's not far and you probably could rent an apartment for $200 or less.
  10. #50
    Originally posted by Warcry like i said i had plenty of money i never once in poland was approached by a polihs or urkainain galerianka in a mall. becuase i dont wear suits or am too young?

    You've never had plenty of money, time and time again you've told us how you have to "wait for your allowance to come though"...people with money don't have to wait for Mommy to send them pocket money

    ..and they don't whine about having to buy a girl a drink either...
  11. #51
    Wariat, at one point you were talking about going fighting for Ukraine..what happened to those plans?
  12. #52
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    the difference was i would go out constantly to clubs pubs and spend money on them or online dating sites again most ppl with moeny dont spend it like iw as spending it. nothing worke dnot even one teen forma c lub came home with me or later met up. and the biggest whore or trash go to club. so if they werent there where do they meet them?
  13. #53
    Originally posted by Warcry the difference was i would go out constantly to clubs pubs and spend money on them or online dating sites again most ppl with moeny dont spend it like iw as spending it. nothing worke dnot even one teen forma c lub came home with me or later met up. and the biggest whore or trash go to club. so if they werent there where do they meet them?

    Define "spending money on them"...give some examples.
  14. #54
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    How the ruck was I supposed to offer them money for sex or shit when they knew the duckinf bouncers of the club that group of teen girls 16-18 or 17-19 now? And all they did was hang out with little boys and other Ukrainians how the duck would I have made it happen all they had to do was tell security my offer I’d be gone.
  15. #55
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    I would buy rounds and rounds of shots that blond girl whose 19 now would go up now she has dark hair next to me smile or straight ask me.
  16. #56
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Other times like the tall girl the faggir on here bradley got blocked also from I would out of the blue get her and her friends shit to make her smile.
  17. #57
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Oh ye so even had dope on me would give the regroup of teens a bit nothing not once did they offer o give me back in any way suck my dick nothing.
  18. #58
    Originally posted by Warcry How the ruck was I supposed to offer them money for sex or shit when they knew the duckinf bouncers of the club that group of teen girls 16-18 or 17-19 now? And all they did was hang out with little boys and other Ukrainians how the duck would I have made it happen all they had to do was tell security my offer I’d be gone.

    Not sure what the club bouncers have to do with you offering them money for sex...unless you offered them a ludicrously low insulting amount and pissed them off...
  19. #59
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Warcry How the ruck was I supposed to offer them money for sex or shit when they knew the duckinf bouncers of the club that group of teen girls 16-18 or 17-19 now? And all they did was hang out with little boys and other Ukrainians how the duck would I have made it happen all they had to do was tell security my offer I’d be gone.
    Originally posted by Warcry the difference was i would go out constantly to clubs pubs and spend money on them or online dating sites again most ppl with moeny dont spend it like iw as spending it. nothing worke dnot even one teen forma c lub came home with me or later met up. and the biggest whore or trash go to club. so if they werent there where do they meet them?
    Originally posted by Warcry I would buy rounds and rounds of shots that blond girl whose 19 now would go up now she has dark hair next to me smile or straight ask me.
    Originally posted by Warcry Oh ye so even had dope on me would give the regroup of teens a bit nothing not once did they offer o give me back in any way suck my dick nothing.

    Warcry, mój przyjaciel... słodki, słodki Warcry... to jest niezwykle smutne zachowanie. Wydaje się, że pozwalasz sobie na wykorzystywanie przez te dziewczyny, a w zamian otrzymujesz tylko nikłą nadzieję na seks. Czy rozważałeś dołączenie do klasztoru i złożenie ślubu czystości? Zrobienie tego prawdopodobnie byłoby najlepsze dla twojej duszy i twojego zdrowia psychicznego.
  20. #60
    jerryb African Astronaut
    Imagine young women suckering a thirsty old guy for free drinks. Just imagine Star Trek.

    They get all lubed up on your dime and go home with one of the young studs. You don't want a relationship and only sex so in the long run you would save money and time getting hookers. Like those porn girls they'll do whatever if the price is right.
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