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Future Baby App

  1. #21
    Enigma African Astronaut
    It's not really because of a lack of money, it's they choose to commit "family planning" practices more commonly now.

    Please 200 years ago were poorer in terms of buying power and had many children, it wasn't a cost thing, the reason less people are having kids is because poor people have access to condoms, birth control, Plan B and abortions.

    Also similarly rich people are having less kids as well.

    I think a lot of it is good direction for society, we have too many people already.

    That being said I am saving myself and my child rearing for the special one when she decides to love me back.
  2. #22
    Enigma African Astronaut

    I did me and a garden gnome and was not disappointed.
  3. #23
    Warcry Space Nigga
    braldye 200 yrs ago it was also not illegal to fuck 12 and in some cases 10 or 11 yr olds and suhc hookers existed in georgian london andlater victorian london out in the ppen wlaking and shit.
  4. #24
    Warcry Space Nigga

    „ When the German traveller Archenholz visited London in the late eighteenth century, he noticed that every evening around dusk all the principal streets would fill with prostitutes dressed in gaudy colours. The better-class ladies of the night would walk about until they were addressed, but most of the streetwalkers actively ‘accost the passengers, and offer to accompany them: they even surround them in crowds, stop and overwhelm them with caresses and entreaties’. He was horrified to see eight- and nine-year-old girls proffering their charms. Around midnight, after the young women made their bargains and disappeared from the streets, ‘then the old wretches, of fifty or sixty years of age, descend from their garrets, and attack the intoxicated passengers, who are often prevailed upon to satisfy their passions in the open street’.”

    do you think braldye it was normal because they liked it or choose it for themsleves or their parents told them to do it?
  5. #25

    Doug Phillips, a Calvinist Christian and the son of U.S. Constitution Party leader Howard Phillips. From 1998 to 2013, Doug Phillips was the president of Vision Forum Ministries, a now-defunct organization which advocated biblical patriarchy, creationism, homeschooling, and Quiverfull. Phillips and his wife, Beall, have seven children.
    Charles D. Provan, whose book The Bible and Birth Control is routinely cited by Quiverfull adherents as providing an important theological justification for their movement. Provan was mentioned in a November 27, 2006, article about Quiverfull in The Nation.[4] He also authored books and articles on other Christian topics. Before Provan's death in 2007, he and his wife had 10 children.
    R. C. Sproul, Jr., a Calvinist Christian theologian and the son of the noted Reformed theologian and founder of Ligonier Ministries, Robert Charles Sproul. Sproul Jr. and his wife, Denise, had eight children before Denise died.
    Nancy Campbell, an author, speaker, and mother of 10 children. Nancy and her husband Colin run Above Rubies, "a ministry to encourage women in their high calling as wives, mothers, and homemakers. Its purpose is to uphold and strengthen family life and to raise the standard of God's truth in the nation."[59] Campbell's magazine has a worldwide circulation of over 160,000 and her daughters Serene and Pearl have launched a successful rebranding of Quiverfull values in their Trim Healthy Mama line.
    Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, known for the reality TV show 19 Kids and Counting.

    Nation state governments mostly justify themselves on the idea that women/families/children will get money simply for having more children, and the economy should improve and increase forever according to the hebrews. But clearly this is not what happens and now it's just 14 Indians having 14 children each in white countries and saying they deserve that money because THEY are British/Canadian/American, and the kike rubs his hands and smiles.

    This is not at all what the system was designed for to have immigrants uproot local populations and now people are starting to wake up to the reality and don't want immigrants in their countries and complain about MUH LIBERALISM when that's not even the problem.

    There has to be better ways to get people to have kids than just being entitled parents ME ME ME snowflake ideology I'M A SINGLE MOM THAT STAYS HOME AND LOVES MY FAMILY GIVE ME ME ME ME!!! MONEY! and everyone supports and votes for this.
  6. #26
    Warcry Space Nigga
    i mean bradley imagine nowadays where girls get boobs or their periods ealrier and even then 9 year old hooker sno parental supervision not hanging around plkay grounds and shit can u epxlain it to me?
  7. #27
    Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Warcry braldye 200 yrs ago it was also not illegal to fuck 12 and in some cases 10 or 11 yr olds and suhc hookers existed in georgian london andlater victorian london out in the ppen wlaking and shit.

    What is the point of this thread? Yes everyone knows that poor orphan girls have been sucking dick for ever, especially before social programs existed for younger people trying to survive.
  8. #28
    I want to live in a world where a mother chooses to stay home and look after her 14 children and makes more money than her husband every month doing onlyfans
  9. #29
    Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Warcry i mean bradley imagine nowadays where girls get boobs or their periods ealrier and even then 9 year old hooker sno parental supervision not hanging around plkay grounds and shit can u epxlain it to me?

    I feel like you typed this with one hand on your penis.
  10. #30
    Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I want to live in a world where a mother chooses to stay home and look after her 14 children and makes more money than her husband every month doing onlyfans

    I want you to become an aging polish femboy
  11. #31
    Originally posted by Enigma I want you to become an aging polish femboy

    I already crossdressed in the 70s when I was a shota
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