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I got an email back from

  1. #1
    Warcry Space Nigga
    CD Projekt Red. They are thinking of hiring me but for some weird role and they want me to do an 8 hour test assignment just to have a chance to get this role. pretty insane huh?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    holy shit
  3. #3
    Warcry Space Nigga
    dude im donwloading dragon force for the saturn. have u ever played it?
  4. #4
  5. #5
    Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Warcry CD Projekt Red. They are thinking of hiring me but for some weird role and they want me to do an 8 hour test assignment just to have a chance to get this role. pretty insane huh?

    How much are they gonna pay you?
  6. #6
    Warcry Space Nigga
    I’m not gonna do a free unpaid 8 hour trail assignment for those fags.
  7. #7
    please forward it to me i'll do an 8 hour assignment for a chance to work for cd project red
  8. #8
    Warcry Space Nigga

    im drunk now and just repsonded back in gibberish polish without chekcing if it witched to autocorrect.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Enigma African Astronaut
    It's soooo good to hear it!
  10. #10
    Originally posted by Warcry

    im drunk now and just repsonded back in gibberish polish without chekcing if it witched to autocorrect.
    Cześć Maciej!

    This is exactly what my dad does and he gets hired by literally everyone for zero effort sending drunk emails going to the interview smelling like beer and the boss slaps him on the back and gives him the keys and says I TRUST YOU WITH MY ENTIRE VENTURE WHILE I GO BOATING THIS WEEKEND. Some people can just bullshit through life so easily it's a talent really

    HOLY SHIT DUDE I just translated this email and I can tell the person that wrote it is a 20 something young polish assistant and she types sexy af I bet shes sitting in that front desk right now sipping a coffee on monday morning waiting for the right man to come through those doors and take her home and have their way with her. THIS IS A HAND WRITTEN HR FEMALE WITH TWO SMILIEY FACES, NOT ONLY DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A CHILL PLACE TO WORK BUT SHE SOUNDS SEXY AF
    even if you don't seek employment you should ask if she wants to hang out be like hey I seen you used two smiley faces, i'm not asking for any special treatment for this job or anything but you wanna grab dinner some time? and then you eat her ass
    CD PROJEKT RED - invitation to participate in the recruitment process
    Hello Maciej!
    Thank you for sending your application for the position of English Adaptation Specialist.
    My name is Anna and I work in the CD PROJEKT RED recruitment team. I will be the person who guides you through our recruitment process. :)
    The first stage of this process is the skills test to which we want to invite you. We expect 8 hours to complete it from the moment we receive the e-mail with instructions.
    Based on this test, we would like to see to what extent you can cope with the everyday challenges of working as an English Adaptation Specialist. Please let me know if you want to take on such a task, and if so, when can I send it to you? You can choose any time and day (including weekends :) because we send our messages automatically.
    The solution you provide will be assessed by our experts. Then, we will provide you with information on the next stage of recruitment as soon as possible.
    If you have any questions, I remain at your disposal. Below you will find my contact details :)
    Kind regards,
  11. #11
  12. #12
  13. #13
    Enigma African Astronaut
    Can I be the English Adaptation Specialist? I have Google translate
  14. #14
    Enigma African Astronaut
    remember when u filled out an application for a company based in Spain so u just typed everything into Google translate ? LOL
  15. #15
    she writes like a slut in polane
  16. #16
    Enigma African Astronaut
    I wonder if there are any polish femboys ont he devboy team?
  17. #17
    I don't need to understand polish to know what this REALLY means, look at all the smiley faces. She is definitely a polish slut
  18. #18
    Imagine confusing a generic email response for "They are thinking of hiring me"

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #19
    Enigma African Astronaut
  20. #20
    that polish slut doesn't speak a lick of english. You can probably just snort mephedrone for the entire test, they are usually very easy. It sucks that it's unpaid though. Before I started working at amazon I had to do like 5 hours of online tests but I got paid hourly for doing them.
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