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what do u guys think most teen girls

  1. #1
    Warcry Space Nigga
    think of the teen girls in porn?
  2. #2
    Enigma African Astronaut
    probably the same thing most women think of women in porn, that they're whores
  3. #3
    what do you think they think about a guy kissing polish femboys?

  4. #4
    Warcry Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Enigma probably the same thing most women think of women in porn, that they're whores

    Does thwt include you think even the trashy young chicks in Łódź on drugs?
  5. #5
    Warcry Space Nigga
    Do they think they’re slurry or just whorish?
  6. #6
    Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Warcry Does thwt include you think even the trashy young chicks in Łódź on drugs?

    NO, I know some white trash don't use drugs they just were raised wrong or not at all or they have mental illness.

    Not all drug users are trashy and not all trashy people use drugs.
  7. #7
    Instigator Space Nigga
    It's only OK if YOU pretend that YOURE the teen girl.

  8. #8
    Warcry Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Enigma NO, I know some white trash don't use drugs they just were raised wrong or not at all or they have mental illness.

    Not all drug users are trashy and not all trashy people use drugs.

    But you said it yourself here in Łódź they attract or want trashy young guys right? Like attracts like opposites don’t attract each other it seems in Łódź?
  9. #9
    Enigma African Astronaut
    ya that's everywhere, trashy young women want trashy young men

    they don't want some old loser with no job drinking at the bar talking to kids looking at porn in public bathrooms lol that's not really what any of them put make up on and get ready to go out hoping to be lucky enough to find on their night out
  10. #10
    Warcry Space Nigga
    avtually they do in porn bro otherwise they woudlnt do it or join it. no one forces them bro.
  11. #11
    Enigma African Astronaut
    You gotta save up your mom's money and get a bunch of speed bro, cool it on the weird porn for awhile and just try to go out there and be cool, relatable, like David with the dick, remember? How he can get so many girls that just go after him and he has that hot girlfriend and always has speed, be like him plus u got your own pad and you're an internationally recognized pedophile and someone will go for you

    but you just gotta chill out with how like pointed u r being with these girls like the minute u meet them you're thinking about them tongue punching your ass hole bro try to get one as a friend first without immediately givinvgvt hem money
  12. #12
    Warcry Space Nigga
    and im still better than some trashy young guy. you keep saying old this and old that thats the only really thing they have on someone lik eme is age. i got my own pad unlike you or then, an education, etc.
  13. #13
    Warcry Space Nigga
    and its not everywhere. not jus tporn bro but inr eally upscale and expensive cities like silicon vallye or even warsaw to a degree or london they dont want trashy young guys.
  14. #14
    Warcry Space Nigga
    dude have u ever even been to a city like san francisco? they dont go for trashy young guys there.
  15. #15
    Warcry Space Nigga
    places thqt hvae. alot of gold digegrs i mean those palces dont go for trashy young guys.
  16. #16
    Warcry Space Nigga
    asians in generla dont go for trashy young guys.
  17. #17
    Warcry Space Nigga
    braldey but why do they say opposites attract if trashy young chicks only want the same as them and not opposite?
  18. #18
    Originally posted by Enigma ya that's everywhere, trashy young women want trashy young men

    the trashy young men of lodz wear skirts and inject estrogen up their butts
  19. #19
    Warcry Space Nigga
    but what about the non trashy young women?
  20. #20
    Warcry Space Nigga
    case in point i rememebr this situaiton well. when I lived briefly in san francisco. I was walking back from my job I had briefly there and there was this like artistic gallery and bar or pub place. I remember I was talking to this young ukrainian girl around 19-20 and went to take a leak she was tlakign to a mant hat looked like her father literaly older than me now and i didnt wanna interfere or go back to them or her as i waited till she was done tlaking to him but they left together and she even said as they wer eleaving i thought youd rejoin tot alk or some shit anyway proved my poiint literlaly she lef with a guy old enough to be her dad. just becaus ein lodzx a ghetto ass trash drug city they like trashy young guys bradley doesnt mean in expensive and gold digging cities like san fracnisco they do bud.
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