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How do guys know when women want to be SA'd?

  1. #21
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I don't know where to start here. It's normal for rape victims to go quiet, they dissociate, don't want to give you the pleasure of making them scream, wait for it to be over while thinking of how pathetic you are, don't want to risk you choking them or something so they don't attack. PTSD is real. During CNC play the women still feel like they're in control and they're often doing it to cope with some event that gave them PTSD from not feeling in control, that's why victims of SA get into CNC play. The bottom line is not feeling in control will give someone PTSD, so don't rape anyone.
  2. #22
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 In my experience if you have most women alone, kiss them on the mouth and put your hand on their crotch they will agree to anything.

    But when I was younger I had two questionable situations. Not ski mask type of deals or even screaming or anything but situations where women would say no or put up some resistance in a situation where we are already close to fucking. Like they're saying no but daring me to do it anyway. Both times when I got my dick in them they quit resisting and made normal noises that women do when they fuck. They weren't screaming for help or anything.

    I can understand this as well as the skimask/ziptie SA fantasies most women have. If I was a woman I wouldn't want to potentially reproduce with a guy who didn't have the balls to SA me either. And all the gay role playing when the guy has permission probably can't cut it. I think that's probably the thinking behind rape fantasies which I think like 90% of women have (my estimate).

    I was in a similar situation where I was talking to this woman (the other two were more casual) but we were alone in a situation where it wasn't as obvious as the other two. Like I wouldn't have been nearly as confident with a jury hearing it. Plus I'm older now and didn't care that much so I didn't try that hard. She seemed really interested in me before but afterwards she wasn't. Like she was turned off that I didn't.

    Am I the only one? What do women think of this?

    I know a chick, I'll hook you up. However she is really into the authentic experience so she won't want you to contact her first or anything and she will totally role play with the whole "No, get off me, leave me alone" shit. She even likes it for you to break into her house to make it totally realistic, while she's asleep is preferable.

    Here's her address, just rock rock up and crack on:

    [insert street name]
    Northern Ireland
    United Kingdom

  3. #23
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    I made that post from page 1 btw

    Told you she into it, she got the dynamics of it totally figured out to a tee

  4. #24
    Vox Houston
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Oh my god . There’s so much honestly in this thread but people wanna be losers because the op said SA. Please. Get control of yourselves & act like u have ever had a long relationship.

    I’m not a prude who says you have to get verbal consent at every individual step of intimacy, or have some lengthy mood killing conversation about boundaries beforehand. I’m just saying OP is definitely a rapist, these girls are not into him like he thinks they are. He’s not even sure they wanted it except for the sounds they made during sex.

    Like it’s VERY easy to tell when a girl is into you, and usually also pretty easy to tell when they wanna be manhandled. There’s no reason to force it when they literally are saying “no, no, no” when you start touching them, I mean that’s never happened to me but that’s just common sense isn’t it
  5. #25
    Morshoo Yung Blood
    BradleyB1231993 never rapes or molests. I love dogs and i love being kind. I am BradleyB1231993
    Wanna put my tender heart in a blender
    Watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion
    Rendezvous then im through with youuu
  6. #26
    Vox Houston
    Hello everyone I am BradleyB1994, I am 29 years old and not addicted to drugs or alcohol! Would you like to come to my bible group tomorrow
  7. #27
    Morshoo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Vox I’m not a prude who says you have to get verbal consent at every individual step of intimacy, or have some lengthy mood killing conversation about boundaries beforehand. I’m just saying OP is definitely a rapist, these girls are not into him like he thinks they are. He’s not even sure they wanted it except for the sounds they made during sex.

    Like it’s VERY easy to tell when a girl is into you, and usually also pretty easy to tell when they wanna be manhandled. There’s no reason to force it when they literally are saying “no, no, no” when you start touching them, I mean that’s never happened to me but that’s just common sense isn’t it
    Little girls are my best friends BradleyB1231993
    I need an easy friend
    I do with an ear to lend
    I do think you fit this shoe
    I do but you have a clue
    Ill take advantage while
    You hang me out to dry
    But i cant see you every night
  8. #28
    Morshoo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Vox Hello everyone I am BradleyB1994, I am 29 years old and not addicted to drugs or alcohol! Would you like to come to my bible group tomorrow
    Are you jedi BradleyB1994? Do you hate dogs and stab them, BradleyB1994? Do you love kids, BradleyB1994? Youre the opposite of BradleyB1231993 arent you? I am BradleyB1231993 and i love being kind
  9. #29
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Morshoo BradleyB1231993 never rapes or molests. I love dogs and i love being kind. I am BradleyB1231993
    Wanna put my tender heart in a blender
    Watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion
    Rendezvous then im through with youuu

    Are you Bill Krozby?

  10. #30
    Morshoo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Narc Are you Bill Krozby?

    No i am BradleyB1231993
    Whats with these homies dissin my girl
    Why do they gotta front
    What did we ever do to these guys
    That made them so violuntt
    Whoo hoo
  11. #31
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Morshoo No i am BradleyB1231993
    Whats with these homies dissin my girl
    Why do they gotta front
    What did we ever do to these guys
    That made them so violuntt
    Whoo hoo

    Are you Scronaldo J Trump?

  12. #32
    Morshoo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Narc Are you Scronaldo J Trump?

    BradleyB1231993. Thats my name bro
  13. #33
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Morshoo BradleyB1231993. Thats my name bro

    Are you Is all mememememe with me?

  14. #34
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by Vox I’m not a prude who says you have to get verbal consent at every individual step of intimacy, or have some lengthy mood killing conversation about boundaries beforehand. I’m just saying OP is definitely a rapist, these girls are not into him like he thinks they are. He’s not even sure they wanted it except for the sounds they made during sex.

    Like it’s VERY easy to tell when a girl is into you, and usually also pretty easy to tell when they wanna be manhandled. There’s no reason to force it when they literally are saying “no, no, no” when you start touching them, I mean that’s never happened to me but that’s just common sense isn’t it

    Don’t quote me.
    I’m sorry on whatever experience ur going through. But u can’t pigeon hole sex for everyone else just to “ respect ur feelings” That shit turns me on & it’s YOUR problem, deal w it. The fuck the whole world gotta make rotations cuz u gotta cry at night, alone… deal with it & LEGGO!
  15. #35
    My after highschool,msituationship had me burn her with cigarettes and pull garbage bags over her head when we fucked. Or cutting off her pants with a boxcutter. She expressed wanting me to come in at night while she was sleeping and slap her around and use force, but eventually i got the pixture that it was just her trauma dumping and it was likely to backfire. I never put a gun to he head, but shed ride me with a razor blade against her throat, slice her own lip and tongue, etc.

    And the black chick that gave me herpes wanted me to punch her in the face and call her a nigger, spit on her. Like shed fight me full on and tell me she had slave nigger strength, and wouldnt let up until i got frustrated and put her in a chokehold to make her stop trying to wrestle. Absolute fucking schizo.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #36
    DontTellEm Black Hole
  17. #37
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    *side eyeball* okay thanks Chad. Way to gross the class but yeah, “ a learning experience “ use a condom
  18. #38
    ur welcome stacy
  19. #39
    Sexual assault with a condom is like putting ketchup on a ribeye

    And i hadnt gotten laid in like 8 bagillion years so i get a pass
  20. #40
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    But u can eat it w ease.
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