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Fraternal Scholars return law and order to country laid low by western liberalism

  1. #1
    Updated 5:34 PM IST, June 5, 2024

    ISLAMABAD (AP) — The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan on Wednesday condemned the public flogging of more than 60 people, including more than a dozen women, by the Taliban in northern Sari Pul province.

    At least 63 people were lashed on Tuesday by Afghanistan’s de facto authorities, UNAMA said in a statement on social platform X. The U.N. office condemned corporal punishment and called for respect for international human rights obligations.

    Taliban’s supreme court in a statement confirmed the public flogging of 63 people including 14 women who had been accused of crimes including sodomy, theft and immoral relations. They were flogged at a sports stadium.

    The Taliban, despite initial promises of a more moderate rule, began carrying out severe punishments in public — executions, floggings and stonings — shortly after coming to power again in 2021. The punishments are similar to those during the Taliban’s previous rule in the late 1990s.

    Separate statements by the supreme court said a man and a woman convicted of adultery and trying to run away from home were flogged in northern Panjsher province on Wednesday.

    Earlier this year, the Taliban held a public execution of a man convicted of murder as thousands watched at a stadium in northern Jawzjan province. The brother of the murdered man shot the convict five times with a rifle.

    That was the fifth public execution since the Taliban seized power in August 2021 as U.S. and NATO troops were in the final weeks of their withdrawal from the country after two decades of war.

    No idea why they make a big deal of women being whipped - only 1/5th of the whipped were women.
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  3. #3
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood


    Blame this on America, Obama, and the jedis.
  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I remember when I was a kid in the days of dialup modems and fax machines my mom was outraged by a news story about an Afghan woman being encased in concrete or stoned to death and there was an entire forum of people she showed me and an outpouring of support, possibly even mailing cheques in the mail to some organization. She was telling me about the glory of people around the world standing up against government oppression against an innocent woman.

    I remember being confused as to the motives of why this foreign woman was marked for death and I can't find any major story from that period of time but it seems like a common thing that happens over there.

    I went to school with a lot of girls from Afghanistan, Pakistan and such places and they seemed pretty happy to be in Canada lol. Most of them are probably doctors here by now and I don't think they would ever go back to their place of birth.
  5. #5
    Why do people assume women in Islamic countries are incapable of doing absolutely horrific crimes?
  6. #6
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I remember when I was a kid in the days of dialup modems and fax machines my mom was outraged by a news story about an Afghan woman being encased in concrete or stoned to death and there was an entire forum of people she showed me and an outpouring of support, possibly even mailing cheques in the mail to some organization. She was telling me about the glory of people around the world standing up against government oppression against an innocent woman.

    I remember being confused as to the motives of why this foreign woman was marked for death and I can't find any major story from that period of time but it seems like a common thing that happens over there.

    I went to school with a lot of girls from Afghanistan, Pakistan and such places and they seemed pretty happy to be in Canada lol. Most of them are probably doctors here by now and I don't think they would ever go back to their place of birth.

    The lesson to learn from this is that the Taliban were orphaned boys, grew up in a village with no women and were indoctrinated by old men, told lies about women. Segregation facilitates this mental illness, now they are making sure no one is raised in a healthy environment, and what's scary is this mental illness can conquer nations. None of these men are healthy, they're full of hate and hatred spreads.
  7. #7
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I also suspect they're less evolved, people haven't lost all their primate instincts and some have them moreso than others.
  8. #8
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Liberals think of the welfare of everyone, anti-woke think only of themselves.
  9. #9
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Why do people assume women in Islamic countries are incapable of doing absolutely horrific crimes?

    What muslim countries perceive as crime is pretty laughable. I'm not against the idea of the death penalty but I also don't trust any government and I am convinced all of them will fuck up any legal process and do something worse than any terrorist or criminal to an innocent person because the law is on their side and makes them correct in all judgements. YEAH RIGHT but in a perfect world where the government can do no wrong, sure why not?

    But we don't live in such a world so I just assume any government or crowd of people is probably wrong. Innocent until proven guilty! This is why the NAP is a superior philosophy because if you want to kill someone because you don't like them you are perfectly justified in doing so and don't need to invent reasons to murder people that oppose you.

    They use the law as a shield "well this is our culture we killed this person for breaking the law in OUR country and you have no right to tell us how to run our society" Okay then we will just cut you off the global banking system and you can use Islamic bitcoin banks like the Russians.
  10. #10
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I also suspect they're less evolved, people haven't lost all their primate instincts and some have them moreso than others.

    well that's just racist!
  11. #11
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag The lesson to learn from this is that the Taliban were orphaned boys, grew up in a village with no women and were indoctrinated by old men, told lies about women. Segregation facilitates this mental illness, now they are making sure no one is raised in a healthy environment, and what's scary is this mental illness can conquer nations. None of these men are healthy, they're full of hate and hatred spreads.

    You can't just ignore the fact that there are many muslim women who are perfectly happy with their way of life and don't want to change anything. Isn't it anti feminist to deny them the freedom of how they choose to live? If given a choice a lot of them would not want to live a secular western life. See my thread "the logical conclusion of right wing conservatism is Islam"

    Originally posted by Ghost They were the first ones to believe western secular education is evil and a society that separates Church and State is doomed.

    Sharia law for all the western nations! fuck the secular WOKE crowd that wants to damn us all to evil and sin. Muslims actually want to live in peace with the jedis and only attack them in the middle east, the modern right NAZI LO)L GAS DA JEDIS FUYS deserves to be targeted for their aimless genocidal views.

    The same ones crying about "christ" being removed from "christmas" and pay their taxes like a good goy to nice secular society.. Yup we have finally reached the point where this is the truth, inshallah
  12. #12
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Ghost
  13. #13
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You can't just ignore the fact that there are many muslim women who are perfectly happy with their way of life and don't want to change anything. Isn't it anti feminist to deny them the freedom of how they choose to live? If given a choice a lot of them would not want to live a secular western life. See my thread "the logical conclusion of right wing conservatism is Islam"

    You don't get to say how women feel. Women say how they feel.
  14. #14
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood well that's just racist!

    This is why I need to start my own political party, there are none that resonate with me.
  15. #15
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I really want to go through with my plot of running as an electoral candidate with the intent of leaking my OF to the news but I've always hated attention. I'm starting to think it's the right thing to do though.
  16. #16
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag You don't get to say how women feel. Women say how they feel.

    If they like their lives as devout religious mothers raising a family and have a community of likeminded people who am I to tell them their way of life is wrong?

    Should I (as a man) just tell them YOU NEED TO TAKE OFF THAT HIJAB!! YOU"RE BEING OPPRESSED AND BRAINWASHED BY MEN!! REJECT YOUR WAY OF LIFE AND JOIN THE REST OF FEMINIST SECULAR SOCIETY! Because i'm sure a lot of them would just view me as an inconsiderate western man that doesn't understand their culture or way of life trying to force them how to live so how is that any better than people in their country preventing them from going to tanning salons?

    I don't want to tell them any way of living is right and wrong, it's up to them to figure that out. If they want to leave western society and join a group like ISIS I would never condemn a woman's ultimate right of freedom. It is ultimately their choice

    I think it's anti feminist for western nations to not let these women back into their countries of birth because they got married to a terrorist. I think that just shows how evil nation states are that they view a mother and child without a father from such a situation as a security risk. They just can't live with the fact that people reject their society even for a brief period in their lives, you are forever condemned as a terrorist if you do that. How are we any different from these so called "barbaric" muslims?
  17. #17
    What's funny is these radical left Marxists protesting on behalf of the Muslims in Palestine, at the same time hollering for gay rights, while Muslims throw gays off rooftops and torture, flog and imprison them. Talk about your hypocritical half-wits.
  18. #18
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    The founder of the Communist pro-Palestine organization, the Japanese Red Army, Fusako Shigenobu, has been freed from the Japanese prisons after two decades.

    Fusako Shigenobu, 76, the founder of the Communist Japanese Red Army (JRA), was released Saturday after spending two decades behind bars in Japan over allegations of having a hand in the siege imposed on the French Embassy in The Hague in 1974.

    The charges pressed against the pro-Palestinian activist were completely dismissed by Shigenobu. Three Japanese Red Army fighters had reportedly stormed the French Embassy and demanded the release of their comrade, Yatsuka Furuya, who had been arrested by the Parisian authorities earlier that year.

    The operation ended after five-day-long negotiations that saw Furuya granted his freedom and the Embassy staff released unharmed. Shigenobu herself did not take part in the operation; however, the French and Japanese authorities alleged that the JRA fighters were acting under her orders, which she denied.

    After two decades in prison, Shigenobu left the prison in Tokyo with her daughter as supporters of the Communist icon gathered in front of the facility and voiced support for the freedom fighter regarded as innocent of the embassy attack by many. The activist left the prison wearing the Palestinian Koufiyyeh, which reflected that over two decades of imprisonment did not break her support for the Palestinian cause.

    Palestine in the heart of Japan

    Shigenobu was a part of the Japanese proletariat before founding the JRA, working in a soy-sauce company in a post-war Japan. The organization championed the Palestinian cause, alongside anti-imperialism and a revolution of the proletariat in Japan. In exchange for their efforts, they were slapped with the "terrorist" designation from Tokyo and Washington.

    She was arrested in Japan in 2000, and the local authorities sentenced her to 20 years in prison six years later over her alleged role in the French Embassy incident. Tokyo acknowledged that Shigenobu did not take part in the attack personally, but the court claimed she had coordinated the operation with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

    The JRA was also behind the 1972 "Lod Airport" operation (now known as Ben Gurion International Airport built on the rubble of Palestinian homes), which saw the organization killing eight Israeli settlers and injuring dozens of others. The operation took place as a retaliation for the Israeli occupation's oppression of Palestinians and its occupation of Palestinian land.

    The JRA is said to have been behind various other operations around the globe in support of the Palestinian cause.

    Shigenobu's pro-Palestinian ideals came early on in her life after she passed a sit-in protest at a university in the Japanese capital at 20 years old at a time the country's youth were protesting the US war on Vietnam and Tokyo's plans to allow Washington's army to remain stationed on Japanese soil.

    She became part of the leftist movement and left Japan years later at 25 and eventually had a child, May, with a PFLP freedom fighter in 1973. The latter hailed her mother's release on social media.

    Shigenobu, a year after her incarceration, announced the Red Army's disbanding from prison in April 2001. Seven years later, she was diagnosed with colon and intestinal cancer, which saw her undergoing various procedures to help her recover.

    She said on Saturday she would first focus on her treatment for now and explained that she would be unable to contribute to society due to her health condition.

    She had written a letter to a Japan Times reporter in which she said, "Our hopes were not fulfilled, and it came to an ugly end." But now, there is a new beginning for the activist who was wrongfully imprisoned over allegations that fell flat to many of her supporters and supporters of the Palestinian cause.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #19
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    too much gossiping and fraternizing should get ppl flogged imo. spreading rumors about others too sort of like octavian and others here done.
  20. #20
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Warcry too much gossiping and fraternizing should get ppl flogged imo. spreading rumors about others too sort of like octavian and others here done.

    it's okay, he's dead now.
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