2024-06-04 at 4:46 PM UTC
my goal right now is to meet a 16 yr old perverted bitch who will say it when im fucking her and i tell her to say im a eprverted bitch it turns me on im only 16 fucking or taking a 39 yr old dick in ym ass brecause im a perveted bitch.
2024-06-04 at 4:49 PM UTC
That doesn't sound very perverted (legal in Poland fuys). I mean a legal girl taking a dicking in the ass isn't that unusual now is it?
Perverted would be something like if she wanted you to put a framed photo of The Bee Gees up there and at the same time sing her the Uzbekistan national anthem.
2024-06-04 at 4:55 PM UTC
dude i think the redhead. i think she was a perverted bitch she was o in denial about liking adult over 30 yr old men at 16 and never had a dad and live dwith ehr mom and sister i saw facebook i think this bitch was o in denial why would she dress up put make up the first time to see me? why owuld she go to the movie guy the rich guy and his buddy probably got fucke dby both at 16 and theyre both ealry 30s?
2024-06-04 at 4:58 PM UTC
I should have told her i know what u are or want all your lies saying oh this is pland im polish we dont like age diff odle rmen why the fuck u keep seeing me why the fuck u went ot thier pad ur a perveted bitch that wants dude sold enough to be ur dad becaus u never had a dad ur a daddy issues pervetred bitch. and i know for a fact when i fuck u up the ass and when u rim me it iwll tunr u on bitch.
2024-06-04 at 4:58 PM UTC
Why? Clearly she was angling for a pic of the Bee Gees up her ass.
2024-06-04 at 5:04 PM UTC
Look at her eyes she knew exactly whatever wa doing. She told me she ducked already at 26 8 diff dudes but no one older than 22.
2024-06-04 at 5:04 PM UTC
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie, are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie, are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie, are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie, are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
2024-06-04 at 5:04 PM UTC
Either way she’s either a 16 yr old gold digger opportunist or a daddy issues turns her on older men over 30.
2024-06-04 at 5:18 PM UTC
Is that the one with the hairy asshole?
2024-06-04 at 5:19 PM UTC
the crazy thing guys is shes gone shes like not even on facebook wirther she syarted to go too perverted and crazy and fuck too many older guys due to my ifnluence and the ifnluence of the men i met her through me or i dont know she didnt block me if i remember like a year ago she just had me on ignore or some shit and now shes not even on facebook
2024-06-04 at 5:21 PM UTC
She's probably buried in a shallow grave somewhere, you missed your opportunity.
2024-06-04 at 5:22 PM UTC
i always miss my opportunity bro always. bnothing happens or is deserved apaprently for me. whether it is at nightclubs whether it is with hooker look alikes whether it is with whatever cougars im always rejected here in poland.