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  1. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Buff Billy Title: Proposal for New
    Character Submitter: Adib
    Behjat, Joop Kiefte Date: March
    26, 2020
    Additional references: This document replaces L2/17-237 (Emoji Submission)
    Proposal to add Nine Pointed star to Unicode
    Public Domain:
    The purpose of this proposal is to request that a codepoint be allocated in the UCS for the nine
    pointed star character, which is commonly used by members of the Bahá'í Faith.
    In Baha’i Literature, different forms of stars were used that are not standardized from one
    publishing to another (examples below). The presence of the nine pointed star will help
    standardize across the different publications. Adding to that, for religions lacking a
    representation of their place of worship, it is suggested to use the Place of Worship emoji with
    the representing symbol of their faith, of which there are exactly none feasible at the moment.
    In terms of Unicode, the Nine Pointed Star is one of the most common symbols of the Bahá'í
    Faith, specifically the most distinctive one other than maybe the Ringstone Symbol (which
    would be extremely less universally usable), and it would help provide a near complete lineup of
    religions of the world; currently, there are many religious symbols supported via the Unicode
    standard - including jedi (Star of David), Christian, Muslim (Star and Crescent), Sikh,
    Buddhists, and Wiccan (five pointed star).
    The nine pointed star will also introduce a popular star character to the list of available stars in
    Naming convention
    NINE POINTED STAR is a widely accessible and commonly used term for the symbol provided.
    It follows the same naming standard as other available stars in the unicode (number of points -
    form of the star - color).
    If the committee wishes to distinguish between filled and unfilled star, then the term:
    ● NINE POINTED STAR can be used for the filled nine pointed star.
    ● NINE POINTED STAR OUTLINED can be used for the unfilled nine pointed star.
    ● NINE POINTED STAR REGULAR COMPOUND can be used for the three
    overlapping triangles. The naming is also in line with the mathematical naming
    convention (
    Note that most common usage of the star in Bahá'í context uses an outline version, although
    this is not prescribed in any way.
    In terms of placement, the nine pointed star should ideally be added to the current lineup of
    religious symbols or stars. In practical terms this would for example imply receiving the same
    treatment as the other symbols with a religious meaning as to being rendered as an emoji in
    instant messaging context. This would also enable the rendering of a symbol for a Bahá'í
    House of Worship, of which there are a growing number in the world.
    Religious symbols have been placed in different blocks, including Miscellaneous Symbols
    (2600 - 26FF), Dingbats (2700 - 27BF), and Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs (1F300 -
    For the purpose of this proposal, I have recommended that the nine pointed star be placed in
    the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs block. However, I will leave it to the committee’s
    opinion on the best placement for this symbol.
    The nine pointed star is also one of the most used symbols and shapes by the adherents of
    the members of The Bahá'í Faith. The Bahá'í Faith is a religion that was founded by its
    prophet Baha’u’llah in 1863. There are over 7 million Bahá'í adherents worldwide 1
    , and Bahá'í
    institutions are recognized by many governments in the world - including the United States
    ( and European Union
    ( Bahá'ís also participate in
    political administrations, such as the United Nations (
    nations), providing insight and perspective towards achieving world unity through discourses
    that promote the betterment of mankind.
    Given the growth of followers of the Bahá'í Faith year over
    year, and the prominence of the Bahá'í Faith around the
    world, the availability of the Bahá'í icon would be
    significant to practicing Bahá'ís around the world.
    In a non-Baha’i context, the nine pointed star is a common
    mathematical shape that consists of three intersecting
    triangles. The nine pointed star is also called a Nonagram,
    Enneagram, or Star of Goliath. In pop-culture, the nine
    pointed star also represents the band Slipknot, where they
    use the regular compound 9 pointed star figure as a
    symbol (image on right).
    Significance of Nine in the Baha’i Faith
    Shoghi Effendi, Central Figure and the Guardian of the Baha’i Administration from 1921 until
    His passing in 1957, gave significant commentary to the significance of the number 9, which
    Baha’is represent as 9 pointed star. In a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, he clearly
    explains that there are three reason for the significance of the number nine:
    First, regarding the significance of the number nine: Its importance as a symbol used so
    often in various connections by the believers lies in three facts: first, it symbolizes the
    nine great world religions of which we have any definite historical knowledge, including
    the Babi and Baha’i Revelations; second, it represents the number of perfection, being
    the highest single number; third, it is the numerical value of the word ‘Bahá’.
    1 Pew Research Center# states “The Baha’i faith began in Persia (now Iran) in the 19th century. Bahá'ís are widely dispersed
    across many countries, with significant populations in India, the United States, Kenya and elsewhere.” (2005)
    statistics are: 7 million Bahá'ís around the world, ranking as the 13th largest global religion.
    (Lights of Guidance, From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an
    individual believer, July 9, 1939)
    Shoghi Effendi’s reference to the “numerical value of the word ‘Bahá'” in the quotation is based
    on the Abjad numeral system, a system based on Arabic, Hebrew and other semetic
    languages dating back to before the 8th Century. In this system, each letter of the betabet
    represents a number, so the first letter of the Arabic betabet, alif, is used to represent the
    number ‘1’; the second letter, bāʼ, is used to represent the number ‘2’, and so on.
    This is clarified in another letter to a Baha’i believer by Shoghi Effendi:
    In the Semitic languages—both Arabic and Hebrew—every letter of the betabet had a
    numerical value, so instead of using figures to denote numbers they used letters and
    compounds of letters. Thus every word had both a literal meaning and also a numerical
    value. This practice is no more in use but during the time of Baha’u’llah and the Bab it
    was quite in vogue among the educated classes, and we find it very much used in the
    Bayan. As the word Baha also stood for the number nine it could be used interchangeably
    with it.
    (Lights of Guidance, From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an
    individual believer, February 19, 1932)
    Use of Nine pointed Star
    When searching for the term “Bahá'í”, the presence of the nine-pointed star cannot be
    disregarded. The symbol is used widely in different areas of life, including - but not limited to -
    literature, architecture, gravestones, signage, and websites (for example, uses the nine pointed symbol in its logo).
    Baha’i star used on gravestone markers
    Baha’i star used as signage for Baha’i Centers
    9 pointed star on the dome of the Chicago Bahá'í Temple along with the Greatest Name Ligature
    Bahá'í Temple in India - Aerial View - nine pointed star represented
    Bahá'í Publishing Logo (US Trademark Office: Serial Number 72221623)
    Nine Pointed Star in Bahá'í Literature
    Currently, the governing institution of the Bahá'í Faith employs the five-pointed star and
    nine-pointed star in its Holy Writings and literature to define characters similar to a comma or
    Unfortunately, due to the lack of the nine-pointed star, digital versions of Bahá'í Literature have
    to resort to employing the asterisk in place of the star. For example, In this Persian Hidden
    Words example, the asterisk is utilized as a full-stop/period.
    The presence of those ‘stars’ are common in the Baha’i Writings, including in the Baha’is Most
    Holy Book, Kitab-i-Aqdas (highlighted with circle):
    Given the example above, when published, the stars were replaced with an equivalent star
    symbol that was available in the rotary press. The following represents an example of the
    Kitab-i-Aqdas published in 1899, where the stars are best reflected with what was available
    Due to lack of standardization, other publications used
    different forms of the star. The image on the right
    demonstrates a different star being used than what was
    published in the 1899 edition.
    Baha’i News Paper and Journals
    Since about 1922 the symbol of the 9 pointed star saw more and more use in printed
    publications, with evidence of it being hand-drawn, designed into ornate shapes, or even
    transformed into computer image where possible.
    In “Star of the West” Baha’i Magazine, Volume 13, the following designs were used
    significantly (link to Archives:
    July 1966 U.S. Baha’i News with the 9 pointed star
    An ornate 9 pointed star for one of the series of “Star of the West”
    Other Bahá'í Symbols
    For completeness and in line with how religious symbols and textual elements are handled so
    far in Unicode, we list some more frequently used Arabic Ligatures used in the Bahá'í faith as
    representing (elements of) the religion. It could be imagined to file for adding these symbols
    individually at some later point as they follow a similar pattern as similar existing code points,
    but they are not as essential.
    Ringstone Symbol
    The Baha’i Ringstone Symbol is a calligraphic
    form of the Arabic spelling of Bahá (ﺑﻬﺎء) and two
    five pointed stars combined to be a visual
    representation of core Bahá'í concepts. It's
    frequently used e.g. on the title page of a book,
    on headstones and on jedielry. Using this symbol
    as a representation of the Bahá'í faith is possible
    and has been done, but less commonly so than
    using the nine pointed star.
    The first level represents the world of God, the Creator. The level is represented with the
    Arabic letter ‘Ha’ connected to one another:
    The second level represents the world of His Manifestations. In the Baha’i Faith, Manifestations
    of God are the Prophets of religions, including Jesus Christ, Moses, Abraham, Krishna,
    Muhammad, the Bab, Baha’u’llah, etc. The level is represented with the base of the Arabic letter
    The third level represents the world of man (humanity), represented with the same symbol of
    for the World of God:
    The vertical line (which is the second level, transposed ninety degrees clockwise) that joins
    the three horizontal levels together represent the Divine Messengers of God, which form the
    link between the world of God and the world of man.
    Ringstone symbol placed on the Shrine of the Bab (Haifa)
    Ringstone symbol used on the ring
    The Greatest Name (Yá Bahá'u'l-Abhá)
    The Greatest Name ligature is a commonly used
    representation of the expression“Yá Bahá’u’l-
    Abhá”, an invocation meaning: “O Thou Glory of
    Glories!”. Usage of this symbol is generally
    limited to places with high reverence. It would be
    inappropriate to use this symbol instead of the
    nine pointed star or Ringstone symbol to
    represent the Bahá'í faith casually.
    A very similar example currently available in Unicode to Greatest Name is the Arabic Ligature for
    Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahou Alayhe Wasallam (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) - unicode value U+FDFA.
    The Greatest Name Ligature can be found in Baha’i Houses of Worship and framed in Baha’i
    households. In the case of Bahá'í Houses of Worship, it's common to see the name fitted in a
    nine pointed star that corresponds to the commonly nine sided form of the building.
    Within the Baha’i community and in few Baha’i literature, the Greatest Name ligature is used in
    the start of a document. Similar to � ligature which is used in the Holy Quran to indicate the
    start of a prayer, decree, or a statement.
    For example, in a Baha’i Will, a will must begin with the Greatest Name ligature, before
    writing their Will.
    Image: A framed variation of the Greatest Name ligature held by a member of the Baha’i Faith
    This proposal is an individual proposal not brought forward by any Bahá'í organization
    specifically, out of the perceived lack of the symbol further explained earlier in this document.
    With the presence of Unicode standards and symbols, members of the Baha’i Faith will have a
    common star standard for their literature and have an appropriate way to mark religious affairs
    like places of worship in line with the other already represented religions, as there is no existing
    symbol that could work for this appropriately so far.
    A. Administrative
    1. Title:
    2. Requester's n
    3. Requester typ
    4. Submission d
    5. Requester's re
    6. Choose one of the following:
    This is a complete proposal:
    (or) More information will be provided later:
    B. Technical – General
    1. Choose one of the following:
    a. This proposal is for a new script (set of
    Proposed name of script:
    b. The proposal is for addition of characte
    Name of the existing block:
    2. Number of characters in proposal:
    3. Proposed category (select one from below - see section 2.2 of P&P document):
    A-Contemporary B.1-Specialized (small collection) ✔ B.2-Specialized (large coll
    C-Major extinct D-Attested extinct E-Minor extinct
    F-Archaic Hieroglyphic or Ideographic
    4. Is a repertoire including character names provided?
    G-Obscure or questionable usage
    a. If YES, are the names in accordance with the “character naming guidelines”
    in Annex L of P&P document?
    b. Are the character shapes attached in a legible form suitable for review?
    5. Fonts related:
    a. Who will provide the appropriate computerized font to the Project Editor of 10646 for publishing the
    The requester (Adib Behjat and Joop Kiefte)
    b. Identify the party granting a license for use of the font by the editors (include address, e-mail, ftp-site, etc.):
    Adib Behjat (
    6. References:
    a. Are references (to other character sets, dictionaries, descriptive texts etc.) provided?
    b. Are published examples of use (such as samples from newspapers, magazines, or other sources)
    of proposed characters attached?
    7. Special encoding issues:
    Does the proposal address other aspects of character data processing (if applicable) such as input,
    presentation, sorting, searching, indexing, transliteration etc. (if yes please enclose information)? NO
    8. Additional Information:
    Submitters are invited to provide any additional information about Properties of the proposed Character(s) or Script
    that will assist in correct understanding of and correct linguistic processing of the proposed character(s) or script.
    Examples of such properties are: Casing information, Numeric information, Currency information, Display behaviour
    information such as line breaks, widths etc., Combining behaviour, Spacing behaviour, Directional behaviour, Default
    Collation behaviour, relevance in Mark Up contexts, Compatibility equivalence and other Unicode normalization
    related information. See the Unicode standard at HTUhttp://www.unicode.orgUTH for such information on other scripts. Also
    see Unicode Character Database ( H ) and associated Unicode Technical Reports
    for information needed for consideration by the Unicode Technical Committee for inclusion in the Unicode Standard.
    1PT Form number: N4502-F (Original 1994-10-14; Revised 1995-01, 1995-04, 1996-04, 1996-08, 1999-03, 2001-05, 2001-09, 2003-
    11, 2005-01, 2005-09, 2005-10, 2007-03, 2008-05, 2009-11, 2011-03, 2012-01)
    ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2
    TP PT
    Please fill all the sections A, B and C below.
    Please read Principles and Procedures Document (P & P) from H TU UTH for
    guidelines and details before filling this form.
    Please ensure you are using the latest Form from HTU TH.
    See also HTU U TH for latest Roadmaps.
    Proposal to add Nine Pointed star to Unicode
    ame: Adib Behjat and Joop Kiefte
    e (Member body/Liaison/Individual contribution):
    Individual contribution
    March 26. 2020
    ference (if applicable):
    characters): NO
    r(s) to an existing block: YES
    Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
    C. Technical - Justification
    1. Has this proposal for addition of character(s) been submitted before? NO
    If YES explain
    2. Has contact been made to members of the user community (for example: National Body,
    user groups of the script or ch
    If YES, with whom?
    If YES, available releva
    3. Information on the user community for the proposed characters (for example:
    size, demograph
    4. The context of use f
    5. Are the proposed ch
    If YES, where?
    6. After giving due considerations to the principles in the P&P document must the proposed characters be entirely
    in the BMP?
    If YES, is a rationale provi
    If YES, reference:
    7. Should the proposed characters be ke
    8. Can any of the proposed characters be considered a presentation form of an existing
    character or character sequence?
    If YES, is a rationale for it
    If YES, reference:
    9. Can any of the proposed characters be encoded using a composed character sequence of either
    existing characters or other propos
    If YES, is a rationale for it
    If YES, reference:
    10. Can any of the proposed character(s) be considered to be similar (in appearance or function)
    to, or could be confused with, an e
    If YES, is a rationale for it
    If YES, reference:
    11. Does the proposal include use of co
    If YES, is a rationale for such use
    If YES, reference:
    Is a list of composite sequences a
    If YES, reference:
    12. Does the proposal contain characters with any special properties such as
    aracters, other experts, etc.)? YES
    No name, but received feedback from committee via
    nt documents: Email titled “UTC Document Submission: Emoji Proposal -
    Baha'i 9 Pointed Star”
    ics, information technology use, or publishing use) is included? YES
    Listed under section “History” and footnotes for links to data
    or the proposed characters (type of use; common or rare) Currently rare
    Section on “Nine Pointed Star in Bahá'í Literature”
    aracters in current use by the user community? YES
    Reference: Section on “Use of Nine Pointed Star”
    pt together in a contiguous range (rather than being scattered)? YES
    s inclusion provided?
    ed characters?
    s inclusion provided?
    xisting character?
    s inclusion provided?
  2. CandyRein Black Hole
  3. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]


    Let me begin firstly, and congratulate Fester and Bozakium in publishing this procedure. And all the busy bees in the Hive in attempting too do or keep the dream alive. I have been reading the Hive BB on this topic and decided to give all you busy bees some help. Also Fester and Bozakium can use my dreams and ideas, as we all are buzzing in the same Hive.

    In this revised supplementary procedure of Festers hydrogenation I will dream of 70% - 90% yields. dreaming of 90% greater yields using this method is pure BS as medium to high hydrogen pressure is needed. There is however, only one method that I know that gives 100% yield at one normal hydrogen atmosphere ( 1Atm ) pressure, at 10 deg C, for 20 hours hydrogenation. The catalyst however, is very very difficult to make. The greater efficiency in this revised supplementary procedure is due to cell design and hydrogen adsorbtion.

    Let's Begin !

    1 Power Supplies
    2 Current Regulator
    3 Tests : [ 1 ] Ester test
    [ 2 ] Polarity test
    4 Catalyst : 30 % Palladium on Carbon
    5 Cell Dividers
    6 Cell Design
    7 Cell Resistance
    8 Multiple Parallel Cell Arrangement
    9 Revised Supplementary Procedure

    The power supply is important, but not crucial. Have two power packs that step-down from the mains :
    ( 1 ) 12 Volt, 1.5 - 2 Amps and ( 2 ) 12 - 15 Volts, voltage regulated if possible at 350 mA to 500 mA. Power pack 1 is used to pre-treat or anodize the Pd ingot, and nothing more. Power pack 2 is used in the main electrocatalytic hydrogenation. Simply there is no need to try and lower the current from Power pack 1 down to a useful level. Power packs are cheap and easy.

    Look at file D_1 Figure 1.
    This circuit is optional, but it does two things, regulate and fix the voltage by the Zener diode, and the current regulated by the transistor BC 640. The wire wound variable resistor determines or sets the regulated amount of current, sent through the ammeter. The transistor BC 640 can handle up to 1 Amp at its collector, but use no more then 900 - 950 mA.


    ESTER TEST : Hydroxamic acid test for esters.
    By comparing the colour of two samples produced before the hydrogenation and after, you can determine the amount of ester reduced ( hydrogenated ).
    Pre-test : To 1 drop of the Ephedrine acetic ester mixture in a small test tube before the hydrogenation, add 1ml of 95% ethanol and 1ml of 1N HCl. Then add 1 drops of 5 % iron ( III ) chloride solution. If a violet, blue, red or orange colour develops, then the test below can not be used as something ( contamination ) else is reacting with the iron ( III ) chloride.
    [ 1 ] Place 3 drops of the Ephedrine acetic ester in a small test tube before the hydrogenation. Place another 3 drops in a second small test tube after the electrocatalytic hydrogenation is complete. Now add to both test tubes 3 drops of a saturated solution of Hydroxylamine hydrochloride in methanol ( or 1ml of a 6 % solution of Hydroxylamine hydrochloride in methanol to both test tubes ).
    [ 2 ] Add to both test tubes 6 drops of saturated Potassium hydroxide in methanol solution, or until distinctly alkaline to litmus. Remember add to both test tubes equal amounts. Heat the mixture gentle just to boil, the cool to room temperature.
    [ 3 ] Acidify both test tubes with equal amounts of dilute HCl ( 2N ) and then add to both test tubes 2 drops of 5 % iron ( III ) chloride solution. A reddish ( burgundy ) or violet ( magenta ) colour will indicated the presents of ester.
    Sample taken before hydrogenation is the control, assuming 100% Ephedrine converted into the acetic ester.
    The second test tube having the sample after the electrocatalytic hydrogenation will indicate the amount of ester not hydrogenated.

    Look at file D_1 Figure 3.
    Some power supplies have the current flowing from positive + to negative - And so, errors can occur when wiring up the cell. To ensure that this does not happen follow this polarity test procedure. When current flows in the A lead ( anode, long lead ) of a Light Emitting Diode, and out the K lead ( cathode, short lead ) it glows. If it is reversed it does not. Solder a 560 ohm resistor on the A lead ( anode, long lead ) making sure not to over heat the lead. The A lead with resistor connects (wired ) to the positive + terminal of the power supply, and the K lead connects (wired ) to the Pd ingot. Now, connect (wired ) the Pb electrode to the negative - terminal. By touching the two electrodes together ( make sure clean oxide free surface ), if the LED glows then the current polarity is correct. The current is flowing from positive + to negative - .This means the positive + terminal is the cathode and reduction occurs, and the negative - terminal is the anode where oxidation occurs. If the LED does not glow, then reverse the wires at the terminals. Make sure at all times good connection is made.

    Palladium is the superior catalyst in this reaction. Platinum is the second, but can also attack the aromatic ring of the Ephedrine. 30 % Palladium on Carbon preparation. Prepare a solution of 8.25 grams of palladium chloride, or 9.93 grams of palladium chloride dihydrate in 5 mls of concentrated hydrochloric acid ( HCl ) and dilute with 50 mls of distilled water. Cool the solution in an ice-salt bath and add 50 mls of 40 % formaldehyde solution and 11grams of acid-washed activated charcoal. ( Any of the commercial forms of activated charcoal, "Norit or Darco", may be employed ; the carbon should be heated on a steam bath with 10 % nitric acid for 2-3 hours, and then washed free of acid with distilled water and dried at 100 deg C before use. ) Stir the mixture mechanically and add a solution of 50 grams of potassium hydroxide in 50 mls of water, keeping the temperature below 5 deg C. When the addition is complete, raise the temperature to 60 deg C for 15 minutes. Wash the catalyst thoroughly by decantation with distilled water and finally with 1N acetic acid. Collect on a suction enhancement and wash with distilled water until free from chlorides and alkali. Dry at 100 deg C, and store in a desiccator.
    This makes plenty of catalyst ( approx 12 grams ) for many runs, as only half a gram is needed for each run. The catalyst used in that run is enhancemented and used again, and again until that first half a grams becomes non-active. Usually, 10-15 runs per half a grams.

    Look at file D_1 Figure 2. The green colour denotes the porous diaphragm or membrane.
    Figure 2 a : enhancement paper extraction thimbles, used in Soxhlet extraction apparatus.
    Figure 2 b : plastic tube ( PVC, Plexiglass, Acrylic, ect ) or glass tube with a disc of Whatmans acid-hardened enhancement paper or Whatmans glass-fiber enhancement paper, glued with epoxy glue or the plastic made soft with a solvent. Make sure you create a good seal between the plastic tube and the enhancement paper disc. Acrylic plastic tube placed vertically on a chloroform soaked enhancement paper disc and held there, with pressure, until the solvent dries works well. Place the chloroform soaked enhancement paper disc on a sheet of glass , not plastic.
    Figure 2 c : same as above, with the plastic tube material or glass tube, but the material used in the porous diaphragm or membrane can be made of ( 1 ) Fiberfrax ( ceramic fiber ) paper or finely woven cloth, ( 2 ) Fiberglass (glass fiber ) paper or finely woven cloth, ( 3 ) Carbonfiber ( graphite fiber ) paper or finely woven cloth, ( 4 ) Asbestos ( asbestos fiber ) paper or finely woven cloth. The porous diaphragm or membrane properties can be improved by impregnating the paper or cloth with a methylcellulose gel. The gel is formed by impregnating the paper or cloth with a hot solution of methylcellulose in dimethylformamide solvent and allowing it to cool.
    Figure 2 d : extraction thimbles as used in the Soxhlet extraction apparatus can be purchased as glass walled tubes with sintered glass porous frits. Use a fine porous frit. Finally, potassium hydrogen sulphate ( KHSO4 ) agar gel salt bridge or plugs can be used, but with great care.
    To make the salt agar gel the procedure is : heat 100mls of distilled water in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask just to boil and then place on a steam bath. Add 3.5 grams of agar powder, stir, and continue to heat until a uniform suspension is formed. Then, add 34 grams of potassium hydrogen sulphate ( KHSO4 ) and stir until it goes into solution. Cool the mixture to about 40 deg C, this will not allow the agar to gel, but keeps it liquid for use. The agar gels at room temperature. When making a agar gel salt bridge using a U shaped tube, try not to get air bubbles in the gelled agar, keep it uniform. Finally, plugs of this salt agar gel can be made by adding the liquid gel mixture to Figure 2b & 2c type cell dividers. Also, you can stretch the condom, as used in Festers procedure over a plastic tube ( PVC, Plexiglass, Acrylic, ect ) to obtain a more permeable membrane.

    Look at D_1 C1 to C5
    Keep the temperature of the electrolyte between 20 to 25 deg C.
    C 1: You can purchase cell divided apparatus with a sintered glass frit.
    C 2 : Make the cell divider 2 / 3 the diameter of the glass container ( beaker ), this will keep cell resistance low.
    C 3 : Same setup as in C 2 , but the cathode is a copper foil plated with Pd , and wrapped around the cell divider with gas venting spacers inbetween the cell divider wall and copper foil. Remember the current density is for the entire copper foil area , and only expose the Pd plated area to the electrolyte. The copper foil ( clean from oxides and grease, oil etc) can be plated by placing it in a concentrated solution of palladium chloride PdCl 2 ,or it an be done at the cathode in the concentrated solution of palladium chloride electrochemically.
    C 4 : Straight forward , look at the diagram.
    C 5 : Use a glass walled , fine sintered glass frit cell divider. A large rubber bung with holes ( red colour ) through the top allowing the cell divider and electrodes into the cell. The cell must be absolutely sealed and air tight so no hydrogen gas escapes. A pressure equalization system is setup so the hydrogen pressure does not build up too great and explode the cell. This is done by filling a large test-tube , 2 / 3 with glycerine and immersing a glass tube almost to the bottom. See the diagram. The cathode can be suspended by using a copper wire through a glass tube, and making contact with the Pd ingot fixed to it by drilling a small hole in the Pd ingot and crimpping the copper wire in the hole and finally sealing the end by melting the glass . Seal all exposed copper wire with epoxy resin.

    Each electrolytic cell constructed with different materials , cell dividers , and electrolytes has an internal resistance that is different. Using Ohms Law V = IR, you can determine the maximum resistance at a particular voltage and current. If V = 12 volts and I = 0.3 amps, then 40 ohms is the maximum cell resistance. This means if you measure the cell resistance by connecting a multimeter set at low Ohms, on the Pd and Pb electrodes ( disconnecting the power source ) just before beginning the electrocatalytic hydrogenation , the cell resistance is determined. If it is greater than 40 ohms then a 0.3 amp current will not flow at that voltage AND heat is generated.

    Multiple parallel cell arrangement can be performed from a single power source ( power pack ) by connection the cells in PARALLEL. This lowers the resistance. DO NOT CONNECT IN SERIES.

    PARALLEL CELL ARRANGEMENT RESISTANCE FORMULA : 1 / R = ( 1 / R 1 ) + ( 1 / R 2 ) + ( 1 / R 3 ) R = the cell resistance

    Diagram 1

    Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation of Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine and Phenylpropanolamine

    One (1) gram of purified ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine.
    One troy ounce ingot of palladium
    Glacial acetic acid
    Concentrated sulfuric acid
    Sodium hydroxide
    Anhydrous HCl gas source
    pH-indicating paper
    Kling-Tite Naturalamb brand condoms or cell divider in Figure 2
    Lead or graphite electrode 1/2-inch wide by 3-4 inches long
    Six one-inch alliGAYtor clips
    Several feet of 16 to 20 gauge insulated copper wire
    Variable DC power supply
    Ammeter capable of measuring up to 3 amps, with resoloution to 1/10 of an amp
    Voltmeter (optional)
    Apparatus for Cell C 5 construction.

    One gram of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or PPA hydrochloride is placed in a large test-tube along with 9 mL of glacial acetic acid. The test tube is heated in a water bath until all the ephedrine (in this case) hydrochloride is dissolved. Add 1 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid. Mix it all together and LOOSELY stopper the end of the test tube to prevent steam from entering. Heat the water bath to just about boiling , and use it to heat the test tube and its contents for 2 hours. This forms the acetic ester of the ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or PPA used in the reaction. The solution should appear clear and water-like, completely homogenous. Save 3 drops in a small test tube for ester test. After heating, the reaction mixture can be kept stoppered as is for a few days, but it's best to use it immediately after it's cooked. Next, mix up a solution of 10 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid in 200 mL of water. Take a 250 mL beaker, C 5 cell construction and place it on a magnetic stirrer. Have the cell C 5 constructed beaker, and place a piece of lead ( Pb ) 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter and a 4 inches long inside the cell divider. On the other side of the beaker, insert the one-ounce ingot of palladium cathode. Using alliGAYtor clips, to make contact with the ingot, via the copper wire and with the piece of lead. They are your two electrodes. Next, pour the dilute sulfuric acid solution into the cell divider so 1 / 2 to 2 / 3 full. Next , the dilute sulfuric acid solution is poured into the beaker so that the solution level is about 2 cm lower inside the beaker than the cell divider. The ingot of palladium should be completely immersed. The surface of the palladium ingot should be very lightly sanded with very fine sandpaper prior to use and washed with methanol. This increases its surface area a little and exposes fresh, clean metal. The piece of lead should be scrubbed free of grease and dirt. Measure the cell resistance with a multimeter. A DC current meter (ammeter) should be put in series with the wiring. A good one can be had at Radio Shack for under $50.00. The wires are first hooked up so that the palladium ingot is connected to the positive pole (oxidation) of the DC power supply, and the piece of lead to the negative (reduction). Use the polarity tester to get the polarities correct. The typical one- ounce ingot will have a face with an area of about 6-7 square centimeters immersed in the solution. Only count the area on the side facing the lead piece. The back side doesn't count because significant current doesn't reach it. With this typical ingot apply about 1.5 - 2 amps for 30 seconds to one minute. Oxygen will bubble freely from the ingot, and hydrogen from the piece of lead. Blackening will be noted on the edges of the ingot, where the current is most intense, and a lighter discoloration on the flat face of the ingot. This pre-treatment is called anodizing. It has been found that anodizing increases the ability of the palladium ingot to adsorb hydrogen when the wiring is turned around, and the ingot is made the cathode.

    Next, redo the wiring so that the palladium ingot is attached to the negative pole (reduction) of the DC power supply, and the piece of lead to the positive (oxidation). Use the polarity tester to get the polarities correct.

    Add 1 / 3 to 1 / 2 grams of the 30 % Pd on carbon catalyst and start magnetic stirring immediately. Apply a gentle vacuum to the outlet tube of the pressure equalization test tube so it sucks out the air in the reaction beaker.Turn the juice back on and run between one and two amps of current for about 20 minutes. At first, the amount of hydrogen generated at the palladium ingot will appear small. This is because the Pd adsorbs hydrogen so well. After about five minutes of current passage, the whole surface of the ingot will freely bubble off hydrogen and the 30 % Pd on carbon catalyst is also adsorbing hydrogen. Stop the vacuum after 2 minutes of suction and disconnect from the outlet tube.

    After the 20 minute charging with hydrogen, add all of the ester reaction mixture from the large test tube with a syringe. Use two syringes so one plugs theaddition port at all times, so the hydrogen gas doesn't escape. Adjust the current flow from the power supply so that a current of about 50 milliamps per square centimeter of palladium surface flows. If one has about six square centimeters of the ingot facing the piece of lead immersed in the solution, a current of about 300 milliamps is called for. This will result in some gassing off of hydrogen from the edges of the ingot, but over the rest of its surface the hydrogen will react before it bubbles off. The lead anode will form a brown layer of lead oxide, and will not dissolve at all in the sulfuric acid solution. Some surface particles will be kicked off the lead when it's first charging, but they don't make it through the cell divider. The lead anode can be replace with a piece of platinum if desired, but lead is a lot cheaper. Graphite is another possibilty.

    Keep the temperature of the cell electrolyte between 20 - 25 deg C. Keep an eye on the current meter, as the current flow can change as the reaction progresses if you do not use the current regulator. Keep the current flow around 300 mA ( 0.3 amp ) for the size ingot given in this example. A Coulomb is a unit of charge equalling one amp-second. C = A x s
    96,500 C = 1 mole of electrons.
  5. Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    afro recognition test: in 3 seconds or less, name me the most well know stringed instrument from africa.

  6. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  7. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  8. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Just got this in a fax from my superiors in the Mossad.

  9. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  10. Just the fax, ma'am.
  11. Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    I'll take the evidence
  12. CandyRein Black Hole
  13. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    Give me the CarFax
  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

  16. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Wheel gonts and gontettesm it's that time of the year again to call your brother your mother your husband your bar friend from far and wide leave no one to the side. Universal hugs xoxo full relief and another belief is to cleansed from the healing hands of all of earth's man. I ask you not to call me a prophet but simply a basket, case in point, we will rejoice the juice of the stars amongstesth our holy toes which are seent by the comatose in all their joys and woes and roshambos. Trust a bird a nickel, he wont fight you, trust a bird a dime, then you got a crime. Give but don't give too much because our souls must be balanced by the cards we are dealt AT HAND

    There is no one who I trust more of my saints and fellow brothers than the man who put in my hood. His plural identities form triangles too and forth amongst himself and us all can learn from this sort of divine passion into the rhyme and the school of cool where no body is made a fool…Ouuul.. We can sing and we can dance, but we never know what its like in another gont's pants, we can huddle and we can puddle but theres nothing to say we cant push our shovel, to the crystal sin bins we learn who we are from within, and I cant even totally like OMNG oh fuck they're COMING FOR ME!!!! THEYRE HURTING ME!!! UMmm excuse me officer it was a big black man and he hurt me and stole my wallet and now I might just cry, he told me so many lies :( He was wearing a red blud shirt and some blue crip jeans and see if he got his genes on me dna sequence this fucking sasquatch ass down syndrome ass crusty ass nigga!!! Ooo I'm so lit

    After I got robbed he asked me do I trust him and he LIED TO ME! I thought we had something special and after he untied me he wouldn't even rape me even though I quivered so innocently and gaily by the daily and he punched a big hole in mmy wall and cut me with a razor blade over the nipples and it hurt like fuck and he even stole my bird food and kicked my cat and ratted on me to the pigs like a dog and a chicken. The police came and arrested me in my house for being naked because the lack guy called da 5-0 on me even though I ratted on him to the pig dogs for shrewing me over first and stealing my wlalalaet. Im just so lonely and have no energy and no hobbies and no friends and my life has no meaning I live in sensory deprivation and feel almost nothing because this is like a pseudo existence even though its easy. I don't know how much longer I can take living like this and every time I find a way out of it, it doesn't work. Im literally trapped in my own degenerate situation and theres nothing I can do about it. THATS why I was so glad that he robbed me, finally some human interaction, finally to be emasculated and emancipated by someone so burly and strong with a biggy wiggy ding dong. I wanted him to never leave, we could have talked about our lives for hours, days, years even, I would never want him to go away, we would get married and start a family by adopting blind and deaf children from Vietnam and making them eat mashed up dog food through a straw in a locked shut cellar full of aliens and roach demons and roach alien angels. I hit him up on snapchat and the nigger ghosted me. What a scumbobuloud

    So I've been taking good care of myself, I take a shower, brush my teeth, take my vitamins and supplements and medicines and nootropics and just plain ol' druggity drugs. It's a real quandary how this has came to be. Where do I find someone that I could enjoy talking to about weird bundy-tier shit and juggling recipes for disaster! (involved chayyynsaws). When i'm not shitposting on computer i'm laying in bed dissociating and watching my thousands of constant hppd hallucinations scroll past me and then I realize i'm hallucinating constantly and I have schizophrenia and im in a straightjacket in a maximum security psychiatric wing of a prison for dollar tree's most wanted. I am in this isolation chamber with padded walls 24/7 and the only social interaction I have is them slipping a tray of microwave beans and soggy bread to ensure my existence is prolonged in the limbohell before I go to limbohell. I scream and I shout and I let it all out but they just wont open the door and I just cant take it anymore! Tonight I'm smearing shit on all the ways and then EXPLODING WITH RAGE at the world just so angst man, they will hear my wails of agony and maybe even let me draw a shark with a crayon so I don't kill myself with my writing utensil. Oh no oh no oh no it's happening again I'm getting sucked into the wormhole of hellhole into an ancient realm that only exists in my mind and there are more realities inside the mind inside that reality so on and so force..oh no oh no oh no the gravitational pull!

    I am a quiet and helpful sea amoeba lost on the shore, traveling all the way to the Trinidadi islands. There are many water campers or "swimmers" as the Ak'Nuuj tribe says and sometimes I swim into their bras and give them tiny microscopic donations I enhance their skin cells with calloused material because I help people by being a sea amoeba who makes your skin stronger like a turtle! Starfish #5789385566 has been causing me a lot of problems lately though, he spins in my direction AGAINST the wave so I know he's doing it on purpose, when I use my sea amoeba physical IQ to latch onto a swimmers body to give them turtle skin that protects them against sharp pointy starfish AKA shurikens!! then mr 5789ish… tries to shoo me away and block the contact point so their skin cannot be protected against starfish and then they become a capitalist casualty. I call them shurikens because they really are, the sea illuminati of the great deep state of atlantis run by Soros VonRockefellerRothschildmenoymenoy has been spreading anti-sea amoeba pro-star fish Zionist propaganda to make all swimmers have shuriken-cut skin which enables the radio transmissions to get into my cuts and make me miserable and throw my hat down and just straight up give up mang what is there to lose even, the sea regime means nothing to me and requires anarchy. The sheep need to stop acting like chickens and take on the pigs who act like dogs.

    Ahhh I'm bounce 1 dimensio back up into my straightjacket in the facility, these escapades of fantasy are the only way I can keep my sanity, I discover the farthest niches of imagination in my 2nd reality of perceptual quantity and quality. OH NO IM GETTING TRANSPORTED TO THE EXECUTION CHAIR WTF this wasn't in the contract maybe I thunk too hard can I think myself out of this mortal shell let me die inside before I can die in real life. Oh hey I'm back as the man who got robbed by a black man did you miss me? SPOILER ALERT: It was all a dream inside a dream inside an inception inside a 12loop inside a spiraling O I had PTSD and dissociated from the black man not being my friend and I saw my desperation personified as a psych patient who saw himself as someone who has been unfairly excluded like the sea amoeba. Now we can resume the choir.

    The fabric of reality is woven by the hand of consciousness and we're all part of a bigger picture and on a stage for the metaphysical entities to judge us by how we participate in this game. This is the trial round before moving on to the incorporeal state, where those who have been good are in the fabric of reality and those who are bad are in the fantasy fabric of entropy, Or is the next state incorporeal? Either way our actions are what determines our fate, other's fate, and especially our own. We can take a religious cracker wafer from the saint but will we hear the saint of paint when she faints? I disagree and I cant believe and I'm starting to seethe at the fires that breathe
  18. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Fred is gay

  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Narc Fred is gay


    Why don't you go suck his dick then, faggit?
  20. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
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