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Asking homeless people for money when they come up to ask me for money.

  1. #1
    Bradley Black Hole
    Folks I think this is gonna be my new strategy when one of these dirty, stinky parasites come looking for a hand out. I'm even gonna wait until they ask me something to take my headphone out and i'mma say

    "Can you help me out with a dollar?"

    "Uno Denaro por favor amigo?"

    I think that'll be a nice change of pace for them.

    Bruh yesterday there was a guy walking around asking people for 88 cents, and 1 guy actually gave him a dollar. The first thing he did was ask the guy directly next to him "Can you help me out with like 88 cents?" LOL ppl so goofy.

    Ask that nigga "Can you help me out with 87 cents?"

    You know i used to occasionally give these people a dollar in Milwaukee, then one day I was 1$ short for beer so I stood outside of a liquor store and asked 10-12 people over the next 30 minutes if they could spare me a dollar. Not a single person gave me shit and that was when my heart turned to stone and I said I'm never giving a homeless person shit.

    Bro one time this guy was moping about how hot it was outside so I gave him a beer, I shit u not he put it in his backpack, I"m like u aint gonna drink it with me? he said no i dont drink i'mma sell it later. LOL! I gave him a dollar for the beer back and told him I will never give a homeless person something to drink again.

    "hey sir , squse me sir, sir, white man with the galsses, yes sir, i just wan---"

  2. #2
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    The asking for x amount of change is because if you ask for an odd amount of change most people will give you a dollar instead. Hell there's homeless people out there that would give you a dollar if you ask. I always hated ungrateful people though, that dude should have definitely drank that beer with you, that kind of stuff irks me.
  3. #3
    Bradley Black Hole
    bro if I get a homeless person to give me a dollar while i'm doign this to fuck with people I'll give him 5$
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    They don't even ask for change in my hood anymore, they demand it, and if you don't pay them they will follow you to your car and start trying to get inside or bang on the window going COME ON MAN PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!!!

    several times a week if i'm crossing the street, in the middle of the street the person will stand in front of me and just hold out their hand towards me, when I walk past them they just walk in front of a car and stand in the middle of the road until the light turns green and the cars all have to go past them and they still stand there with their hands out

    They aren't even begging, they are just expecting everyone in the world to pay them for existing. Entitlement, 'Hand is out' means GIVE ME MONEY and you're a piece of shit if you don't play along. A lot of people play along and just give them all their change all the time (which is why they act this way)

    why bother asking when you can just stand in one spot and move towards a person and gester your hands and mutter instead of having to hold a sign or ask for help from the bottom of your heart, just go BEURJHEURHUWH MONEY NOQ!!!!W!!!! SIR SIR !!! *hold out hand*

    I suspect all these people had good careers beforehand and made lots of money doing some bullshit fake job and then the economy gave them the boot and they are like wretches that have no reason to exist, the only thing they understand is that people used to give them money, it's the only thing they understand how to do. It's what happens when an entire population of good little worker drone slaves unable to think for themselves become abandoned by society and they can't even help themselves. They are like ghouls.

    some of them are normal but it feels like those ones are the seasoned veterans of DA STREETS they don't lose themselves to the machine, you can look in their eyes and see a person. I think the ghouls are people that had normal lives a few years ago and never experienced any hardship in life
  5. #5
    Instigator Space Nigga
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
    All the ducks are swimming in the water
    Fal de ral de ral do
    Fal de ral de ral do
  6. #6
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I always hated actually asking people for money but I'd definitely fly a sign when I was out there. It's not demanding anything and people will either give you money or they won't. I was always happy to get food and clothes or anything too.
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