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  1. CandyRein Black Hole
    Riptotse is not a sober head lol he does crack sporadically…
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein I was reading this article and these people who did LSD were talking about talking to God and the amazing answers to many questions he gave …

    It made me think about trying it for like 2 seconds lol…

    But I could never …but I wonder if they were talking to God for real

    It could have been God, but it could also have been the demons pretending to be God. They're very tricky and devious.
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  3. CandyRein Black Hole
    That’s very true ….
  4. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I was reading this article and these people who did LSD were talking about talking to God and the amazing answers to many questions he gave …

    It made me think about trying it for like 2 seconds lol…

    But I could never …but I wonder if they were talking to God for real

    yes you can definitely talk to God on LSD or Mescaline. I wouldn't describe it as fun or enjoyable though it's more along the lines of intense power that should be respected to the highest degree as it's almost like a direct hotline uplink communicating to higher power and I would not mess around with it lightly or take it on a whim

    if I ever take any such substance again i'm not eating for a week before. The pain of throwing up your SINS on high doses and tripping is not fun, it's the most intense physical and spiritual pain i've ever felt more intense than any hard drug or opiate or amphetamine.

    I have more fear & respect for tryptamines than any class of drugs. That shit is very real, the people are not lying or seeing "hallucinations" it's something else, higher levels of reality that our brains cannot physically understand no matter how hard we try, we are not evolved enough for such high truths
    Our point of view is that there are many levels of
    "Temple membership". As the Prophet Isaiah said, "Hear
    O Heavens and listen O earth, it is the Lord speaking.
    I have reared, have brought up children and they have
    rebelled against Me.
    A bullock knows its owner, a mule its master's
    manger, but My people don't know."

    We consider everyone who ingests Entheogens to be the
    Children of the true "Israel", however, most of them
    don't know who God is.

    The Buddha talks about different "levels" of
    membership. (members)

    So, for us there are those who: (the outer court)

    1) ingest Entheogens but don't know that Entheogens are God;

    2) ingest Them and believe They are God;

    3) believe Entheogens are God and that our Temple is the true
    Body of Christ (Buddha, Moses, etc.);

    and: (the inner court)

    4) those who have given up their life in the
    world to devote themselves to the Temple.

    It is the last group – those who have given up their
    life in the world to devote themselves to the Temple –
    that most people would think of as being "Temple

    "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but
    whoever gives up their life for my sake will find it."
    –St. Matthew, 16.25
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  5. But, yeah, psychedelics can definitely open a doorway through the matrix and allow you to converse with outside entities. The Indians did it this way for thousands of years. And the ones before them. They could actually draw detailed diagrams of entire star systems with pinpoint accuracy, without ever being able to see these systems in the sky, by conversing with aliens across the "continuum", using peyote and other mind-altering substances. It's for real. I've done decades of study on the topic, and it's absolutely for real.
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  6. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    idk i've had a lot of spiritual type experiences on everything from alcohol, nicotine, weed, huffing nitrous, binging on meth. After a while it starts to seem more like I am just mentally ill and drugs can just make you more easily perceive MAGIC and wild shit like ask any tweaker the meaning of 666 and demons and you will hear the most insane shit you ever heard in your life and it's all fake

    LSD and those type of drugs seems to force people into seeing the "truth" though like it's not brain damage it's your consciousness being so expanded that it's impossible to not believe things that are real. A lot of people take LSD once and then stop taking all drugs forever and become permafried jesus freaks which is almost in complete contrast to the tradwife revival movement of protestants converting to trad catholic and they have still never taken a single drug in their entire life and believe smoking weed is the DEVIL

    I don't get it *tokes* *does meth and LSD* *see8s God or Demons or maybe it's just brain damage*
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  7. CandyRein Black Hole
    I know they say …THAT BLACK BITCH


    *Nelson from simpsons pointing and laughing gif*

  8. CandyRein Black Hole
    A&W cream soda is so damn good
  9. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    manufacturing LSD
  10. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by CandyRein Imma die having never done hard drugs or going to jail and I’m okay with it

    You haven't lived woman

  11. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Buff Billy manufacturing LSD

    Is it true LSD's doing life without parole now?

  12. Originally posted by CandyRein Imma die having never done hard drugs or going to jail and I’m okay with it

    How many of your patients have fentanyl patches?

    How many are allowed to leave if they want to ("I'm going home, my husband will be waiting for his dinner")?

    Old age makes fools of us all.

    I couldn't work with old people. Too real for me.
  13. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ There is an evidenced-based standing theory that certain animals, such as bees and ants, can generate an anti-gravity field using sonic generation techniques. For example, the weight of the bumblebee should scientifically make flight impossible, yet it flies regardless. The theory is the wings of the bumblebee are helping in achieving flight, but there is a secondary function of anti-gravity being generated by the frequencies the wings produce.

    what about wasps? they're like Anti-Bees and like satanic little fuckers that murder entire bee colonies and steal their food and eat the bee's babies.

    WASP are evil, You Hear me White Nationalist. YOU'RE THEIVES
  14. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc You haven't lived woman


    Abusing hard drugs isn't fun for a lot of people. I think there is a lot of fear around the idea that doing cocaine/heroin/meth once will make you addicted for life. I've done all that and more and I prefer AMP but honestly it's not that good of a drug technically speaking there are too many side effects and it hits the receptors wrong.

    All of the problems/addictions are a result of drugs being illegal. I think if all of it was legal society would have gotten bored of meth/opiates/crack long ago and switched to future based research chemicals but WHAT DO I KNOW *tokes*
    (written in the 80s)
    This emphasis is important because when a large-scale move from heroin to a heroin-surrogate occurs in our society, it will be only through a change of metabolite pattern that this substitution will be detected. Only such analytical evidence will reveal the nature and extent of the "opiate" drug abuse problem.

    The term "when" rather than "if" heroin substitutes appear is used intentionally, for this transformation seems economically inevitable4. The poppy plant from which heroin is obtained grows primarily in the Near or Far East. The plant-produced opium is processed to morphine, which is then converted synthetically into the diacetyl derivative. It is this latter material that is imported into the United States. The current approach to the control of heroin usage is through interference with the importation of this product. As this restriction becomes increasingly effective, and without a corresponding decrease in demand, the drive to create alternative materials that are not opium dependent will grow.

    Many of the very effective substitutes for morphine (and to some extent valid as heroin substitutes) are in fact chemically derived from opium alkaloids as a starting material and therefore do not meet these requirements. A large family of synthetic derivatives of thebaine, however, is an exception; although they are dependent upon the P. somniferum for the original starting materials, they are intensely potent in humans. As a consequence of the 10,000x increase of potencies obtainable from such chemical transformations, the manufacture of these drugs as morphine substitutes would be economically feasible in spite of successful restrictions on the importation of the raw chemical materials.
  15. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump How many of your patients have fentanyl patches?

    None. She sells them to me and I scrape the gelatin part off with a razor blade and smoke it off foil. We don't want them getting addicted and falling into street drugs. AND THE GOVERNMENT SAYS THIS IS ILLEGAL DRUG TRAFFICKING?? WE'RE FUCKING HERoES
  16. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    When they get an opiate script we trade them some dank hydro, a pound of Crouton, and a pamphlet about the wonders of LSD. There is a hidden dose coated on the paper somewhere but you have to solve a logic puzzle to find it (or just swallow the entire paper)
  17. Or lick the entire paper.
  18. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Imma die having never done hard drugs or going to jail and I’m okay with it

    Psychedelics are very interesting and I recommend you try some type, considering you smoke weed. If you are in the right setting with the right people it will change your life for the better.
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  19. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    I wanna try this
    Instead of seeing trippy stuff, you hear it
    DiPT's effects are primarily aural. At lower doses, Alexander Shulgin reported effects similar to a flanging or a phase shift. At medium and higher dosages, the effect of DiPT is typically a radical shift downward in perceived pitch. This shift tends to be nonlinear[disambiguation needed], in that the shift downwards varies in relation to the initial pitch. This can produce bizarre sounds and render music disharmonious.[1] There has been an experiment involving subjects with perfect pitch, the goal of which was to determine whether the pitch difference is truly distortive or linear, the results of which indicated that there is no clear relationship between perceived pitch and actual pitch.[1] Aside from these, the most prevalent non-auditory effect is inner ear pressure (which has been painful in some instances, for example when combined with MDMA).[1]
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  20. skynet is real and it now has a pet

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