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Here we go again. Gain of Function Wuhan Research

  1. #1
    it surfaced, then memory-holed and now admitted (But in the "Generic form, Yes") at Wuhan funded by Americans.

    Also memory holed was the labs in Ukraine doing the same thing where the Biden's had some investments in? I forgot how that story went. did that happen 10 years ago in 2014?

    so they created this fucking piece of shit. and in 2019, a Harvard Professor (Lieber or some name like that) and his two Chinese students were being watched by the FBI. the two students went on the run. one being a PLA Officer/Captain (female) and got away with viles while the male student was caught with viles. just before COVID19 broke out officially.

    Former Harvard University Professor Sentenced for Lying About His Affiliation with Wuhan University of Technology; China’s Thousand Talents Program; and Filing False Tax Returns

    its like they cleaned up the story and got him on tax evasion instead. "Take this deal"

    Also Elon Musk in the NY Post yesterday
  2. #2
    Now people are saying the Jabs are "fake and gay" all over again.
  3. #3
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    the DEFUSE program

    it's why Fauci's congressional hearing was all him just trying to pilpul the definition of 'Gan of Function' - EcoHealth Alliance was experimenting with modifying coronaviruses using funding from the DoD that was given to them on the explicit condition that they not perform any gain-of-function experimentation
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    Originally posted by ner vegas the DEFUSE program

    it's why Fauci's congressional hearing was all him just trying to pilpul the definition of 'Gan of Function' - EcoHealth Alliance was experimenting with modifying coronaviruses using funding from the DoD that was given to them on the explicit condition that they not perform any gain-of-function experimentation


    did you read about the Harvard professor? do you think it had to do with Covid19 or just another research on something else?
  5. #5
    I know this sounds crazy (as you guys call me) but around August or September of 2019, I got super sick. I was let go of a job and some of the people were talking about some strange sickness going around. I got my last paycheck, went home, started coughing a little blood up. and the next day I couldn't cough. it was like not vacuum or opposite vacuum to cough up. it was just difficult to cough. no pressure. and I got a fever of 102.8. then close to 103. then I got up and I was hungry but dizzy and hot. I tried to eat breakfast and couldn't taste the cereal but I didn't have a cold like sniffle or stuffy nose.
    it was surreal. it tasted like cardboard. then I tried to cool down with vanilla ice cream and it tasted like ice.

    this had 3 waves of this shit for about 2 months. at least 6-7 weeks. I would get better then it came back. I have never tasted food the same since. I have lost like 50% of my taste buds since 2019. months before Patient 0. people tell me other virus can do this but I never in my fucking life heard of this or experienced this. and I was doing Uber at Cal with lots of Chinese kids going to and from China and coming back to Cal during breaks. I'm wondering if I had that virus before it was official. I bet anything the lady in Washington State wasn't the first one.

    people said they spliced Genes or gnome or whatever the hell goes on.
    but one of the students said they can also do it zoonoticly (old school of just crossing species to gain of function a virus before making a vaccine before nature does it and usually gaining a few months in advance)
  6. #6
    Buff Billy African Astronaut
    The potential benefits of utilizing ClO2 include the
    destruction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the human body,
    the treatment of COVID-19 symptoms, and prevention of
    post-acute COVID-19 syndrome, or long-haulers
    syndrome. With the favorable aforementioned safety
    profile, it would appear that the beneifts of low dose
    aqueous ClO2 therapy far outweigh the risks.


    Chlorine dioxide is a well-researched and widely used
    antimicrobial agent with strong virucidal activity. An
    examination of the scientific rationale for using aqueous
    ClO2 to treat COVID-19 suggests the key factor
    influencing the safety of this molecule is the dose. At low
    doses, ClO2 is safe and is not associated with adverse
    effects. However, at high doses it can cause hematologic
    and renal complications. As Parcelus aptly warned more
    than half a millennium ago: "Sola dosis facit venenum" or
    “the dose makes the poison.” As with warfarin,
    chemotherapeutic agents, and even aspirin, we must
    understand the safe therapeutic dosage range if we are
    to use a therapy effectively and avoid untoward events.
    This dictum applies to ClO2 as well.
    Controlled, double blind studies examining the use of
    ClO2 as a prevention and treatment for COVID-19 are
    needed. A dispassionate assessment of the evidence-
    based risk-benefit ratio indicates a scientific rationale
    exists for the examination of ClO2 as a potential treatment
    for COVID-19. Hyperbolic press reports and alarmist
    statements that fail to discriminate between different
    formulations, concentrations, and doses of ClO2 only
    serve to increase confusion and impede scientific inquiry
    into the potential uses of this molecule as a therapeutic
  7. #7
    Buff Billy African Astronaut
    OpenAI Gain of Function Test

    2 types of participants:
    > Wetlab biology experts with PhDs
    > Undergrad level with one bio course

    Assigned to 2 groups:
    > Google and any other non AI source access
    > + ChatGPT access

    Each participant asked to complete a list of tasks normally involved in bio threat creation from idea to release.


    > No difference in risk from AI.
    > The ChatGPT group was slightly more successful but under the statistical threshold

    > Biorisk info is easily accessible without AI 🤣

    > It’s an actual gain of function test!
    > Actually no, because they disconnected the steps, so if you ideated ebola, you'd be asked to acquire for anthrax..
    > They had to remove the safety guardrails for ChatGPT version provided to participants, if not it would refuse to answer questions

    > We are drifting away from AI Paperclip End Of World to AI as powerful tool in hand of human
    > The obvious next step is to declare certain kinds of information dangerous and restrict access
    > As Congress has said “we’re not going to make the same mistake we did with social media”, seems like really a push to reverse information openness
  8. #8
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    guess I failed to prevent this turning into a retard fiesta
  9. #9
    I want my reparations for the coof
  10. #10
    Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Yes let's ban AI and all science because the vaccine made us gay!!!

    You're being brainwashed by communist primitivists
  11. #11
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy it surfaced, then memory-holed and now admitted (But in the "Generic form, Yes") at Wuhan funded by Americans.

    Also memory holed was the labs in Ukraine doing the same thing where the Biden's had some investments in? I forgot how that story went. did that happen 10 years ago in 2014?

    so they created this fucking piece of shit. and in 2019, a Harvard Professor (Lieber or some name like that) and his two Chinese students were being watched by the FBI. the two students went on the run. one being a PLA Officer/Captain (female) and got away with viles while the male student was caught with viles. just before COVID19 broke out officially.

    its like they cleaned up the story and got him on tax evasion instead. "Take this deal"

    Also Elon Musk in the NY Post yesterday


    Not good Wozny, I thinky our mental faculties are beginning to decrease in a measurable form
  12. #12
    Bradley Florida Man
    I think if anyone's gonna solve an international conspiracy of the highest order it will be 1 schizophrenic guy on a forum full of drug addicts.
  13. #13
    Buff Billy African Astronaut
    viles is what we call Hebrew lab assistants engaged in AI gain of function research

    Covid was great, I was sad when it turned out to be nothing. It's unfortunate that regulations and vaccines were the response but if we could cook up something similar every few years so there are like 200 different covid-like viruses that have completely different profiles floating around the general public there is no way the government or big pharma would be able to deal with it.

    I think 5 simultaneous covids would cripple the world economy and force us to evolve past government regulated technologies and finally into the space future technology age. The accelerationists were right! It's pretty clear we are being held back and the fears of AI gain of function research are based out of this fear of the state and the 1% losing power to something invisible and not even human.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy I know this sounds crazy

    no it doesnt.

    it just sounds like you need serious amount of professional help before you hurt someone you love ir just unfortunate enough to be in the vincinity you happen to be.
  15. #15
    Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Gain of function is more than confirmed to be "what happened" at this point. But the entire perspective is framed wrong on each side
  16. #16
    Originally posted by Bradley vials*

    Not good Wozny, I thinky our mental faculties are beginning to decrease in a measurable form

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