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Do you guys think it’s actually possible

  1. #21
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry Being bi and in the closet is name same as you being straight up open gay.

    well ia have sex with women too, but only if they look like my straight male freinds
  2. #22
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry Being bi and in the closet is name same as you being straight up open gay.

    like if u didn't wanna have sex with me (Which you do secretly) but you had a twin sister who looked just like you, I would have sex with her
  3. #23
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry Your a faggir which is literally the same thing as a prdophile in Poland.

    Doesn't that mean you're a faggir too? If it's the same thing as a pedophile
  4. #24
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    It’s seen as one and the same and I’m neither. In I tot even chicks not little kids bro.
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