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Q: for the ladies and hos

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Solstice You're everything that is wrong with shitty American today. Bleeding heart liberal, feels sorry for dem poor blacks and immigrants, scared of Big Brother locking him up for talking the wrong way, protects the jedis despite the fact they fucking hate him…..what the fuck is wrong with you

    Dude I was just playfully being mean towards you because I thought that was the thing to do on here. I'm not liberal at all. YOU GUYS ARE YOU SON OF A BITCH
  2. #22
    I take that back Im old school liberal but turned more conservative.
  3. #23
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Lady and ho checking in: what's your question?
  4. #24
    Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Iron Ree There have been multiple studies proving this is fact. But obviously nobody wants millions of niggers in their backyard but i'm just saying if it's a question of physical space that argument doesn't hold much water because unless a person lives in a densely populated area there is obviously tons of room to spare

    Total World Population = 8.1 BILLION X 2 = 16.2 BILLION crammed into Texas....and you think that's plausible...

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