Michael Myers
victim of incest
[divide your nonresilient tucker]
I have not watched the show but I wouldn't watch it if it's feminist. I mean I don't really like western shows anymore because they like to shove nudity down our throats but I watched the latest season of True Detective and holy fuck that was some real ethnic feminist SJW bullshit. I'm glad I skimmed through the scenes because the reveal was absolutely dogshit. Would have liked it better if it was a stand-alone series but I admit the whole libtard feminist woke thingy was just cringe.
Michael Myers
victim of incest
[divide your nonresilient tucker]
I haven't watched the Barbie movie either because I mostly watch Japanese TV shows and movies and not anything else. In fact, I was supposed to watch one right now but instead I'm shitposting on forums. Go figure.
i would give you his telegram or messneger or insta but i know youre jsut gonna try to stir shit up or make me into some weird pervert dude to him or make even some shit up on me if i give it to you so…
the only reason i bring these two shows or movie sup because this guy did in this interview guys right here why most men ar einvisible to women at 4:10 in:
nsaah they think theya re like wes watson or male gurus for other males to take lead from in life and when it comes to women. they think they are beta males.
Michael Myers
victim of incest
[divide your nonresilient tucker]
Right, so they're basically Andrew/Akhi Tate type of dudes. I don't watch that kinda stuff, it's like a waste of my time because I don't care about the dating world as I am not participating in it.
Yes they’re eobsessed wirh getting numbed and banging his as a numbers game for me sex is only a sport when it comes to under 18 teenagers tho everything else is too easy.
I just wanna get close to that ukrianian neighbour girl who is Nic police and maybe I’m guessing but who knows 13 year sold who lives under me and be like cuddly together perfectly legal no sex no me touching butts or breast.
But if you listen to them talk they are western men westerners in blood and guts and all because they are still single and probably in early 40s or my age and it snot something bad to go one ages be single this age literally Poland is so fucking religious and backward if you don’t have a wife at their age or mine or Star Trek pół where think something is wrong with you and that’s a problem folks.