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state of the game industry

  1. #1
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    You should make a video game about your life
  3. #3
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    lol the nintendo fanboy is having a bad year BOO HOO

    yeah it is a bad year for video games if you're a fucking NORMIE RETARD but not if you're me!

    Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode, Manorlords,

    All kinds of cool new shit if you know where to look, lots of projects going on. If I hear anyone complain about Xbox, Sony or Nintendo I just laugh because it sounds to me like your investment of buying all 3 mainline systems like a CONSOOMER isn't paying off when you have to wait half a year to play a AAAA game that will probably suck.

    Hey don't worry chums i'm sure PS6, switch 2 and Xbox720 will have better graphics and 60FPS ack ack ack! xbox 360!? how about I turn 360 degrees and walk out the door!
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man

    I agree
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