User Controls

Attendance Management

  1. #1
    Banny Yung Blood
    My boss just asked me if I wanted "to get paid for today" I said of course and she said "okay hand in your swipe badge ID and clear out your locker at the end of day"

    She was standing in front of the building waiting for me.

    Gont life.
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^you got cucked you gont
  3. #3
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Boss: You wanna get paid for today?
    Banny: Well, I sure ain't workin' for free, am I?
    Boss: So, you DO want to get paid for today...
    Banny: Yeeeahhhh.... is this a trick question?
    Boss: Ok, hand in your badge and get all your stuff out of the building by 4pm.
    Banny: Wait! Can I NOT get paid for today? I've changed my mind!
    Boss: Absolutely! So hand in your badge right now and then clean out all your stuff and I'll have security escort you out in 10 minutes.
    Banny: *bows head*
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