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"The levant belongs to Israel!" "No it belongs to Palestine!"
2024-03-25 at 3:27 AM UTCWhatever happened to land belonging to whoever conquers it?
Land doesn't "belong" to any particular group of people just because they inhabited it previously.
whether designated as a group by ethnicity, language, culture, etc, at the end of the day, a plot of land is owned by whoever occupies/governs it.
"But... but the 2 kingdoms of Israel! Da jediz where there 4 ever! And... And da twelve tribes, folx!"
Yes, they where. Then the levant was conquered by the Romans. After that the Byzantines held it, until the Rashidun, Umayyad, and Abbasid caliphates conquered it. Then it was held by mamluks, and then ottomans, etc.
It is utterly pointless to argue that a specific group of people are entitled to a plot of land just because they at one time inhabited it.
These are my thoughts on the matter. Is there anyone that disagrees? I would like to hear another viewpoint on this subject.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2024-03-25 at 3:35 AM UTCwhoa
Originally posted by Ecto the plasm 99% of laws are expensive bullshit that do nothing but keep elites in power to extract wealth from goyim like you that pay devoted lip service to every pillar, forming an impossible to defeat force of retardation.
I will call this NEO-FASCISM…of course it exists already
"Neo-fascism usually includes ultranationalism, racial supremacy, populism, authoritarianism, nativism, xenophobia, and anti-immigration sentiment, as well as opposition to liberal democracy, social democracy, parliamentarianism, liberalism, Marxism, neoliberalism, communism, and socialism."
Here's the cope: Society is all that and more, weather you think it's good/bad or not is clearly meaningless as communists will vote for democrats, most people just don't vote at all because it's impossible their fringe beliefs will ever work anywhere
That's why all these communities exist online and the western world is the digital world.
In places like muslim countries they have to bring the war on the ground to become propaganda on the internet to recruit people, it didn't start on the internet like a lot of things are these days.
They are fighting active constant social and political fractions even without all the social problems of the west. They have LOTS of guns and a questionable numbers of mass shootings
I think the most powerful moment of the entire ISIS conflict was when they stood at the borders of Syria and Iraq and threw down a holy sword
The last time someone tried to annex a country (Iraq), well i'm sure you know the story..
and now look at what happens if someone wants to invade Ukraine, something which hundreds of years ago happened on an almost daily basis everywhere
They lickd their wounds and the strongest were our great great grandfathers
Nation states are basically at the point now where they are so borked compared to our technological advancement that it would be like if the Roman Empire knew how to make guns and bombs and planes and nuclear power, but banned it as evil witchcraft against the state
You are serfs to a global economy -
2024-03-25 at 3:51 AM UTC
2024-03-25 at 3:55 AM UTCI agree, I think they should just fight it out
2024-03-25 at 4:02 AM UTC(Sephardic) J'ews have always lived in the region; the issue isn't that they're there, it's that they're trying to enforce an ethnostate and push out or kill all the Arab natives.
the British sliced up all the local borders, then sold off something like 5% of the land to the J'ews (specifically Eastern European Ashke J'ews, not the local J'ews), and the J'ews terrorbombed the British until they left, allowing them to claim the entire territory. the J'ewish gangs that had been terrorising the British (Stern Gang, Irgun etc.) then proceeded to terrorise the local Arabs in an attempt to force them to leave which largely succeeded - the remainder were forced into ever-shrinking ghettos.
the only reason they were ever able to do any of this is because of their outsized nepotistic and parasitic influence on the 'great powers' such as Russia, Britain and the US. they're not conquerors or warriors, they're conniving merchants who have been able to convince others to do their dirty work for them.
Netenyahu and much of the IDF come from the Irgun, and he himself unveiled a plaque at the King David Hotel commemorating the Irgun's bombing there, blaming the British for the people who died in the explosions. a bombing that was originally performed in order to destroy evidence of previous J'ewish terror attacks such as bombings, mass killings and targeted assassinations, without regard for the civilians in the building.
israel has no legitimacy whatsoever. all western funding and support should be withdrawn so that they have to deal with the monsters they've created.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2024-03-25 at 4:10 AM UTCAmerica has always been owned by whiter people
2024-03-25 at 4:11 AM UTClook at George washington
2024-03-25 at 4:19 AM UTC
Originally posted by ner vegas (Sephardic) J'ews have always lived in the region; the issue isn't that they're there, it's that they're trying to enforce an ethnostate and push out or kill all the Arab natives.
the British sliced up all the local borders, then sold off something like 5% of the land to the J'ews (specifically Eastern European Ashke J'ews, not the local J'ews), and the J'ews terrorbombed the British until they left, allowing them to claim the entire territory. the J'ewish gangs that had been terrorising the British (Stern Gang, Irgun etc.) then proceeded to terrorise the local Arabs in an attempt to force them to leave which largely succeeded - the remainder were forced into ever-shrinking ghettos.
the only reason they were ever able to do any of this is because of their outsized nepotistic and parasitic influence on the 'great powers' such as Russia, Britain and the US. they're not conquerors or warriors, they're conniving merchants who have been able to convince others to do their dirty work for them.
Netenyahu and much of the IDF come from the Irgun, and he himself unveiled a plaque at the King David Hotel commemorating the Irgun's bombing there, blaming the British for the people who died in the explosions. a bombing that was originally performed in order to destroy evidence of previous J'ewish terror attacks such as bombings, mass killings and targeted assassinations, without regard for the civilians in the building.
israel has no legitimacy whatsoever. all western funding and support should be withdrawn so that they have to deal with the monsters they've created.
Israel would've been eaten by the Arab league if it weren't for uncle sam. Lucky bastards.
The British and French are directly responsible for a great deal of middle eastern and african troubles. Chopping up the land like a loaf of bread.
Israel has been aggressive against arab states since I can remember, occupying Sinai, the Golan heights, and now this war with Palestine.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2024-03-25 at 5:06 AM UTC
Originally posted by Kingoffrogs war with Palestine.
Your first foolish mistake is in the thread's title, and I suppose it does not shock me that you have yet to be corrected. This site is a disgusting hive of vile antisemitism. Palestine does not exist. It is not a country. No country called "Palestine" has ever existed. Nobody is "at war with Palestine", because Palestine is not a party that exists for another to be mutually belligerent with. There are simply hateful, violent, barbarous arabs - a people who rose to power on the backs of a bastardized version our faith, and who have never forgiven us for creating the opportunity for them. A despicable, subhuman people. Israel is no more "at war with Palestine" than you are at war with the cockroach infestation in your trailer. -
2024-03-25 at 5:09 AM UTC
Originally posted by Rabbi T. Weed Your first foolish mistake is in the thread's title, and I suppose it does not shock me that you have yet to be corrected. This site is a disgusting hive of vile antisemitism. Palestine does not exist. It is not a country. No country called "Palestine" has ever existed. Nobody is "at war with Palestine", because Palestine is not a party that exists for another to be mutually belligerent with. There are simply hateful, violent, barbarous arabs - a people who rose to power on the backs of a bastardized version our faith, and who have never forgiven us for creating the opportunity for them. A despicable, subhuman people. Israel is no more "at war with Palestine" than you are at war with the cockroach infestation in your trailer.
2024-03-25 at 5:15 AM UTC
2024-03-25 at 1:01 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2024-03-25 at 1:16 PM UTCPalestine is a region not a state.
2024-03-25 at 1:39 PM UTC
Originally posted by Instigator Palestine is a region not a state.
There exists only Eretz Yisrael and the modern state of Israel. There is no Palestine. In fact, perhaps it would be best for the goyim to think of this word itself as being "made up", if it would help you to comprehend how utterly meaningless those syllables are. -
2024-03-25 at 1:43 PM UTC
Originally posted by Rabbi T. Weed Your first foolish mistake is in the thread's title, and I suppose it does not shock me that you have yet to be corrected. This site is a disgusting hive of vile antisemitism. Palestine does not exist. It is not a country. No country called "Palestine" has ever existed. Nobody is "at war with Palestine", because Palestine is not a party that exists for another to be mutually belligerent with. There are simply hateful, violent, barbarous arabs - a people who rose to power on the backs of a bastardized version our faith, and who have never forgiven us for creating the opportunity for them. A despicable, subhuman people. Israel is no more "at war with Palestine" than you are at war with the cockroach infestation in your trailer.
Originally posted by 88✝ĦShadow88Legion✝Ħ88 okay let's just pretend nothing existed before the year 1900 hurr durr
2024-03-25 at 1:53 PM UTC
Originally posted by Ghost
Originally posted by 88✝ĦShadow88Legion✝Ħ88 okay let's just pretend nothing existed before the year 1900 hurr durr
This ended in 1948 with a heroic declaration by David Ben-Gurion. The 28 years between 1920 and 1948 are all that we shall pretend exists then, I suppose? Nonsense. Even if one were to support this preposterous claim to Eretz Yisrael, it could only be hypocrisy born of antisemitism: the modern state of Israel has existed for 3 times as long as your asinine British mandate did. -
2024-03-25 at 3:11 PM UTCIf the Holocaust happened where did they find all these jedis to put inside Israel when they opened up?
2024-03-25 at 3:12 PM UTC
2024-03-25 at 3:23 PM UTCAny way guys
What's a levant? -
2024-03-25 at 3:35 PM UTC