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What are you thinking about....

  1. Warcry Certified lover boy
    i fuck teenagers for sport.
  2. Warcry Certified lover boy
    as a recreational activity.
  3. Warcry Certified lover boy
  4. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Warcry your wrong i got deported because i didnt want to stay in an ice center and incarcerated for fighting back against raphael luciano and his scamming ways. for basically defending my honor against a deadbeat father.

    Originally posted by Warcry you are so ignorant that wasnt the case that got me to prison look at dates. secomndly, you are just as bad as kafka claiming fox wanted to and all the suer sher emolest that 14 yr old just for tlaking to her or say wanting to meet her which isnt true. what mkaes you think you know everything or what i wanted vs say what fox wanted?

    Originally posted by Warcry i dont have to. i dont have to tell anything to a judge nor ever had. if you actually knew your rights as a black eprson youd know that you dont have to talk to cops or judges you hire lawyers to do that and seocndly i wont ever see a courtroom or lawyer again most likely. thirdly again why make things up why not admit i ams tupid or cant do math or got dates worng because if that guy was me that was over 15 yrs ago and how many yrs ago i got deported? why cany ou or the people on reddit just be honest? like why lie and make thing sup how does it help your case? when the age of consent is 15 where im at why lie that it isnt?

    I guess we're not playing "it was that OTHER guy who got deported for starting fights and trying to molest kids!" anymore
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Warcry Certified lover boy
    actually it was. you got no proof. and no i didnt start fights i simply was agaisnt deadbeat fatherhood. and secondly i said that guy meaning if she claims it was me than the math still wouldnt add up.
  6. Warcry Certified lover boy
    the point still stands even if i was that guy i wasnt deported for that that guy if he was deported it would be like 15 years ago whichw asnt the case with me so i wasnt that guy., thats her claim or statement i was deported for … not mine.
  7. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Warcry the point still stands even if i was that guy i wasnt deported for that that guy if he was deported it would be like 15 years ago whichw asnt the case with me so i wasnt that guy., thats her claim or statement i was deported for … not mine.

    you kept starting fights and trying to nonce kids, convicted of both, it doesn't really matter which one the deportation order was for
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Warcry Certified lover boy
    so now youre double temaing. the point is shes a lier. or a moron whos eignorant. thats the point. i dont have to explain anything else i already got my point across and i said if that was the case if i was the guy id be deported 15 yrs ago but i proved my point and now youre just double temaing on me. thats what lsoers do and bullies and weak minded ppl you do know that right?
  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein You didn’t try to nonce at a water park ?

    Originally posted by CandyRein Yes or no ?

  10. Warcry Certified lover boy
    Originally posted by ner vegas you kept starting fights and trying to nonce kids, convicted of both, it doesn't really matter which one the deportation order was for

    it does because it proves shes a lier or a retard. i wanna know which to constantly claim iw as deported for something specific which woudlnt be the case or possible.
  11. Warcry Certified lover boy
    and also this guy if you claim thats me i dont wouldnt be any worse than fox. you have no proof of anything that he wanted to do anything more than what fox wants.
  12. Warcry Certified lover boy
    i dont understand why retarded people or normies have to lie to get somehting across like why lie that the age of consent isnt 15 in poland or that its worldwide at 18 why do this? on reddit especially?
  13. ner vegas Space Nigga
    I don't understand why you're now pretending that guy isn't you even though you made several posts in this thread saying 'that's not why I got deported'
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. CandyRein Black Hole
  15. Warcry Certified lover boy
    Originally posted by ner vegas I don't understand why you're now pretending that guy isn't you even though you made several posts in this thread saying 'that's not why I got deported'

    because my point is it wasnt and she was lying or is playing dumb thats my point i already won or got across i dont have to explain anything to you and me saying that snot why isnt admitting to be some guy nor do i care my whole point was only shes lying and a lier.
  16. Warcry Certified lover boy
    i owe you no epxlanation i dont owe anyone double temaing on me a single explanation esp liers who were already proved wrong or to lie. why would i epxlain anything to liers and coweards whod ouble team? and wont admit theyre wrong on anything?
  17. CandyRein Black Hole
    Lmao @ because
  18. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Warcry i already won

    people who 'won' don't need to shout that they won
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. CandyRein Black Hole
    You won a one way ticket out of the USA is what you won
  20. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Warcry i owe you no epxlanation i dont owe anyone double temaing on me a single explanation esp liers who were already proved wrong or to lie. why would i epxlain anything to liers and coweards whod ouble team? and wont admit theyre wrong on anything?

    doesn't feel good being cornered by someone who wants to prey on you huh
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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