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Why do you guys do fink

  1. #1
    Warcry Space Nigga
    Girls who are like 15/16 are willing to hang out with or meet older guys bout who are like 18-22 and not in 30s and up? I mean adult is adult by the law right so what difference exiles it make? Just as a ducking a dick whether dot horse or human right?
  2. #2
    Bradley Black Hole
    the older a man gets the more wrinkly, dusty, and underperforming sexually he can.

    For instance most 18-22 year olds can get an erection

    And sucking a horse dick is way different than sucking a human dick, so wrong.
  3. #3
    Bradley Black Hole
    if you were watching bestiality porn, high on mephedrone, and this young teen brought out this old horse that couldn't get an erection, would you watch him get his ass eaten?
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
    I like my girls like I like my skateboard adventures
    at the top of a hill and going quickly
  5. #5
    Bradley Black Hole
    I used to jack off to Avril Lavigne when I was a teen
  6. #6
    Instigator Space Nigga
    Chill out

    Whatcha yelling for.
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